Should I explain myself?

I was with my friends making jokes while high. I've been very depressed lately but haven0t had thoughts of suicide. They mentioned suicide so I instantly made a joke saying: "I thought of suicide." This one guy took it too literally and told me that those are the worst thoughts to have and that I should fix it. I told him that I was joking but he was still going on about it.

Now I feel paranoid that he thinks that I actually wanted to kill myself, that he'll tell someone and the rumor gets to someone I want to meet, e.g. a woman. Should I text him and say I was just joking but without mentioning suicide? Or should I mention it?

Attached: 4chan explain myself.jpg (640x433, 18K)

This is the thin line you walk with suicide jokes. It's a dangerous game.

Idk what to do. Messaging him won't change anything but I came here to see if anyone can tell me what a negative consequence of me messaging him would be.


Every joke contains a grain of truth, seek help.


my experience is people who joke about suicide usually do have depressive tendencies. they may not be immediate threats to themselves but the possibility is there.

I'm just asking whether or not I should do damage control.

>I thought of suicide
fucking belter, OP
the only way out of this is to make suicide and self harm jokes your forte then people would just see it as a part of your character and not a spontaneous cry for help

Yes, go to a mental health facility.

God damn it

That sounds way too edgy.

I thought of killing you today.

Premeditated murder.

And I've thought of killing myself, and I love myself way more than I love you.

People in my country are too retarded to get that reference.



Come on, I need an answer.

No it doesn't

Brush it off. You said it while intoxicated so you have probable deniability. If you are worried they'll bring it up talk to them about it like a normal person.


I think everyone has. You were being humanising. People like you make others think "oh I'm not the only one" casually. You're a good person to have around. Especially if you're gonna be so chill about it like "oh that happened to me" all non chalant.

Your friend is way overreacting.

Do you think it's a smart choice to message him? Considering his logic, he might think that I'm crying for help if I do that.

Tell me all these great jokes about intangible/illogical things.


Only if your friends are squares.

>They mentioned suicide so I instantly made a joke saying: "I thought of suicide."
Is that ALL you said?
>This one guy took it too literally and told me that those are the worst thoughts to have and that I should fix it. I told him that I was joking but he was still going on about it.
Do you know this guy well? I'd just bring it up casually next time we met up, maybe focus it on him. "Boy I was high the other night. You doing alright? You seemed really disturbed."
Because honestly, his overreaction speaks more about him than about you.