Getting rid of r9k's influence

>be 14 girl
>no friends, no social life, depressed
>spend next 5 years on Jow Forums
I can't seem to rid myself of all the degrading viewpoints about females, being bullied by my close female ex-friends in my vulnerable teens, leading to low self-esteem. At the same time, it has led me to really, really hate men, along with my highschool experience.

Rationally, I know this is irrational and these generalizations are fickle and broad. Yet, my negative biased confirmation keeps siding these viewpoints. Serious help please, trolls begone.

Attached: Akamatsu.Kaede.full.2073701.jpg (917x1326, 500K)

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Go take up a hobby and make friends? People aren't that bad, but if your only experience is with people on Jow Forums of course you'll have a distorted outlook.

literally same although male. i know a few other similar people.
personally i dropped out freshman year due to health problems, nihilism, and depression. things that I still suffer from. things that have not really got any better.
was it a good choice? in a certain way it was enlightening, but not worth it. I suppose I had no choice with my health problems leaving me isolated. even if somehow felt better, changed and had no r9k views, I don't think I'll ever find enjoyment in anything either way. and yes I've tried. it might have been preventable. but the nihilism is too deep more so than an ideology/philosophy. occurring when you have too much time to think about things to yourself. it can't be undone only prevented.

ill fuck you silly then you will hate it for loving it

Lol I remember I made a thread with James from sh2 and said Jow Forums I'm done with you. As far as women shit goes just judge people as people. Get to know them. I don't think about that place anymore, just live your life and what goals you want to accomplish. Try and meet some real people. Need to leave this place as a whole soon too. Might come around for some ygyl but /wsg/ is too slow and /gif/ isn't as good. If you are worried about bias why nit take some logic courses? Could probably find a pdf on "for all x" somewhere


Oh right I forgot

You'll discover in time that revelations in gross generalizations are gravely misdirected internal frustrations.

In short, it's best not to blame others for your own problems.

good luck changing anyone indoctrinated by r9k from childhood to adulthood. honestly anyone under 18 should not be able to access these places and view these words and images posted here and I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who has.

That's one of the worse imaginable things to spend your life in the web, missy. What are your pre-teen & present dreams? Science, art, sport, something else? Instead of fooling around the web (esp. here) and watching anime try to view for 3-4 days, well, for example National Geographic. Discover the wide variety of life ways and just realize that you can join one or another HEALTHY community of your choice. Good luck.

GF was kind of the same.
And one day her mama needed space (AKA room to get fucked by her abusive, lazy-ass BF) so she had to move in with me and found a job.
I let her take one full year of doing nothing, and she was just like you. But one day my income started to not be sufficient enough for both of us, so she had to find a job.
The whole process of finding a job, and then performing said job (seller in a kind-of Toys'r'us) helped her become the woman she is. Now she is no longer afraid of people, she knows how to act in social events, and so on... Everything a fully fonctionnal human is supposed to be able to do.
Do you even have a job ? and if so, it is a job where you have to talk to a lot of different people ? This could help you a lot.

Everyone, men and women, are shitty.

Jow Forums taught you well. Sorry but the red pill said on the bottle it can't be unswallowed once swallowed. Once you see the shitty truth of something you'll never be able to just go "oh actually it's good and I like it".

Jow Forums is as far removed as possible from redpill. Going there is swallowing the brownpill. Fortunately it can be cured.

Keep telling yourself that simpleminded bluepiller.

What's Jow Forums influence?

A basement-dwelling virgin NEET thinking he knows anything about the world outside. Funny. And sad.

The brownpill. Everything you see around you is shit. The whole world is shit.

Don't go on there and actually spend time with women irl

That's a fact, not something caused by Jow Forums influence.

See how the bluepiller is unwilling to ever truly face facts, and must instead make things up about the people who state the facts, and then somehow tell themselves "haha I have constructed an ugly and undesirable persona for the person stating these facts, that proves that the facts are wrong!".

What a pitifully simpleminded existence.

How does it feel to live in a world of fantasy created by losers on r9k

r9k didn't teach her well though? If you actually talk with people and spend time with them most of them is nice to you and decent human beings, unless you are a toxic trash and just make another toxic trash talk to you?

>OP describes being bullied by everyone in highschool
>all the bluepiller can think is "lmao but my life was nothing but happiness and sunshine and rainbows lol you didn't get bullied you just imagined it bcuz Jow Forums told you it was happening"

And you try to other people know nothing about the world, when you literally refuse to imagine anyone could have a life that's not exactly like your own.
And odds are you aren't even aware of what your own life is truly like anyways.

Or are you calling OP toxic trash? I mean, you DID just say the only possible reason anyone might act shitty to a person is if the person themselves is toxic trash. Geez OP you can't catch a break anywhere, even the bluepillers hate you.

Jow Forums crabs in a bucket. Anyone who shows positivity or wanting to improve must be pulled back down.

You are toxic trash.

>no u
Wow, so this is the mental capacity of bluepillers.
Yeah I can see why OP should believe you when you give off nuggets of wisdom like that. So well thought out and researched.

