I have 4 weeks holidays in about 2 weeks from now. I need to get a date/get laid/get a girlfriend. I have no friends...

I have 4 weeks holidays in about 2 weeks from now. I need to get a date/get laid/get a girlfriend. I have no friends. How do I do it?

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forgot to say: no dating sites/apps


Never done it but I don't think it's going to be what I want.

>no dating sites/apps
>no prostitutes
How do you expect to get a girlfriend or laid when you refuse to do anything that would help you get one?

are you retarded?

the answer is yes, I don't even need to ask

I don't want to use dating sites/apps because I think they might decrease my chances with women IRL and I think I might have a chance with hotter women IRL, especially if I don't use dating sites/apps, plus there's more magic to having success without a dating site/app.

I don't want to fuck prostitutes, because I don't think it's going to have the magic of being with a woman that's with you of her own choice, plus it's a waste of money. It's not only the physical act of fucking I want, also being on a date etc.

Was that so fucking hard to figure out that I had to write all this out?

Coming from a guy that got laid twice in two weeks, which is impressive given I'm a 5/10.

Okay so...

1.Use dating sites and apps to learn some basics about chatting to women, helps you get comfortable with learning how to flirt and knowing when you have to push hard or go soft. Get some photos of 8/10s for your profile so you can match quickly but not be in that area of 'so hot he can say any stupid shit.'

2.Have money. No not to flash it around 'because women only care about wealth.' Have money so when you go to a bar or something you're not penny pinching. Have money so you and her can grab something to eat after the club. Have money so when you hang with a girl you can afford to do something fun.

3.Go to the sort of places you'll be going to on holidays (but not the exact places) and just observe. Watch how the charismatic guys do it, see how people have fun and match that. This will make you look like a weirdo, which is exactly why you don't do it where you're having holidays.

4. If you're going to dance, learn to dance. There's fuck loads of tutorials on youtube. Practice the moves, record yourself on your phone to see if you've got it. Don't stop until you do.

5.Take her on an adventure. Break the ice, ease in with the conversation then invite her to do stuff with you, whether that be dancing, bowling or grabbing a kebab.

6.Be upfront but not crude. When you get to that point where you and her are having a lot of fun and it feels like the night is losing steam, kiss her. Either that or invite her back to yours for drinks/to crash. If you two have too much to talk about, dancing in a club is always a great way to shut you guys up and make things physical.

Do have autism or some other severe retardation?

>some other severe retardation?
That's what you have

>1.Use dating sites and apps to learn some basics about chatting to women, helps you get comfortable with learning how to flirt and knowing when you have to push hard or go soft. Get some photos of 8/10s for your profile so you can match quickly but not be in that area of 'so hot he can say any stupid shit.'
You are a retard. I said no dating sites/apps. And no, you don't learn shit from using dating sites, so fuck off.

Sick burn dude

>Go to the sort of places you'll be going to on holidays
>going to on holidays
>where you're having holidays
Dumbass, I simply meant I'm off work for 4 weeks.

I think it's pretty clear why OP is a virgin. He's lashing out angrily at everyone who writes to him and doesn't want any advice. Pretty fitting OP pic actually.

OP, if you act like this much of a sperg in front of women there is no helping you.

I talked to a woman in a museum a few days ago, tourist. I think she wanted me to talk to her because she walked over and stood near where I was standing. Then when I opened by asking about an item on display she seemed to enjoy it. I kept walking after her talking to her, but not too much so I left her alone a little for periods. I wasn't sure whether she liked me or not. But then when I told her we could go together to another museum that was nearby after she was done at this museum the tone of her voice and the expression in her face made me think she was trying to get rid of me without being too blunt about it, so I left the museum. I regret that I didn't approach another woman that I saw in the same museum after I left her though, would have been good I think, both to forget about the first bitch really fast, and to keep trying with new women all the time, and because if the first woman saw me that would have sent the signal I didn't give a fuck about her rejecting me.

>He's lashing out angrily at everyone who writes to him
Because the replies are retarded

The only one here being retarded is you.

You're retarded and a woman/cuck/libtard

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There were 5 other women that seemed interested in me the same day I talked to the woman in the museum though, all of them probably hotter than her. That's very rare for me that 6 women seem interested in one day. Not totally sure they were interested though.

I approached 3 women last week. Before that I didn't approach any women since February or something.

This is a bit of crazy one but I guarantee you'll get laid from it. No girlfriends though, just one night stands. Wear your nicest button up, have some gel in your hair and literally jump off a cliff or any height above 30 feet.

Trust me man, it works. Give it a try.

>A girl at the museum talked to me.
>that means they're probably interested in me

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retard, fat feminist, fuck off

I know you are but what am I?

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