ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Is there anything to worry about with girls that only hang out with guys? Basically she's "one of the guys" in the group.

Ladies, if you give your boyfriend your phone password without even being asked and with zero implication that he'd like to know, is this an open invitation to look at your phone?

>asking a girl for advice about girls

Like asking a fish how to catch fish

Provided fish could talk, that would be an excellent way to learn how to catch fish as fish would know what a fish likes and desires.

Stupid faggot

>Not holding the fish you catch in captivity and torturing them to reveal the location and favorite bait of their family members

What are you even doing.

Last night I saw a super cute girl mention Hitchcock, I asked her if she likes film and she perked up and said yes. I told her she should talk to me about it and if she wanted my number, she immediately went and asked someone else for some scrap paper to write it down on. She was leaving at the time though so I couldn't grab her number. This was last night at around 8pm or so and I haven't received a text yet, is she gonna text me or did I fuck up hard.

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Just be patient. It has not been that long, if she wants to reach out to you she will. Could take a couple of days if she responds.

In the mean while go out and do other things to get your mind off of it. If not either you will not stop thinking about her and let it go or you will mess it all up when she reaches out to you and you'll come across clingy and desperate.

Man I just turned 25 and I really thought I’d be settled down and married at this age. Talk about quarter life crisis

I feel you. Later this year ill be 25 and long for the day when I have a wife and kids.

Work on yourself, become the best version of yourself so you will attract the right girl. Start working out if you have not been. Small steps will yield big results over time.

I have faith in you user!

24 in a week and haven't even kissed a girl.

How does one "slide" into a girls DMs

It means she has nothing to hide.

Yes I’m currently working on a self improvement plan. Gonna get back to the gym, start eating better, going out more, and just working on myself. It’s the least I can do lol.

Is it normal for guys to lie about their interests to impress girls?
My friend has a crush on me (he knows I'm in a happy relationship but he had to "get it off his chest") and I've caught him lying about liking certain video games, songs, movies etc several times. His male friend told me he acts completely different around me too. This freaked me out and I've been avoiding him because I feel like our friendship is based on lies and I don't even know the real him.
Is he a dick or am I overreacting to normal behaviour?

Yes it's normal. He's not being a dick. It's just a thing men do. Hell, most people do it even to impress people they aren't romantically interested in.

My wife really wants to stick a finger in my ass while I’m prone boning her. Seems like it might be a little weird. I’m too weird about it to try it. Should I lighten up?

I see you write for Dreamworks

I found that out this morning. She'd given me no reason to believe otherwise, I just HAD to know. I've been with too many two-faced people.
I feel a little guilty but not enough to do something fucking retarded like telling her I looked through her phone without clear permission.

>girl keeps texting me with the winking emoji
>want to meet with her (told her I'd start studying early in the day), said she can only meet me around 11
is she friendzoning me

I can be normal to a certain extent. If he goes overboard and starts to lie about everything then that could be a sign he has nothing going on in his life or anything worth while talking about. If thats the case then its up to him to work on himself.

Either way I would leave him alone like you started to do. No one should respect anyone for continuing to go for someone already in a relationship.

I guess you'll know if she meets up with you. Most girls will let it be known, they will say something like "I really appreciate our friendship". Thats when you know you have been "friend zoned".

Yes lighten up, you might like a little push in the tush. Make sure she uses lube and her fingernails are trimmed and filed.

When's it too early to say you love someone? My ex wanted to say she loved me after 6 months and it made me uncomfortable but the girl I'm currently talking to has only like 2 months talking to me with 1 date and I would readily accept it if she told me right now.

Eh, it's just words
The girl I'm dating now, I told her right before we fucked for the first time. We live together and tell each other at least 3 times a day now.
Tell her anytime just know you can't mean it until you're tolerating her personality in your private space all the time.

I'm texting this girl whom I met and slept with last week. I'm interested in pursuing this further (not strictly for a relationship, just seeing what's there) and she seemed/seems too. She asked me to come to a party she's attending tonight but I can't go, so I invited her over to my place on friday. She answered that she's busy and stressfull due to school and stuff and that we can meet after her exams.

I usually take this as a rejection and move on. But as she invited me just minutes earlier I find it all a bit strange. I just wished her a fun time tonight and to let me know when she's free, but can I interpret the previous as a rejection or is there still something I can do to see her again sometime?

