Long distance relationship advice? any stories or experiences

long distance relationship advice? any stories or experiences...

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Shitsux, don't do it.

I was ldr for 2 years. Met the girl, lived close to eachother for 6 months. I moved to Japan. Was tough but we talked and sent nudes alot. Left Japan, married her. Then she relentlessly broke me down, and cheated on me with quite a few people. Even had to get a DNA test for my daughter.
There is no happy ending to an ldr.
Don't fall for it.
My daughter gets here Thursday from california. I get to see her 2 weeks a year.

Sure, here's the same story everyone in the history of the planet has told
>we really connected because it was easier to communicate when you're not in person.
>we encouraged each other to improve ourselves and then she got the self esteem to leave her house and now she doesn't talk to me anymore

what was it like when you first met her? did you ever have warning signs she was untrustworthy or what was about to come? thats tough man, i could imagine putting your heart on the line and moving to japan


It was well enough when we first met. At the time, it was the cliche, "No one is in love like we're in love" type of relationship.

"I'll wait for you until the sun burns out user"
Yada yada yada

No immediate red flags. It just crept up. You won't truly know the person.

Thanks for being honest and straightforward, you've definitely helped me logically assess everything.

No problem senpai.

It normally doesn’t go well.

Why the fuck did f.a.m. get autocorrect to senpai

it got autocorrected so you could roll dubs

I am in an LDR right now. Still haven't met him and we're already a year plus. It's tough to be honest but I can't find a better man than him irl and I love him so much

I'm only a few months in with this girl. Starting to realise how hard it will and might get. For me its international, so even harder? How has it been for you? How do you keep going? Do you have plans to meet?

I've met 3 people that I "knew" online, one of them being my ex who started as an LDR and ended as a roommate.
All of them seemed friendly and stable and had their own unique personalities. All of them turned out to be total whackos.
The first one freaked out because I got into a relationship, the second one actually tried to stab me to death, and the third, who I dated online and then in-person, cheated on me with an old flame shortly after I moved across the country to live with them and bit me so hard on my arm that the bruise didn't go away for a month.
I don't make friends online anymore. I barely make friends in real life these days.
I think my shitty experiences with people have fucked me up a bit; I can't enjoy the presence of other people much anymore because they all seem like manipulative parasites.
I would give you some advice, but I think mine might be flawed. Take from my experiences whatever you will.

I have been dating a guy I met on a cruise for about 2 years. We see eachother every couple of months and have probably spent like 4 months worth of time actually together.

I think we have a great relationship. Some stuff isn't perfect but it's manageable. The long distance is only an issue because i'all have to move over there when I finish school, and this is his first "real relationship" so he has mild commitment issues which he needs to figure out before I move.

Wow welp we're just on the same country. It's still hard to be honest. You couldn't know what he/she's doing sometimes so communication is always a must. It's been just fine with me, with us. Communication is primarily what made us keep going. We do love each other so much and yes we have plans to meet. Tho that's gonna take a while. We don't have jobs yet and we still have to earn lots of money.

A real ldr or a meme ldr? Often people here have meme ldr's, meaning they have never met.

I can relate to what you have said and I appreciate you sharing your story. I am also bent by my experiences but not broken. I have thought deeply about misanthropy as I have also had the same feelings about the parasitic nature of humans. I found misanthropy to be alluring, comforting but not truly fulfilling in my experience. They are good people in the world still who feel the same passion and distress in the status quo, unique and vibrant, whether we connect via long distance or short I guess is another question entirely

meme ldr but we facetime

More positive, 2 years LDR after 2 years together.
See her roughly once a month, still going strong.
Longest time apart was 4 months.

Honestly though if there wasn't the once a month meet it probably wouldn't have ended well.
Takes a lot of effort from both sides.

Also make sure you're in a good spot mentally too, otherwise it will weigh down on you harder desu

When will you meet?

A year and change in an ldr. I don't know what to advise you on since you haven't asked anything.

one of you will cheat eventually. Don't do it.

I knew a girl who got fished for five straight years. By the end? Turned out that after phone calls and shit she didn't even know her name.

>get close with girl over the course of a few months
>she leaves for the army
Should I keep a ldr? Im scared it'll turn out bad like that other user posted

Cynical viewpoint: they almost never work out because the lack of physical intimacy is soul crushing. Doubly true if you haven't met in person before starting the relationship. People may seek to get their physical needs met elsewhere and there's nothing you can do, literally, because you are completely unable to fill that role.

Neutral viewpoint: statistically, most long distance relationships don't work out because of the stress involved and being unable to see each other.

Optimism incoming: if it does work out it was probably really meant to be. A relationship which makes it through this kind of trial is very likely to last.

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PLANS TO CLOSE THE GAP EVENTUALLY. You cannot sustain the distance forever. The reason LDR's fail is people don't plan ahead and they don't get serious about being moving together.

absolute memes, all of the negatives on being in a relationship without any of the positives.

It shouldn't even be called LDR if you've never even met the fucking person. Before the internet it was just called pen pals or whatever and that's all it is. It's a possible set-up to eventually become a relationship but itself is not a relationship at all.

Indeterminate length is what kills the LDR. I've been with my girl for 6 years and we've had 3 major LDR segments when we've moved around the country. Which is fucking big ass Canada.

Met her on a dating app. We were 1005 miles apart. First time ever falling in love. We were together for 2 years and went through 1 major break up. She told me I was her everything and that I meant the world to her. That if we ever broke up she'd never be able to move on. She found someone who was closer and cheated on me. I spent over 10 thousand dollars on her. From flowers to online shopping to buying shoes and whatever she wanted. That was a year and a half ago. I was used. I'm still hurt but now learning to love myself and honestly took and learned alot from it. Follow your heart and if it works than great. But if not it's probably gonna leave a scar.

Long distance relationships are a joke, they only show your partner for what they cast themselves as. You don't figure out someones personality unlesd you live with them.