Is it possible for an adult man who disdains adult women but is strongly attracted to young teenage and early pubescent girls to ever change?
Is it possible for an adult man who disdains adult women but is strongly attracted to young teenage and early pubescent...
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You don't disdain adult women, you're just afraid of growing up. It's an extremely common problem, you're basically a 2nd tier normie.
no I mean, I really disdain adult women. I don't find I can relate to them. I don't even like my own mother, because i'm not successful enough she dislikes me and doesn't even like to mention me. apparently i'm a failure of a son despite being living on my own independently younger than all my siblings, just because she hates my personality. women simply use adult men and dispose of them when finished, i've seen my mother do it many times. my sisters and cousins too.
I simply don't think I could ever fall in love with a woman my own age, or past the age of say 20. I'm fixated only on girls in their teens, especially younger teens. And I'm nearing 30 now... I don't think this will change.
Exclusively date childish-seeming asian women. You'll be fine.
Yes, it's always something connected with childhood and growing up and you fix it by going to psychiatrist
>liking young women means you don’t want to grow up
Sounds like you’re a bitter 30 year old used up women. Sorry you didn’t get your prince.
god... most women who are interested in dating me are like 27 and single moms or something... how can I be interested in females like this?
I know I missed the boat on impregnating a teen when I was that age, I just wish there was a reasonably avenue for older men to meet women in their teens or something. age of consent where I live (and marriagable age) is 16.
if i convert to islam can i get a middle eastern 16 year old bride? doesn't seem too bad. i want to have a family to support.
Fucking paedophile. I'm reporting you.
>hurr durr pedo
i literally said aoc where I live is 16
>I am 30 years old and want to date a 16 year old woman I'm not a paedo I swear
I already reported you so good luck on explaining it in court, especially after posting "loli" pictures
i just said 16 is marriage age
how do you bring this up without getting the cops called on you
>ever change?
I've found as I get older my idea of attractive women expands, not changes.
Yes the 18 year olds still look hot, but many of the 30 year olds do also.
They won't, people who are afraid of committing a crime won't actually do the crime. Plus confidentiality between patient and healthcare provider
Getting laid.
I rarely fap to loli anymore after I got a gf.
dude the main thing is I honestly don't think I'm even interested in most adult females.
i mean i guess I can force myself to date them or have sexual encounters, but it truly doesn't feel fulfilling. a lot of the time I've had sex in my life, I've tried to force myself to imagine I was with someone else or a younger girl just to get off.
Well I think you might just be attracted to young looking people? Because desu a 30 yo like you is unappealing to 99% of 20 yos unless they want your money. People in their early 20s are more pretty because they are younger, but beautiful people will be beautiful their whole life as long as they take care of their health.
Feelsbad to be old. Also if you like ACTUAL KIDS you're just a psycho and should die imo
I do take exceptional care of my health, through healthy eating, multivitamins, lifting at the gym 3 times a week, tons of regular cardio and just grooming and hygiene in general, no alcohol or smoking. I've honestly never gotten sick in years, every time I go to the doctor I just get told I'm in exceptionally good health. As for just liking young looking women, it runs deeper than that.
I dislike adult women. I don't like what an adult woman is. I've dated enough of them to know what they're like. I'd had sex with enough of them to know it doesn't truly satisfy me. I truly don't believe I could ever fall in love with a woman over the age of say, 22 or something like that. Even that age is really pushing it. I know my own mother and sister enough to know what they're like. Adult female nature is just something I find reprehensible. To me it makes about 20x more sense for a man to marry multiple young females and then divorce them once they reach a certain age and lose any kind of appeal. The idea of growing old with a woman... is just incomprehensibly horrid to me.
An adult woman is that which has already passed its prime, a rose already bloomed that has already begun withering. She's no longer innocent or appealing, she now knows that the only way to truly achieve her goals is to exploit her female sexuality wherever she can. Women would scorn their own son if he wasn't enough of a man in her eyes. Women will choose to kill their own children out of convenience.
In the end, I think I'll spend my life only pining after girls who have just begun puberty or are in their early-mid teens. Even by their 20s, most females have already begun to rot.
i'm pretty sure in canada if you told a psychiatrist you've thought of engaging in "statutory intercourse" with a younger female they'd send you to jail or at least lock you up somewhere
There are special sites for paedophiles
>reading this post
You are exceptionally creepy even for a hebephile, mate
I'm not a pedo.