Usually yes, not always though

No, it's just me saying that if he thinks I do something shady he is free to see it himself because I am sure in myself that I am not doing anything bad and that I trust him enough to give him that

And asking men for advice about men is the same. But it's ask the opposite gender thread so


Apparently many men enjoy some anal stimulation

Maybe she just can't meet you earlier?

I told that my boyfriend the day we started dating. Why would you be dating if you can't even say you love the person?

Have you ever faked the O?
Do you do it regularly?
Why/under what circumstances?

I did one or twice when I just couldn't reach it but didn't want my bf to feel bad about it

I doubt he cared anyway, girls are just cum dumpsters for us.

Well he always makes sure to make me cum at least 2 times before he cums so I'm pretty positive he does care

>Start talking to girl
>She asks me to coffee
>Have a great time with her, we make plans to see a movie together
>I ask if we can make it a date (dinner+movie)
>Initially says yes, but changes her mind a few hours later (says she likes me a lot but not enough to date)
>Still go to see movie with her
>We hang out more, go to an event with some of her friends
>Made plans to see another movie together

I really cant tell, am I in the friendzone permanently or is there a chance?

Looking at your story it can still be salvageable but it kind of depends on how you talked to her and what you said to her before and after you invited her for the movie date (movie is a terrible date option, anyway).

Next time you see her, make a move or at the very least make very clear what you are looking for and be persistant. If that doesn't work, just stop hanging out with her unless you don't mind being in the friendzone.

>girl confesses really hard about having feelings for me
>outright says "it's obvious we're not friends" in reference to us connecting better than friends
>don't get the chance to act on them because of school
>She now claims that entire time since the day she confessed we have only been "friendly" and she "probably didn't feel like more
What are the odds she took my inaction as an implicit rejection and is now protecting herself by claiming she never had any interest to begin with?

women: how often do you look at/judge men's hands? my hands are proportionate to my body, but i'm a manlet so they're gonna be smaller than the average guy's. they're also skinny because i'm a skinny person, but i have some decent veinage going on when i'm not cold. during the winter, my hands look and feel like they belong to a fucking corpse, and i get really fucking self-conscious about it. just recently i worked with a dude, and he had the most spindly looking hands i've ever seen, i was legitimately put off by them and it got me worried because they didn't look too far off from mine. if my hands are fucked, am i fucked?

>If you're not going to like honest answers don't ask your question
Did you forget what board you're on?


Is rumors about small dick gonna make you lose interest in a guy?

To those of you who said I was going to drown.
Yeah, I actually drowned. ._.

probably the wrong thread but whatever
23yo virgin, havent gone out with a girl in years, blah blah
girl at work moved to my team recently, we kind of get along, she's entertained by anything i say, blah blah
i was thinking of asking her out, she's kind of cute, 6.5/10, slightly overweight, shoulders slightly rounded, personality-wise pretty nice. should i ask her out even though i'm not completely excited about the idea of being seen with her in public
i'm thinking that i'm either being extremely picky and just scared/nervous about going out with a girl in so long that i'm convincing myself that i dont want to, OR i genuinely don't really like her
what do ya'll think

To da wamen

Why is it everytime you are angry with a guy you go right to the ass-related insults?

There are a multitude of insults out there, but every woman I meet seems to go right to "Shove your sexist opinions right up your ass" or "Im going to put this up your ass" or sometimes they'll just straight up call me an asshole/ass.

Im not gay, I don't want anything up my butt. Yet here I am having woman telling me to shove things up my ass.

What is your obsession with male ass?

Is a mostly feminist, pro-abortion march, a good place to meet a girl?


no? in what context did she give it to you?

kids are disgusting.

literally send them a dm.

do it.

since friendzoning isn't a real thing, no.

when you don't know them very well, it's too early.

it's finals time, so i'm inclined to believe her and wouldn't take it personally.


no such thing as the friendzone.

i don't know, i don't know her. what do you think? why don't you talk to her about it?

don't be self-conscious. your hands are fine. i've never had negative feelings about a guy i liked's hands.

no, because i'm not a middle schooler and rumors are stupid and usually meaningless.

leave her alone, don't be cruel.


How to find out if a girl is single without asking directly?

Both, do you ever masterbate to your ex? And I guess a related question is do you keep any of your ex's nudes?

just ask her out. if she has a partner, she'll say so.

yes, and no.

>no, because i'm not a middle schooler and rumors are stupid and usually meaningless.
Okay but if you find out the guy you like having a small penis, would that make you slowly lose interest in him?

