Straw/pol/ will you let me live?

I am a Mulatto. If the Great Awakening comes will you whites kill me in the upcoming purge? My father is white (German) and mother black (American)

Really need to know. The unrests in Europe are scary.

Attached: mulatto.jpg (735x978, 153K)

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pic unrelated

>purging anything
>not slowly withering away into eternity
a race of comfortable cowards will be doing no such thing. don't worry about it.

Die nigger

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This pretty much

People are protesting but they are protesting that their comfortable lives are being taken away
They are too dumb to figure out their pensions are worthless and the reasons why, same goes for crime, wages and housing shortages/price inflation

Unless something REALLY drastic happens i wouldnt worry about a race war in Europe

Jews never underestimate their enemies; whites do. They don't brag when they're at the turning point.

They're smart. The only way whites could hope to survive is if they tax them to the point where they can no longer afford their bread and circuses. However, jews aren't that short-sighted and greedy - only whites are.

In fact, our arrogance is why we're going extinct.

I don't think you guys understand just how alarmingly insignificant you really are to them. You pose no more threat to them than an ant poses a threat to a tyrannasarus.

(Continued) 1/2

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You were all fed the blue pill disguised as the redpill. Trump is one of them. Let me repeat that: Trump is indeed part of the globalist elite and the deep state is faking its war with Trump to draw the "resistance" out of hiding. They have tabs on everyone who managed to break their conditioning, and I mean absolutely everyone. The 2016 election was a massive sting operation and if you willingly voted for Trump you are beyond fucked. Eventually they WILL begin hunting you, so please save up as much money as you can and move out of the country ASAP, though even then I can't guarantee your safety. What they're planning is literally a Robespierre-style mass cleansing of dissidents. They want their enemies to suffer and they want you to be made an example of for the rest of the world to follow forever.

It's not even a question of if they will win; they WILL win. The same bloodlines that run the show now have some 4000 years of experience under their belt? Every important historical event, including both world wars was their doing. They have backdoor access to not only American nuclear launch codes, but EVERY country's launch codes. And if that doesn't scare you listen to this: the internet was planned from the ground up, from its very inception, as a tool to control the masses. They knew it would proliferate into every aspect of modern society and when it did, they would be able to watch and control every aspect of our lives that they want.

You didn't lose the war because there was never a war to begin with.

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discard my no vote
i thought you meant will i be allowed to live

As long as you have no problems putting all those illegal muslim niggers in a cage and sending them back to afrika.

You guys are cruel

Seen some vids talking about a weapon created for such a thing. Information collection on people who will then be destroyed. Alex Jones has mentioned something similar in Americal mostly talks about the chinese programm working with google nowadays.

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As a hapa, your father should've taken an asian. We are the best mix.
Mulatto is still a nigger.

Anyone who votes no is a niggerlover

I think you will be safe as long as you stay out of Europe

>being an insectoid
I think mulattos rather have >muh dick

There won't be a purge, relax.

Just sending you to Africa unless you fight against us

Mate, I'll probably be more successful than you are ever going to be.
I'm smarter than the average wh*toid.

It's not about race, it's about culture.

I'm basically with Murdoch Murdoch on this (it came up in their AMA). As long as you understand that whiteness needs to be preserved and act accordingly (speak out against anti-white BS and don't breed with a white chick), you shouldn't be purged. That said, the longer things continue as they are, the worse and more uncontrolled any backlash is going to be.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. Start with you. It is in your own interest to be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on a screen should ever take away from your real life

What if I fight with you? It's not that I prefer a race over the other. I love my father and mother. I support white and black. I think every race has an inner group of worthless fucks who need to be disposed of. Sadly blacks have alot of niggers.
I just want the sane people to win.

But I want a cute virgin nordic woman

We are slaves, and fighting each other is not going to help. TPTB know their hand. This user knows
>My take from another thread
We are at 75% Jews desired result from their plan in my opinion. The degeneracy, the immigration (for USA 1965, preferance to other races and non white non European countries, feminism kick up in the last 10 yrs, purposeful dumbing down of education, Flouride in the water (iq decrease), hormone I'm balance, tranny push, incest push, pedo push, climate change to infuence white birthrates drop, women liberation career and travel more important than children. Yeah we are in the endgame, there is some resistance but it's not enough in my opinion. We can do it underground. Check out this article, women are the most unhappy they have ever been, 35 yr old woman, childless no roots. I think that's the same for a lot of men too, we are fragmented due to jobs.

What beautiful cock-sucking lips you have, if you make good use of your assets I'm sure you will be saved.

Of course, but scale that up and you have an eradication of pure Nordic genes (until designer babies are a thing –which will never happen if whites disappear). Why not a hot mixed-race girl?

desu any qt 3.14 girl who is a virgin and loyal will do.

t. Tiny penis

well see about that, friend

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There you go then. Best of luck to you. It's tough out there.

That has to be the most comical looking guy I've ever seen.

As for you OP, yes you will be purged.

>I want a coalburner

Your father will be killed no question for race treason. You may be spared and allowed to live with other mutts of your own kind.

Whites have never wiped out anyone.

heill óðinn

Of course

Lol, it's 56% yes.