My online crush just rejected my declaration of love. I was almost sure that she liked me, but I was wrong

My online crush just rejected my declaration of love. I was almost sure that she liked me, but I was wrong.

What should I do to overcome this?

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It's ok user. Online crushes are easily gotten over. Just focus on you and let the rejection be something you grow from.

What is an online crush?

Its a game the kids play on Facebook kinda like bejewled

online crush = virgin thinks girls kindness is attraction, never fall in that hole OP.

>online declaration of love
JAYZUS CROYST. This was going to end no other way, user.
At least she was decent and honest and detailed.

Kek, why were you friends with her in the first place? Bitches get off on any attention from guys, so it's important that you're sexual from the start when talking to these cunts, especially online.

People still use facebook?

Your fantasy of them is not real

>I'm in love with this person and have known them for a long time
>I'm in love with them
>but we arent actually dating

She's just as delusional as she claims you are. Lmao.

That was a very graceful response

>online people aren't real and for lols
>so it's okay to be shitty/fake back to them
Nah, was pretty shitty.

How was anyone being shitty to anybody?

>a 2 dimensional romanticized version of a person.
>only ever see the certain things they like in a person when it's through a screen.
>Online experiences are different to real ones.
>only on Facebook for fun and escapism.

The only reason you would think any of that is shitty is if you're delusional and think you can actually get to know someone properly over the internet.

don't be shitty.

That's why you can only trust 2D waifus.

Dude, she called you ugly

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Hey OP, after reading your message, I have fallen deeply in love with you. You are an amazing person with many gifts and talents. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, enjoying each other's company, doing cute couply things and fucking each other's brains out daily. Please don't think me too forward, but give me your address and I'll fly out today.
>This is what you sound like

She was very nice about it. She must be an intelligent girl

>online crush
>declaration of love
here's a tip: online relationships don't work out. a large % of relationships is having someone to physically touch, sexual or nonsexual.

That's crazy, she could've just said 'sorry I don't feel the same' and that would be enough, but she went all out and gave you a Ted talk.
This is a full sociological evaluation she gave you.

You can never really know a person

Good for her for unambiguously raping your dreams, you deserved it OP you massive fag.


You should probably learn the valuable lesson she just taught you about socializing because so few people get it handed to them so well-written by someone so right about it who might also be in a position of trust.

Seriously, everyone who falls for online dating really needs this.

post the confession op

that's fucking beautiful. Why can't I find girls like this to reject me instead of ghosting the shit out of me.

Seriously OP you got it good.

I don't remember Jow Forums being this toxic. And where did all of my namefagging buddies go?
Also, that must be the realest message I've ever read. OP is lucky that he didn't get ghosted

Fuck, I feel hurt too reading this