This is the whole thing. It's really fucked up to be like this and not desire to have functional relationships with adult women. I honestly fantasize about going to a third world country just to meet families willing to marry off their teenaged daughters for a sum of money or whatever. It feels like more of a "happy ending" than whatever normal people's relationships are like.
You are a 30 year old who wants to fuck little girls (aka under 18yo) that's sick and it makes you a paedo or whatever stupid name you want to call it. You are a sick bastard and I hope no 16 yo would go near you
You don't know any girls under that age and are basing this entirely on your addiction to creepy Chinese cartoons designed for latent pedophiles.
Maybe you missed out on highschool romance and love and now subconciously seeking it
I have the same thing and i wish i couldve just known what it was like to be a girls first and be the first guy to drive her somewhere and dance with her at prom, do you have those feelings?
>but age of consent is 16
Still doesn't make it entirely okay and if anything sorta encourages pedos. Never really understood that argument. Its not the government directly saying "hey its okay to fuck kids" but it also doesn't thwart anything.
I can't help that girls of this age group are what's most attractive to me. The only reason I use cartoons is because obviously it's illegal to have pornography of females of that age.
Honestly this part I can somewhat relate too. There's so much focus on teenage romance in movies, shows or anime, and it feels like this part of life I missed out on because I was an awkward, extremely anxious nerd and was also fat at this point in my life. The truth is, right now I'm far more attractive than I ever was as a teen. Compared to the out of shape nerd who played video games and read books all day, the me of today lifts weights, is in great shape, works and lives independently and has gotten over almost all anxiety issues. As a teen I was incredibly shy, now I have the confidence to just approach women casually if I'm interested in them and have gotten success I never would have had at that age.
Part of me wishes I could turn back the clock, fix who I was at that time and maybe if I could have had a successful teen romance or sexual encounter, that would get me over this fixation on teenaged girls. But I don't think such things are possible, and to be honest I doubt that even if such a thing were possible, that it would truly change what I am.
Of course you can't help it. That's why why go to psychiatrist with it
I'll assume that the problem is predominately one of personality rather than physical attraction. Have you tried dating self sufficient women? I personally can't imagine dating a woman so lacking in personal drive she can go through life without needing a fulfilling career. That could be your problem.
please rope yourself
Reminder that if she is above 13 it's not considered pedophilia. It's still not legal until the age of consent, but those anons virtue signalling have no idea what pedo even means. It's being attracted to kids before puberty. For most girls that's 10-11.
So, if you do go after 16 year olds, not only is that not pedo but also legal where you live. And it's only immoral if you treat her bad.
What you should perhaps worry about is that you don't really have chances with them.
It's personality and physical attraction.
I honestly think Western society is fucked. The females are mentally fucked, and this drives men crazy. I think in time there will be a population growth problem in the West like Japan has.
It just seems so much nicer to import a wife from somewhere.
I don't see why I couldnt court a 16 year old. The real issue is how to meet them when youre a fulltime working adult.
Try posting on [s4s]. You’ll fit right in.
Also they have generals about a really good anime that some claim cures this issue. Others say it makes it worse. Give it a try, you never know :^)
And if you don’t see any threads you like, make them yourself! I’ll always be there to make sure they’re well-received.
Screwed up the link
yea just find a small woman, they dont age as fast or something
Yes. Get therapy. You need some help.
Lobotomy and Castration ASAP
>An adult woman is that which has already passed its prime, a rose already bloomed that has already begun withering. She's no longer innocent or appealing
>I'm not a pedo.
>I honestly think Western society is fucked. The females are mentally fucked
>It feels like this part of life I missed out on because I was an awkward, extremely anxious nerd
You sound like someone who uses Jow Forums or Jow Forums too much. Stop visiting Jow Forums, watching anime, and spending your time doing anything that supports your views. You will notice that your viewpoints will become less extreme the less time you spend around people who support it.
>I do take exceptional care of my health
I said "beautiful people will be beautiful their whole life," not "ugly people that take care of their heath can be beautiful. You're no brad pitt, you're just an old man, just accept you're not attractive.
