Why are niggers’ noses so double barrel-like?

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Have to intake more oxygen for their muscles a black man who has trained will have more muscle mass than a white man that has trained which is proven a fact in sciences so don't ask for sources

I got banned for my awesome thread but this shit flies? Fuck you, mod.

Here is the real redpill

Their noses are actually better than white peoples. Especially because of the larger area more air can come in meaning the black man has more strength and stamina.

This is why black people are superior porn stars, white guys don’t have the nose needed for the stamina when they are fucking white girls

Huge nostrils would make life so much better. I'm often forced to be a mouthbreather 'cuz my nose can't take in enough air.

But big nostrils = ugly, unfortunately

Simple, too excessive nose-picking has medical risks..

One of my nostrils simply doesn't work.
It's a hard life.

in times of emergency, they're known to flare out to ten times their size in order to accommodate pockets of food stores as well as valuables when on a NightJourney™


Goys seriously DON'T ask for source, take my word for it.

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Whites developed thinner noses due to inhabiting more temperate climates, white sinus cavities are significantly larger than those of Negroids etc. The purpose of sinus cavities is to warm and humidify the air as it travels into your system and the thinner nose compliments that, an evolutionary advantage if you live anywhere above 30 degrees north/south.

Basically, whites have evolutionary air conditioning and Negroids don't.

you guys need holistic healing. go get a massage from a reputable place and tell them you have sinus problems. i've had minor allergies since i was very young, and when i get massages i get massages now, i can literally feel my sinuses clearing up when they work my neck/base-of-head-and-neck area. the nostril corresponds to which side of the neck is being massaged -- it's pretty amazing. it's going to hurt, especially first time, when they get those knots out of your neck area, but it is more than worth it.
i mean, drugs and doctors can only do so much sometimes. we need literal hands-on treatment for a lot of ailments

I'd guess that whites have smaller nostrils because unlike Africa, it gets cold as fuck in the environments we're adapted to. If your nostrils are too wide you will breath in ice cold air which is painful and potentially bad for your health. Smaller nostrils allow more air to be warmed up as you breath in.

Wider air intake flow for running away from crimes they just committed. It goes way back

I have this same issue which causes me to mouth breath while sleeping which creates a myriad of other issues. However I believe when my right nostril doesn’t work it’s due to allergies. Is it the same for you?

yes, this

So you're saying that race is real?

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For breathing up all the white mans air with. Duh.

Its cuz dey gots a meaty dick, and they fuck the white women

Then I, as a Jew, should be superman

no clue

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Nah, deviated septum.


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>Why are niggers’ noses so double barrel-like?
Its from god using 2 fingers to hold them up and spray paint them.

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Because nigs will use every means available to usurp something that can be gotten for free.

I've always wanted to see how many blueberries would fit into their nose

could always start the #nosechallenge and try to get stupid kids to do it

same as Jews. Air is free. gotta huff as much as possible.


are you a nig? if not, why are you in Angola?

To allow the air to cool. Christ read a book! Use a search engine! But most of all KYS

I too love cocaine

black guys can barely get their cocks hard enough, manuel, rocco and erik everhard fuck girls with more ferocity and give girls bigger orgasms than a black guy who can only do gang bang scenes were he's fucking a girl for a few seconds at the time before pulling out

to dehumidify the air. prominent in Africa

because air is free

Have you asked a nigger if it hurts to breath during the winter to confirm that?

fucken lol

Not a nig. White Portuguese.
The reason is money. My line of business (tax consulting) pays very well here.

for smelling kfc

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> nig
> internet in 3rd world shithole
Pick one


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It’s suit boy with his coke addiction.

nice. Thats like the most backwards place on earth right? billionaires and street scum


I know, right? Every white person, Asian, Arab, whoever, we all only have one nostril. Why is it that only blacks have two nostrils?
I only trust people with single barrel noses.
"Nostrils one, have some fun. Nostrils two, run them through."
Oh, and if you think you're white, and have two nostrils, you're black.

It's what you would expect from a country that kicked out its colonizers in the 70's and immediately started a civil war to see which political party runs the place.
Everything is fucked in general, and nigs are dumb/liars beyond belief.
You will see 18 year old nigs, whose dad is some old school army general, driving Lambos down streets like pic related.

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So flies don't get trapped inside.

>Vietnam flag
>Name involving kiddie porn


Hmmm.... I wonder....

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Nigger detected

It's genetically inherited from their fathers, most niggers are real sonnovaguns.