So, Jow Forums, wich race its ruperior to you?

So, Jow Forums, wich race its ruperior to you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pureblood Germanics

Everyone else is inferior untermensch

them big 6'8 korean dudes with exaggerated jaw lines

Zenos obviously

be best
be white

med is master race retard

By what metric? Because you could argue small adaptation advantage based on climate for hours.

The ones with higher IQs

Im a celt but meds are objectively the pinnacle of aryan supremacy desu



>not even white

>wich race its ruperior to you?
Whichever race you're not, you dense memeflag semi-literate bastard.

Attached: BrainletP.jpg (336x235, 4K)


IQ is not everything. Creativity, social cohesion and strong empathy are also required for a society to succeed beyond merely building a powerful empire and piling rocks together.

beep race better then boop race
beep boop
bot thread

Attached: bulgarianVillage.jpg (595x366, 58K)

Obvious slide thread written by a memeflag Pajeet. SAGE you retards

Funnily enough, I was initially going to give the brits as an example of a high IQ, creative, socially cohesive society with strong empathy.
Call me naive.
Also, don't forget to sage shit threads.

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No you were not. And let me tell you something, the last time I met Bulgarians is when I took a holiday to Greece. That thing about Chinese raiding buffets? Yeah, Bulgarians—even to the last bread-stick.

Awful fucking people.

Attached: bulgaria.jpg (500x333, 156K)

Keep wishing you were the wrong race, Nigel

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t. shitskin mutt with no identity


100% Ashkenazi Jews.

I have just 13% Ashkenazi genes from my Khazar ancestors, but I already feel like everyone around me is golems and goyims

t. equally shitskin but instead mixed with the lowest IQ subspecies in human history



The Khazars never even expanded south of the Caucasus, and Turks never reached Anatolia until the Seljuks came. You're not a Khazar.

D&C shill


Attached: Windmill of Friendship and tolerance.png (1618x1379, 295K)

Western Europeans except gayreeks, shitalians, portuguese, spanishits and french. Japanese, Koreans and some other asians like the Taiwanese. The rest is shit or "meh".