Well you just have to be your own person and not let losers drag you down

>you didn't get bullied you just imagined
It doesn't have anything to do with a conversation. I've been bullied and I'm not a little bitch to let it ruin my life. My life was a shit storm of depression physical abuse from parents and hate from peers. And what? I don't care about sitting in 4chin and telling everyone that "hurr durr everyone is bad because Jow Forums told me so"

What part of "only" you weren't able to catch? Everyone meets toxic shit at some point of the life, but if you don't meet anyone else it means that something is wrong with you kek

Not that person but you are a toxic trash though, and no "le no u XD" will change it. You are not redpilled, you just eat shit people leave on this website as if that was your only meal in days

So you are calling OP toxic trash and saying everything that happened to her is her own fault.

Jeez, and to think you honestly view yourself as a kind, helpful adviser and ME the bad guy.

Lurking r9k is her fault kek nobody forced her to

You are a toxic trash but I'm not a saint

Do you think you’ve felt better without it’s influence though? Honestly I always wonder how the young males who are exposed to r9k feel, because it’s much more hurting on them, and does nothing but fuel lots of anger towards women / society etc

I’ve already came to understand that when I was 17, that the angry misgreivings stemmed from a lot of inferiority, anger and hurt. (doesn’t help that I had a brother who kept browsing the redpill reddit) Hurt people hurt others. But understanding is one thing, getting it out of my head is another.

Well I understand your sentiment and honestly I’ve felt about this myself mutilple times before making this thread. I understand that life deals people with shitty cards, and always felt shitty when I feel bad and realised that there are people in Africa who would love to be me. While that makes me more appreciative, it doesn’t help me out of this spiralling depression / negativity.

It’s great that you’ve managed to overcome it, but ultimately I am not you user. I would love to have your mental resilience, but unfortunately I’m still working on it. That’s why the thread was created.

Frankly speaking I was at my lowest during the time I discovered r9k. I was depressed, had social anxiety and zero friends etc. I just felt nice to have a community that could talk about feels, and was my main place to feel socially connected to others. Ironically it also stopped me from suiciding, but that phase is mostly over.

The only one who called her toxic trash is you, toxic trash.

Don't worry, I am weak, I am still depressed and I not long ago I tried to kill myself again. Just, try to talk to people, and most will be nice to you

If you've really been around that long then you know what Jow Forums is right about and what they are wrong about.
People are shitty. You're just going to have to deal with it. Escapism is the scenic route on the road to suicide. Trying to hide from what you see in people is just as escapist as the 5 minute hate you get with Jow Forums.

First of all listen to this.
It's not about your exact issue, but the "solution" he gives works for it. TL;DR you have to be aware of your thoughts. Your automatic train of thought gets you to think "this person is trash", without much reason or active input from you. But if you recognize when that happens you can stop for a second and put things into perspective. Follow your reason to judge (or rather, avoid judging) people and situations instead of your subconscious thought patterns. If you do this frequent enough, for long enough your negative bias will diminish. But, you have to actually be serious about this. Staying aware of your thoughts is not easy. And actively contradicting them is not pleasant. After all, you do get a small dose of satisfaction thinking one person (or a group of people) is trash, don't you? You'll have to give that up, because it's not worth it.

And, obviously, try to meet more people. People who aren't "like that", preferably. No matter, you will walk into people who are rude, insulting or straight-up abusing to you (and maybe everyone else). What you need to understand about those people is that they're victims of their circumstances as much as you are. If you find a man who hates women, chances are, he has a somewhat similar background to you. I don't think you should interact with people like that in your current state, but you shouldn't blindly hate them either.

The self-esteem part is somewhat simpler. Set realistic goals, work towards achieving them. The simplest, normiest advice that has ever been given. But it works. Figure out what's wrong with your life and try to change it. Which you already seem to be doing.

Good luck, user. I'm cheering for you!

You're fucking sad

you can be my friend

add me on steam


id write a post if i wasnt about to go to sleep

Consider posting on crystal cafe. It's kinda like r9k, but the opposite. "Females only, men are scum" kind of site.
I'm not saying it's good for you, but some opposite negative influence might balance it out. Plus, you'll get to interact with more women.

get laid

leave this place
get professional help

there's not much else we can do, get away from this hellhole while you can

what do you hate about men?


I'm basically you but male. Just walk away from the propaganda is the best way to do it. Focus on the goodness or shittiness of individuals.

r9k is a really toxic place, especially for a girl. People there just sit around all day validating each other's shitty beliefs, it doesn't help anything or anyone

That's actually not true. When people talk about being "red pilled", what they really mean is "accepting their victemhood." Accepting that the system is rigged against you and that you are a victim within it is a VERY important physiological stage to go though....AND it's also an important stage to grow PAST. Many people never grow past it, but they should try anyway. It's part of growing up and becoming wise.

Being redpilled is a stage in human development. When you acquire new information about how the world really works, you will be able to move on from it.