
Attached: Twice Betrayed.jpg (667x524, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 1:9-14&version=KJV

based. jesus was a faggot

Checkmate, Atheists.

The Democrats and CIA niggers use illegal immigrants for organ harvesting and sex slaves. OP is a shill who will burn in hell.

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Good. Maybe the priests will get arrested next. Abrahamic religions are a blight on this planet.

>ICE are talking to the president
>Trump oversees every arrest
They're just missing swastikas and this would be perfect.

Fuck me. This has shaken my republican, racist ass to my core. Fuck borders laws and shit.

Jesus and his family were law abiding (except when it came to disobeying kike laws) a big part of the birth of Jesus was Joseph and Mary travelling to register in the census

I, too, am with Her now.
I still can not believe i was once a MAGApede.
No amount of based black men can fix this

Good. Christianity has done nothing, but weaken us as a people. Plus he's a Jew.

No one is going around rounding up Jews, yet. And that’s not good

these jewish synagouge of satan rats are using Jesus in their images, why?

Jesus said to follow the laws of the area you reside in (render unto Caesar and all that), so he wouldn't have crossed the border illegally.
This person clearly doesn't understand Christianity/the Bible.

>haven't worked a day as a carpenter
lazy shitskin as usual


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Thats dumb because Jesus could easily break through those cuffs. I dont pray to no pussy jesus.

sure arabs are brown when its convenient

Post more like this. Jewish atheists in New York have been leaning on the Jesus meme hard and lazily lately.

Take the paganpill. Androphiles are the natural aristocracy.

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This is mainstream Christianity.

It is used as a club for liberals. "Oh you don't believe in calling trannies by their propers pronouns?! That's not very christian! Jesus would have! What about the Golden Rule?!"

As a christian I realize, Christianity cannot and will not save us.

Idiots share this and think they're dunking on Trump because he'd lock up Jesus and think they're "owning the Christians". In actuality this is a compliment. What you're saying is that Trump cares about the rule of law and his country so much that he'd hold his God accountable to the laws of his nation. You're literally saying that he wouldn't bend the rules for anyone.

Checked and confirmed. Jesus advocated following the law.

That's some terrible artwork. I could do better. Andy Marlette, you shameless bastard. Draw better comics.

Republicans love them for cheap labor

Cant meme

Sage and hide

Liberals love religion and Jesus now?

jesus was a white man

Now show the part where he condemns sodomites to hell, because, you know, he said lots of things.

>33 BC

You're not a Christian.

Fucm damn shit. They got trump by the balls. Do people still think he believes in fairy tales? He doesn't have time for that crap

Technically, he is "white as wool"

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation 1:9-14&version=KJV

>born in the middle east
>some how white

You're delusional

As an atheist, I don't see the problem. Wasted 20 years believing that man's bullshit story.

Not even christian, but these leftist faggots use Jesus only when it suits them. And ignore him on everything else.

Maybe the same cartoonist should do christianity's take on fags and trannys. You know, to make it fair.

What's wrong with this image?

good get that dirty sand nigger jew out of here

what kind of new twat would ever think tha-
oh ok

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Only Santa is white

Jesus wasn’t trying to sneak into Persia

based and redpilled, fpbp


For one thing, modern English didn't exist when Jesus was alive. Secondly, here is a little piece related to the race of Jesus. I haven't fact checked it at all, so maybe take it with a grain of salt...

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Thanks OP, I have seen your pithy political cartoon which has now made me reconsider my entire worldview. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth.


Shills get paid in (You)s so if you do not directly link their post like
they get exactly zero cents for all their hard work.
>he does it for free

every godamn time

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leafs are such faggots

Zomgs, I feel so BTFO, I don't think I'll ever be able to recover from this.
Shitskin good, white man bad, shitskin good, white man bad.

Now add in the part where he's an illegal immigrant and they've found evidence he committed a crime in his home nation.


I love smuggies

Jesus wasn't an immigrant.


no its not..fuck off

I wonder if he came here legally

Give to Cesar's what is Cesar's. Lockup, yep.

twitter is a hell of a drug

Attached: nothingtoseehere.jpg (203x248, 6K)

The Jews arrested Jesus exactly like pic related, that means we should hate them.

>Brown skin
The Bible says Jesus is/was white.
>Doesn't speak English
He can speak all languages
>Thirty-three year old male... working as a carpenter
He was known more for ministry by that age.
>Jesus would violate a nation's laws.

Maybe crack open a Bible for once.

Lock up that fucking mentally ill kike.

Who cares about all of that, if he breaks our laws he deserve prison. That's what they love to leave out. Also they love using religion against us, the same thing they hate and don't even believe in.

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But this smuggie is correct.

I think it's OK to murder shitskins but if you think it's morally reprehensible and you kill one only one of us has crossed a line and is living a immoral life.

>The Bible says Jesus is/was white.

GTFO, there are no "white semites". Jews are white now? What kind of voodoo bullshit is this?

>Jesus spoke English

Fucking hell. The guy could speak languages before they even came into existence? POWERFUL

Dear God; stop being lazy and sending your kids and avatars down here to fix a problem YOU caused.

Did Jesus ever illegally immigrate anywhere?

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Based and redpilled

Merry Christmas fake jew kike amalekites.

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Isn't it exactly what the jews did to Jesus anyway ?

Jesus Christ was white and spoke the language He resided in
He also told His followers to follow the LAW

John 10:1
>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

Gaylick ceremony?

Judea was a Roman province primarily inhabited by Classical Greeks

>hurr humans never migrated ever durr
you're a fucking idiot

I actually dislike these people more than the kikes.
With kikes you know where they stand but with these people nope.

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except the smuggie is wrong, Christ didn't advocate for letting in illegal immigrants

Jesus told his disciples to follow the law of Rome. Nice try.

>Ban Islam and all terror attacks solved
Jesus wasn't a thief, motherfucker.

jews are pharisees

Atheists BTFO


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The left can't meme. English wasn't even around back then lmao and there's nothing in Christianity that says have open borders.


>Jesus wasn't white
Why does the Left think the world today looks exactly like the world 2018 years ago? The arab expansion wasn't until the 300-600 AD.

Dont trust that carpenter unless he can walk on water or turn the water into wine, until then hes just an ilegal larping as jesus.

No, you're the faggot whose widdle feewings got hurt over their pretend sky daddy.

Wow not even a source or the full quote. Wonder why Scholmo?

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Are you Christian Identity?

Well, why wouldn't you lock up a shitskin scammer?

>Checkmate, Atheists.

A political cartoon about a religious cartoon character somehow leaves me checkmated.

Whatever you say, Christcuck.

so do democrats

but think about all the elite lives this will save


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>As a christian I realize, Christianity cannot and will not save us.
That's where you're wrong. The Millennial Kingdom is coming

I am sure have a credible source for all of These three outrageous Claims which are not your ass

for (you)

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>athiests using Jesus to push an anti-Christian agenda
Why don't we still burn these people at the stake?

If he can make wine from water, he can get a fucking visa.

Jesus is white with blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Attached: jesus-1.jpg (194x259, 7K)

LOL no