I think she's trying to protect herself. She does this kind of thing a lot. I can't talk to her because she's avoiding me to protect herself from potential heartache.

Thats a slippery slope
Jack it to her pictures and suddenly you find yourself 5 years in the future still hung up on your ex GF.

If it's below 4,5 inches, yes

This question is for both. I have been asking for many many years but no one can answer it.

Why do my farts smell worse in the shower?

Is it really true, all men really want is to give double arm cuddles?

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Do you shower in the morning? Your shit has been sitting in your bowels overnight and fermenting. Same as your urine is darker in the morning, your farts smell worse in the morning.

Its hot and sweaty and makes your arm fall asleep
Its nice at first but quickly turns into Satan's sauna

Not with her hair in my face like that I don't.

question for the femanons:

what do you think of pubic hair on guys? i’ve got a bit of a forest going on, and unfortunately, i noticed some of goes as far as halfway up my shaft. should i do anything about it?

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the subconscious motivations of how women behave is the root of my misogyny. i actually find the behavior of men to be more revolting, but discussing misanthropy is not what this thread is for. when i make observations about people, the usual responses are "when was the last time you talked to a human being?" or "go outside."
that simply wont do me any good. it's like eating corn out of a turd and being told to ignore the taste of shit.
How am i supposed to have a loving relationship with a woman when im just a piece of meat to her deep down? there's nothing special about it. it's a genetic market transaction. knowing the natural processes underlying these things makes me devalue relationships. i dont want to be a pawn in nature's game.

i like hairy dudes personally, but i know a lot of women don't. as for dick hair, i'm not sure. i'd prefer not but shaving it sounds worse.

No. Like I'll fart outside and then fart inside the shower and they smell way more potent in the shower. I can't be the only one. Seriously

you just smell it more
steam from the shower rises. your butt is below you. your fart now rises too

Don't worry user, you can make it. After I turned 24 and was a kissless virgin like you, I started reading The Red Pill. Now I'm 25 and fucked 14 women since and have 3 on rotation.

You need length? What if it’s exactly 4.5”? Would you still be turned on by the sight of a 7incher?

She is basically saying, "Come fuck me at 11pm".

What kind of woman suggests to meet up with a guy she ISN'T interested at 11pm?

You invite her to your place to watch a movie, not the theaters. If she comes over to your place you HAVE to make sure she sits/lays next to you and you HAVE to start making your moves. Put your arm around her, start rubbing her, move your hand down her torso, attempt to touch her breast. If you can try to play with her underwear. At this point you are basically in to kiss her. Just say, "look at me" and then kiss her. Do not stop escalating until she says no or is very obviously resisting.

Or she refuses the invite and you have your answer.

I wish I could read minds just to know if a girl is single and if I have a chance.

>My friend: Hey babe, can I see google maps on your phone for a sec?
>Her: Sure thing hunny, 1 sec *deletes message history with blake* *deletes message history with daniel* *leaves message history with anne, suzy and rachel intact*
>My friend: oh.. why did you do that?
>Her: It's my privacy babe, I do that for all my chats, do you want to use my phone or not?
>My friend: but you didn't clear your girlfriends chats
>Her: umm yeah i need to keep them saved in case i forget something.. why are you so suspicious of me??

Who is in the wrong here? Asking for a friend.

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Does the guy ask the girl to be girlfriend or does the girl ask the guy to be boyfriend generally?
After how long usually?
Does sex usually come before?
I'm autistic.

Should single mothers be avoided?

I've already had one bad experience and I've got a date with another one soon. Are they all nuts/wanting a baby daddy?

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man asks the woman out on a date. make it direct and clear that you are interested in her romantically. it will save you a lot of confusion and awkwardness.
at least get to know her a bit before you ask a girl out. wait a week at the least
it depends on the girl. if the girl is not a ho and you are not hot, probably not.

Depends on your culture.

That will be a handicap in dating.


I've dated about 4 and those have been my worst relationships. The extra baggage is unreal and usually emotional problems to match.

the girl

why would you want to devote attention and resources to another mans child and some cow crazy enough that she made a guy leave her alone with a kid

They are usually in their early 20s like me. One was 20 and this one is 22. The first was a total nut that only made poor decisions, she didn't want to work either, she wanted to start her own business instead and run it.

This current girl seems more normal and didn't mention her baby till last night but it's really put me off. I only ever hear bad things about single mothers and I've already had my own bad experience.