Honestly, you're just going to become more and more depressed as you get older. It's true that young women just don't like old men, you don't have to appeal of a milf, the only place where women "like" old men sexually is in porn
I don't go to Jow Forums at all. It's a bunch of losers. Also why would I go to Jow Forums? I'm an immigrant born from a muslim family living in Canada, I'm basically everything Jow Forums hates. Granted I'm not muslim myself (grandparents were) and I pretty much live as an independent Western man, but as long as you're not white Jow Forums will hate you.
I think you're failing to understand the problem here. Jow Forums and anime doesn't have anything to do with it, even after abstaining from these things for years at a time, my viewpoints did not change. If anything, it was the experience of going out and dating women closer to my own age that made me more and more fixated on younger girls, distinctly because they were UNLIKE the women I was pursuing relationships with.
I'm probably more attractive than you are. I'm not "old", I haven't even hit 30 yet. In case you haven't noticed, basically every female on planet earth has daddy issues and most of them prefer mates older than themselves. When I was in high school the girls in my classes weren't even that interested in my classmates, they were more interested in older guys in college or who had already started their careers. They admired celebrities who were all in their 30s and 40s. I've never been more attractive than I am now. Even as a shy fat nerd in high school I had girls interested in me, and was too retarded and autistic to make anything of it. Now that I'm an adult man I get multiple Tinder matches every day and most women tell me the main reason they were interested in me was because I seemed attractive. It's never anything to do with how much money I'm making or anything like that, it's always "you're such a handsome, confident guy" or "you have such a manly voice" or "you're very muscular".
You guys probably have some image in your mind of me as some hideous, emaciated aging nerd. Because that's what you'd expect someone with my particular predilections to be like. But the truth is, I'm not.
the meme board can be pretty funny but i doubt it will be a source of meaningful advice on this issue.
also to this person, keep in mind someone like R Kelly is literally 50 years old, bald and bearded as hell, and yet he has high school age girls lining up to meet him and become his concubines.
I mean I really don't want to start some sex cult (one good girl is enough) but the fact that a man that age can still attract women so young is yet another reason I feel confident that I could court a girl around the age of 16.
why not just kill me instead?
Fucking third wave feminists.
I posted on here a while ago about being in love with an 18 year old girl and got blasted as a pedophile for three straight days.
Fucked up jealous feminists will call a man a pedo simply for loving a woman younger, not younger than him, but younger than the angry third wave feminist.
I'm not feminist you stupid fuck.
Also there is a fucking difference between 18 year old and 16.
>Everyone that doesn't support 30 yo fucking 16 yo is a feminist!!!
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate
>if anything sorta encourages pedos
Not that user but the fact that age requirement is so low it encourages paedophiles to pry on young girls. In your normal country if age of consent is 15 then your 15 year old wouldn't be able to date someone over 18, basically there would be max of 3 years of gap and more is consider as preying/paedophilia
Please learn the definition of paedophilia, it doesn't mean what you think it means.
what do you mean by this word?
Oh yeah sorry, it's another word to make it seem like it's not absolutely disgusting :)
Using their young age and inexperience to abuse them sexually
>Using their young age and inexperience to abuse them sexually
Do you think that happens in every instance of age-gap sex? Do you believe that a 15 year old can consent to sex with another 15 year old, but not someone older?
Do you understand how psychology works? There is HUGE difference between 15 and 19 year old. No matter how "mature for her/his age they are". You can have 5 years of gap when you are 18 or 20. Not when you are still not done with puberty and are a fucking child.
How does the age of the other person affect a 15 year old's ability to consent?
most females are pretty much finished puberty in early teens. they're literally at prime breeding age when they're about 14-16.
Also no dude, in Canada (Ontario at least) you can date a 16 year old as long as she consents, even if you're like 35.
no my name is not Justin
I don't get it.
I will never understand people like this who think 15 year olds are actually this stupid. Or think there's some enormous mental growth that suddenly takes place on your 18th birthday.
When I was 15 years old, I could figure out whether or not I felt like doing something sexual with another person. For most people at that age, their sexuality is essentially already fully developed. You can tell if you're gay or straight, what kind of females/males are attractive to you, whether or not kissing someone feels good, etc. When I was say, 10 years old, I could not say the same thing, I barely had any sexual feelings or any understanding of what sex was. If when I was 15, my really hot geography teacher with a thicc ass put the moves on me, I would have totally been down with it. And I would have been mature enough to know I was down with it.
