need to help gf lose weight

> need to help gf lose weight

I love her anyhow so stop the hate, but she wants to be slim too and she just won't move her butt on her own.

I'd like to take up some sport and motivate her. So what's the best sport to lose weight around the hips?
She's already vegan so diet should be fine.

pic related: she's turning into the thing on the left and I am losing sexual interest. I need to make her look like on the right again. Sue me... I can't help acting immature!

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>he didn't know all vegans are fat

Lol! And true! Because they have no fat or cholesterol in their diets. Sad!

Try some biking or running op. Swimming? That'll work too. You don't lose weight "around" anywhere. That's not how it works.

Any femanons who looked like the left and are skinny now?

You can't target specific areas of the body for weight loss. She just needs to eat less. That's literally it. Exercise will help tone muscles and shit like that, but it won't contribute directly to weight loss, only diet does that.

yeah I heard swimming is like "the best" you can do.

so basically it's about eating less and some butt excercises for the looks?

I wonder how I'm going to tell her that I want her to eat less. :) She is going to stab me in the dick.

Well it's all about intake vs work. More work, she can eat more. Less work, can't eat as much. However there IS a point where it's just not safe to drop calories any more and activity must be increased to a base minimum.

What does she do all day? What steps can you take to make what she's doing more energetic?

makes sense... thanks!

Well, she works as a kindergarden teacher. Not much I can do there. But all I do with her is the opposite of sports. Problem is the only sport I do is mountainbiking and she doesn't feel like getting an expensive bike and practice so she can keep up with me. So I thought I'd just take up something new so we're both beginners.

But running or swimming sounds really boring... I thought there might be something that's fun too!? It should be more about fun than working out. Like rock climbing or something like that you know. Any suggestions?

How is swimming boring? You can go on really long hikes

Hah, sounds like your several steps ahead of me on the activity front. My idea of more activity is a standing desk (which may not be an option for a kindergarten teacher given the height differences involved) and switching to vr games instead of regular sitting video games.

Getting people to do wholly new things is *difficult*, especially when the general idea is to get them sweating. It's going to be a lot easier to ease her into a more active version of something she's already doing for leisure. It doesn't necessarily have to even be a sports thing.

It's like running, isn't it? swimming back and forth?

How do out of shape people handle using a standing desk throughout their day? Wouldn't it actually be easier and burn more calories to do regular exercise? I know burning more calories means more sheer work but standing for 12 hours is way worse than an hour of jogging or something. I'm reasonably fit and play sports and I can't stand for that long without wanting to fucking kill myself.

Their feet hurt the first few days. Then they get used to it (just like any retail job). But it's way more movement than sitting for 8 hours at a desk job. And therefore more calories burned over 8 hours than before. It's not a lot more, but take what you can get.

For someone too overweight, an hour (or even minutes) of jogging can literally break bones. It's super hard to create habits that involve ongoing continuous pain unless they're into that sort of thing. And the whole point is to increase calories lost as a permanent change to habits.

I'm not saying these are the solution for your girlfriend because I have no idea what she's doing with the rest of her day other than being a kindergarten teacher. So she comes home, then what?

It just seems that, especially given the person's weight, that it would put so much stress on their ankles that it would become unbearable. It seems to me that the best choice of exercise for an overweight person might be weightlifting.

That is generally a good fit yes. But remember, as long as they're still mobile they can basically stand all day long without causing damage.

>Be 250lbs
>Go to gym
>Drop to 190lbs
>Get gf
>Continue dropping to 175lbs, 5'11
>Gf asks me to stop losing weight because she feels self conscious
>Tell her to get on my level or get out
>She goes to the gym more than I do now

It's that easy.

Exercising with an elliptical machine/crosstrainer is also very safe for someone who's so overweight their joints and bones are at risk from harsh movement

Diet and light exercise are all a woman needs. She won't be able to put on muscle the same way a man does, nor will she have the desire to(unless that becomes her new thing). She can find routines to do, you both can split the cost and get a treadmill, or get memberships at a gym. She just has to stop being a literal child about things. She doesn't wanna hear you say she has to eat less? Too fucking bad, she wants to change herself for the better, that's what she has to do and unfortunately that's how she has to hear it. You love her, it's not like you're insulting her. And as for you, as long as you're doing something to change yourself as well, she can't call you out for being a hypocrite(which is again, really childish). Some women just need to be told to suck it up and deal with it, enough complaining and not doing anything else, enough getting mad at "being judged" get up and do something about it. The next time a woman complains about this I'm telling her straight up, just stop eating as much.

Intermittent fasting 16hours will help in terms of just losing weight by doing nothing.
Duh eating one meal a day will obviously help.

Exercise wise I'd say do cycling in my personal experience that and going to the gym is a good help.

You mentioned mountain biking maybe take her to a cycling machine and try to get her into cycling from there


It took 6 months though. Here is what I did: cut carbs to a MAXIMUM of 150g a day. Upped my protein intake to 1g per pound of body weight.
1 hour of exercise 3-4 times a week, with an EMPHASIS on strength training. Took creatine before and after training. Went from 127lbs skinny-fat to 123lbs toned and fit.Look sorta like pic related now. This is what I did, but it may not work for everyone. Good luck.

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a vegan diet and cardio only routine is the perfect recipe to make anyone and everyone skinnyfat

Do more things together outside that require lots of light exercise. In the summer this often includes things like festivals, events and amusement parks. In the winter it could include skating, sight seeing, zoos, etc.

Even something as simple as Pokemon GO could help, since it requires tonnes of walking.

If you guys eat out a lot. maybe start cooking more healthy meals for the two of you.

Read the fucking sticky