Your answer implies that guys are never the culprits. Although I say some misogynistic things sometimes, you're going a little too far, bro.

The only single mom that I had sex with is this MILF prostitute, though.

The guy wasn't the culprit. They had a mutual breakup before finding out she was pregnant, he offered to step up and be a dad when he found out but she didn't want to date him again but did still want his money.

She was on state money and his money at the time I went out with her.

Yep same here. A few are stable but I couldn't handle the baggage. If you can handle dealing with the kid and the dad then more power to you user.

See, girls? This is why you don't do dumb shit, like having kids with the first idiot that gives you attention.

I doubt it. I'm after a bit of no strings attached casual fun, not baggage and shit. Single mothers have been easy to pick up though but the price seems like too much.
The first and only single mother date I went on wanted me to hold the baby and calm it. Too fucking weird man, especially on a first date.

I also forgot to mention she brought the baby on the date. She didn't mention she would bring it.

There's a girl I talked to twice in person but didn't get her number. I imagine she's going to some march/protest tomorrow. Should I go and see her there? Should I stick around in the protest (even if I sort of disagree with it)? I just want to get her number or just ask her about some church activity she does where I can see her.
(yes I'm the user that asked yesterday). Thanks.
Or should I just add her on Facebook since I found her by first name? I never use Fb though.

Oh but the guys who have kids with the first idiot, no problem, they can just dump the kid on the woman and live their life as if nothing happened.

Only because the state almost never lets the father have the kid and it's hardly being dumped on the woman if the father has to pay for almost everything,

Also the common practice of trapping a guy for finance and security.

She is looking for a dad most definitely. lmao
Some of them might be down for more casual stuff but I think the majority are looking for daddy. Especially at that age.

It's not like this one does though, her parents are taking care of it. The majority of single moms I've known usually pawned them off on their parents too so it makes it that bit more confusing.

So I'm back in the dating game, got out of a 3 year relationship a few months back. Haven't been on a "first date" in like 4 years or some shit. Got one scheduled for this weekend. Any tips?

What are you doing for the date?

I've stopped looking at dating sites to force myself to hit on girls in real life. What do you think about this strategy?

I haven't hit on anyone yet, but when I lurk dating sites, I feel "too comfortable" about not making advances in real life.

Test it out then. If you're not a shy person just straight up ask her what she's looking for in a relationship. I wouldn't get my hopes up though. I was with one that hid her true colors pretty well.

How do you even hit on women irl? Online is easy since they're looking for it but irl they're not looking for it.

Oh I asked. She wanted something serious, she countered and wanted more than just a fuck buddy, so she seems cool with the concept of fucking around but also doing dates and having nights in watching stuff.
It all sounds nice enough but her bio describes her as "spontaneous, open minded" and other meme phrases.

Well, I don't know about hitting on strangers in the streets, but I make small talks with some girls in real life and Jow Forums people tell me to just ask them out. So this is what I meant by hitting on girls in real life.

Probably going to a mexican place cause she mentioned her favorite food was mexican, and I know of a good place so it makes sense I guess

Yea they all say that dumb shit.
Even we put on that fake front to some degree though. Only time will tell how they really are. I will say the odds are probably not in your favor user but If she's ok with being casual about it then I see no harm.

How the fuck do I break up with my long distance girlfriend? Seriously, I've never been in this situation before and I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt her, but it's kind of inevitable

Good choice. There's not much to tip really, my best tip is to just not mention politics or any sensitive subjects.
Be really positive about things. Be a glass half full guy. You can have negative feelings on things, but counter balance with just a little positive in there.

Most of my dates always mentioned how much they liked my sunny positive attitude.

Ladies, help me craft some random message thats not even about love and shit.

I met a person i knew that i used to hang out with at a memorial service of guy i was friends with growing up. shes a girl im a guy. she has a boyfriend and im not interested in her romantically. I still think shes cool and all. her birthday recently passed and i wished her a happy birthday. she replied and said it was nice seeing me again.

I wanna reply with something like "Was nice seeing you as well, just wish it was under better circumstances (memorial service of a mutual friends dad). We should hang out sometime."

Is that to quick of a transition or something? i dont wanna come off as weird but i probably admit that im overthinking this.

How would you tell someone that you only like having sex with them and nothing more in a way that wouldn't make them feel lesser?

Don't add it in the same message. Send it as a different message
Maybe give it a different tone. Like "Would you be interested in hanging out sometime" or something