The real question you need to ask yourselves is, how old is 15 really? When I was that age I was already working a job, I had already tried weed and drinking, I was thinking about which college I was going to, and was trying to get laid with girls in my class. A lot of 16/17 year old girls in my highschool were having kids or getting abortions, usually with a significantly older boyfriend.
This is what I mean. People think sex is some incredibly dangerous fucked up thing. For god's sake, people have sex all the time and nothing happens. And we live in an era where people are more educated about protected sex, safe sex, consent and all these things. And still they think a young teen can't make a decision like that.
>This is what I mean. People think sex is some incredibly dangerous fucked up thing. For god's sake, people have sex all the time and nothing happens. And we live in an era where people are more educated about protected sex, safe sex, consent and all these things.
>A lot of 16/17 year old girls in my highschool were having kids or getting abortions, usually with a significantly older boyfriend.
*to sex.
Yes, we live in an era where 16 year old girls are considered mature enough to decide whether or not they want to carry a child, and also are considered responsible enough to practise (or not practise) safe and protected sex. Just because YOU don't think someone should have a child at 17 doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to decide for themselves.
If anything the fact that this is normalized only helps my side of the argument.
Generally when you stop living your life as an eternal man child, you will start to realise that you and a teenage girl have zero in common.
If you think adult women are boring, try having a full conversation with anybody under the age of 18.
You'll probably never stop finding them attractive though, as they're effectively the perfect age for breeding and therefore, more likely to be more physically attractive than older women.
Well I mean, plenty of men meet their wives in a foreign country and essentially promise them a better life in a first world Western country, and in many cases marriages like this can be very long lasting, sometimes lasting even a lifetime. Sure some people disapprove for whatever reason, but who are you to judge other people's happiness? The woman gets a supportive husband and a better life, the husband gets the wife he wanted.
If anything, it seems like it would be better to marry a girl from one of these places when she's younger. Given marriageable age here is 16, it seems like a reasonable option to find a young girl willing to marry as well as a family willing to let a man take her hand in marriage. I'd even do something like help support her family back home or help her family eventually come to Canada, because that would probably make a potential wife happier overall.
Strangely I find it much easier to talk to younger people than older people. I've said it multiple times in this thread, but I take exceptionally good care of my health and stay very physically fit, I'm a very high energy person. I usually keep in touch with the latest trends and basically have taste in things that someone younger would have. Like I've said, I'm very into anime, gaming, music and things like that. Compared to my peers who are closer to my own age, it's very difficult for me to relate to them. So many of them seem like they're already getting "old" and tired of life and working in general, they seem out of touch with current trends and things young people are interested in. I also find younger people are just more "refreshing" in general compared to older people who are mostly set in their ways. In comparison, even people my own age tell me I seem like I have a very youthful energy and seemingly never run out of steam. I might be nearing 30, but I've never felt healthier or more youthful.
>very into anime, gaming music
>eternal manchild
I'm not saying that you're wrong for finding it easier to connect with younger people, just that it suggests that you're less mature than the average person your age. Some might argue this is a good thing, others that it is an indication that you prefer younger people because they're less likely to notice your lack of maturity.
It isn't doing anybody any harm (although I've yet to meet a teenage girl who has dated an older man and not had a bad experience) but the reasons for older men going for younger women tend to be either because they're a lot hotter, easier to manipulate or easier to impress.
Of course there are always exemptions though.
Well, I don't care if I'm an eternal manchild. I've been working and living on my own since I was 20, and I know damn well most people my age aren't "mature" enough to be doing that. Most of my friends from high school still live at their parent's houses. If I can still be a good boyfriend, husband or father one day, aren't I still a decent man in the end? I have cousins who are still into anime, gaming and music even in their late 30s or even 40s. And these guys have great jobs, are married with kids and in the end, no one can tell them nothing. So maybe my taste in females is a lot younger, is that so bad? I don't want to manipulate someone, where did I ever say something like that?
Aside from the fact that you are a pedo (liking girls in early teenage years jfc) you could easily just become a sugar daddy. You could have relationships with women in the legal age range that satisfies you and have it only last while they continue to do so. You’re never going to get a string of women who will be with you until you think they’re ugly unless you are paying them or buying them nice things. There are apps like tinder nowadays that are specifically for people looking for a sugar daddy/baby relationship so I suggest going on them.
Wow lad, calm down. You don't have to explain yourself to me or anybody.
He is a manchild, and like any other child seeks external approval and acceptance, that's why he writes long posts to explain himself.
