why is there a new drive on my computer called (H:) , iv never seen it before and it contains data and can store even more data but i dont have access to it. what is this? virus from the dank web?
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Could be a virus. Could be some plugged device (USB-flash drive, phone, something else with SD card memory, etc.).
ya , just checked all my usb ports and its not that unfortunately. looking more and more like a virus but scanning it reveals nothing , the data on whatever it is : is 46.3 MB free of 96 MB. has anyone seen something like this? its just called SYSTEM (H:)
Did the total memory volume on your PC change?
Upload the image (PrintScreen) of the data (including hidden files) on that disk.
Did your copy of windows recently update?
There was an update for me that created a hard drive volume that was a few hundred megabytes.
>Did the total memory volume on your PC change?
i guess technically yes because there is a whole new drive there bu also no because i cant access it . says i dont have permisssion
Run diskmgmt.msc & see WTF is that.
Take a look at this real quick and tell me if it looks similar to your situation.
weird i ran diskmgmt.msc and i cant even find it, seems i can only see it in file explorer.
it doesnt look like this but could be related my main hard drive is basically full.
Can you post a screenshot of your diskmgmt output?
i hope this worked , is this even what you wanted?
K, now a screenshot of the properties window from right-clicking the offending drive in explorer.
roger roger
Shamelessly stole this. Pliss run following commands in prompt.
list disk
select disk 0
list volume
Copy and Post the output. You can click on the icon on the menu bar. Click Edit > Select All. Then Edit > Copy
We will get through this user
screenshots make this so much easier
Ok, suspicions confirmed.
Your system partition has become unhidden.
Why? I don't know. I wouldn't rule out viruses.
mountvol H:\ /D
in elevated command prompt.
Is that it?
Why do you even have those shady areas (100 & 828 MB)? For viruses? Kill 'em all.
That is your boot partition iirc.
Your OS needs it to live.
It isn't unreasonable to think that something could tamper with it to load code as your OS is booting, thus undermining your Antivirus software.
Anywho, did the command from hide the drive in explorer?
for some reason i cant make \ symbol in command prompt
follow the keys
or just copypasta the command
it goes qwertyuiop[] then enter key , are you fucking with me?
He's not. That command sets the computer to wumbo
I can type it just fine
it should be asdfghjkl;'\ but \ just makes a weird Y symbol
Fucking hell, this is gonna be roundabout, but do you have a number pad on your keyboard? If so, you can hold alt and type 92 on the numpad and it will type a \
dident work.... just made the same Y symbol
Can you type the Y symbol here? Is it a ¥?
ya its a ¥ , is this because i Japanese locale?
i need that for naughty things
Just copy pasta the command then
even if i copt the prompt the \ changed to ¥ when i paste it in.
One guy's fix:
>For Windows command-prompt, I edited the desktop command-prompt shortcut. Right-click the icon, Properties, Options tab, check "Legacy Console". This worked like magic for me on a Windows 10 64-bit PC.
dident work , hey do you have any guesses as to what system (H:) is? i dont want to factory reset if my computers fucked i just got a lot of stuff in order
Like I said, a system partition that is normally hidden has become visible for some reason.
No immediate reason that I can see to have to reset anything.
Just ignore it.
Just leave the ¥, it works as a \ on Japanese locale, see pic related
so in this case the locale merely affects the way in which the characters are displayed? Interesting.
How about stop watching poo in loo muttahar and his typical Indian tier shit poor advice on how to use the deeb web and instead, do better research next time on how to safely use that place.
oh i was jokeing about "dank web" i dident mean dark web i just meant general internet fuckery i haven't been on the dark web
Alright. Well, anyway, it sounds like a dumb partition the system accidently made.
t. faggot who works for IT support