Haha. There's a diff between 16 and 18? Do tell.
>At 18, a white beam shoots down onto you and turns you into an adult.
You sound underaged.
ITT: old cuts who are pissed that younger women are more sexually attractive and who can't get the fuck over themselves.
Uh, because 15 are fucking children? And it's extremely easy to pressure them into something? There is a reason why they can't buy alcohol or vote
Canada the heaven for paedos I see.
>if they are capable of having children it means they are emotionally mature enough to consent to a paedo predator
You should be allowed near kids you fucking disgusting paedophile
There is a huge difference between 15 and 18 year old, unless someone is a retarded 18 year old. If you were at the same level as 15 yo kids when you were 18 then it just means you were retarded and immature
Oh yeah, 12 year olds think that they can figure out whether or not they feel like doing something sexual with another person. Why don't you fuck them then you sick fuck?
>I had already tried drugs when I was in middle school
Boys want sex a lot sooner than girls that's why you have such a difference in masturbation among young girls and boys.
Young pussies are nicer for sure but it takes a special kind of pedo to willingly date a teenager. They are made for good old pump'n dumps, not relationships. Frankly I'm not surprised people (women) on adv get upset at posts like that. Just take a momeent to think about mental state of a dude who is like 30 and wants to be in a serious relationship with a brat half his age. Disturbing
OP just do what every other guy does and use daddy- issues girls for sex
>turns 15-19 difference into 16-18 difference
>implying I didn't say that 3 years of difference below 18 is normal
Kill yourself faggot
>Child fuckers in this thread desperately trying to pass 30 yo guy and 16 yo child relationship as normal
>m-muh fertility, sh-she can said yes after good amount of pressuring and stalking so it's okay
>not wanting a teenaged wife with daddy issues to marry and impregnate
>wanting a wife
>a teenage wife at that
you gotta be a masochist
>wanting a child wife that will get fucked up emotionally over years of being abused sexually by an old creep and forcing into weird fetishes in young age
You misunderstood me. How does the age of the other person affect a 15 year old's own ability to consent to sex?
>>sh-she can said yes after good amount of pressuring and stalking so it's okay
Whoever said that?
>abused sexually
>forcing into weird fetishes
Where did all this come from?
having a teenaged girlfriend who wants to be a mom would probably be the only thing that could make a guy like me buy a ring. would happily be a supportive father.
and the only fetish id engage in is footplay snd maybe some light bondage/daddy issues stuff. im not that monstrous.
>not that monstrous
>wants to have a childbride
teens are not children. if she's 16 she's old enough to decide for herself if she wants to be married and have a child. and if she enjoys being tied up that's bonus
I disagree. The brain is not finished developing. Teens at that age and up until past 18 are still in their "rebellious move away from parents" stage. They are more likely to take risks. They don't have the frontal lobe development to temper their desire for action with reason like an adult. They don't have the same ability for forethought, planning, organization, or understanding of consequences.
Also, in my family, the women mature pretty late. Absolutely none of them were in the right position physically or mentally to get married or have kids at 16. And even though some girl physically mature before then, the brain does not stop developing even when they look like adults.
It's not the same. There's too much neurological difference and growth between 16 and 20.
Because they feel intimidated, it naturally creates a pressure. There is a reason why no normal 15 year old has 20 year old boy friends with which they hang out just like that
Abused sexually comes from the pressuring into sex
Your want for ddlg or whatever would be forced on her
Then good you'll never buy a ring, sick fuck. You are monstrous because you want to have a child as a bride
oh please, it was perfectly normal for years for older men to marry girls in their teens. only this stupid modern western society has decided to make it taboo and have the age of consent and marriage at 16, which is not a child by the way. you people act like sex or marriage are these huge decisions a person shouldn't be allowed to make, it's more dangerous to let someone who's 15 years old drive a car than to have intercourse, which plenty of 15 year olds and even younger teenagers engage in.
Also I didn't know what ddlg was until googling it just now. This sounds pretty sexy to be honest. I would love to find a young girl, at least 16 so it's legal, interested in this kind of relationship. Even if she doesn't want marriage or kids it sounds like it would be a great sexual outlet.
No it's not normal for grown up men to marry not fully developed yet women? What are you even talking about?
Omg you actually imply that not only 16 is enough, but less is enough you fucking disgusting paedophile. Kill yourself fucking hell.
I will pray to God no teenage girl would go near you in private because you are a dangerous child abuser and paedophile
16 is high age of consent for a lot of European countries. 14 and 15 would be more normal. 16 is somewhat high in general. The US has rather high ages in general. Some places are much lower.
Top links from google search
Why America still permits child marriage
Child marriage is still legal in the US
>In half of US states, there is no legal minimum age for marriage; a 40-year-old man can, in theory, marry a five-year-old girl.
And much more.
>it was perfectly normal for years for older men to marry girls in their teens. only this stupid modern western society has decided to make it taboo and have the age of consent and marriage at 16
Nope it never was.
If you got to justify your fetishes (because that's what it is) don't try to twist reality.
Cases of older men marrying younger women were never the norm - and even in these cases the girls were usually in their mid to late teens.
I'm from country with 15 and everyone would see OP as paedophile and wouldn't date him. When my cousin was 16 and she had 20 year old boyfriend people looked at her funnily and at him like o paedophile.
Yeah but can someone who is 25-30 years old actually manage to get a 15 year old GF who might marry them?
You're like one of those people who only likes dogs when they're puppies
You need your parent's consent to marry before 18. So good luck convincing her and then her parents. Of course you would have to do that discretely if you don't want to be jailed as a paedophile
but is it really so wrong for a girl at that age to decide she wants to get married or have kids? I just don't get why people think someone can't make that kind of decision at 16 when they're allowed to drive a car at that age. Even the drinking age of 18 is lower in a lot of countries.
Honestly this. I don't get why people act like it's such a big deal for a girl to have sex at 15.
Back in the "good old days" before all this liberal western values took over and second and third wave feminists happened, it was pretty normal for adult men to marry teenaged girls. Often times they'd be married their whole lives and have multiple children together.
>20 year old dating a 16 year old is pedophilia
i'll never understand how people think like this.
ironically, veal is one of my favourite meats
it's the belief that it's possible that keeps me going.
Because 20 is mature biologically while 16 is still not fully developed
Oh yeah and then a girl couldn't say anything to it and usually they were disgusted by that. They were rarely happy and were dying sooner than nowadays. Also girls were like a thing to be given up for ground to plant crops on. There is a reason why no young girls want to marry old men like you, because they don't feel attracted to you, often they don't want even to have children, most would be scared and intimidated by you, not even starting to talk about you being seen as repulsive by them. While men love the idea of "le tight little pussy and flat not yet developed breasts" because you associate young age with fertility even though girls are just as fertile as when they are 20. Actually I made a mistake here, only fucked up men do, normal men take someone who is developed.
And before, it was firstly reinforced to marry a child, and secondly marriages weren't based on love most of the time, it was like a trade deal, girl for a piece of land and 300 (specific value)
I'm sure I could find a young girl who would appreciate a supportive husband. But again, I don't know if it will be in this Western society. This is why like I said earlier it might be best to go to a foreign country.
Also for god's sake I'm not "old", I'm not even 30 yet. But I don't know, after all the discouragement from people I wonder if it's just better for me to settle for one of those 18-20 year old women who just happen to be very petite and look extremely young permanently. Also no I don't care how many people look at me and think i'm a pedo or whatever, if I had an attractive young looking girl I'd be happy.
Oh yeah, she would appreciate a supportive husband. Not a paedophile.
You are old from the point of view of 15 year old. Being 18 when men over 22 hit on me the first thing I think about is that they are repulsive paedophiles. Not about how they would be "great supportive husbands". And literally every girl I know find these creepy too. Not even talking about 15 yo being hit on by someone twice her age.
If you do something to a young girl I sincerely hope her father would find you, torture you, and murder you.
>very petite and look extremely young permanently
That's what I did, she's 22 now, still looks the same as her middle School photos
>Being 18 when men over 22 hit on me the first thing I think about is that they are repulsive paedophiles
The fuck? That's nothing for an age difference
Why do I get the feeling that you're now nearing 30, no man wants you now and you're bitter?
>I'm 18 and I think 22 year old guys hitting on me are pedophiles.
you sound like poor marriage material.
out of curiosity, did you have attraction to teenagers for a time too? do you find you no longer have these thoughts or desires after focusing mainly on your current woman?
Not for you. For many girls my age it already is creepy.
I am 18 and in relationship since I was 15 so your "feeling" is wrong