Do women deserve the right to vote?

Do women deserve the right to vote?

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No one deverse this. Democracy is shit




every society gets ruined when they are allowed to


A few, certainly. The problem is you can never tell with women since it's so easy for them to get a job not based on competence.

Service guarantees citizenship.

no, neither do some of the men, only ones with skin in the game, net taxpayers who are male, maybe even make it land owners. But not sure because usa is becoming a rentpocapse.

What a bunch of edgy faggots. Let's disenfranchise the majority of the population from voting because we are scared beta incel scum. Also, this is yet another repeat slide thread.

>because we are scared beta incel
Negative. Incels would be banned from voting as well. As would anyone too scared to serve their country.

The argument for restricting voting is to restrict decision-making to people who are actually able to care for themselves. Why would you let any homeless nut job help make decisions for a community?

You foolishly want an oligarchy, thinking for sure you will be part of it. How's that working out so far here in America?

Only straight white males over 30 years old, owners of land and citizenship.

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no. they vote with their emotions.

>Anyone can vote after military service
I dunno, seems like anyone could be a part of it.

Women are not intellectually or morally capable of exercising the franchise in a responsible way.

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Taking away female civil liberties(not like you could anyway) means subhuman genetics get to Female selective breeding is the most effective tool of improving humanity over time, and wanting to stifle that for your own selfish reasons should be punishable.

>subhuman genetics get to

You poor commies can't even articulate proper sentences

So basically you endorse the "Starship Troopers" model?

I know more women who have their shit completely together than I do men. Though I'm also older than most of the user base here. Don't you guys ever get tired of making the same impractical fantasy jerk-off thread a dozen times every day?

Why don't we have chairs like that? They seem baste.

yes ofcourse, but their vote should count only 1/3 of mens vote.

Literally no reason to take them away. Only incels want women to have zero rights1

There should not be voting in the first place, democracy is weak and decadent

>doesn't know about rome

>mfw I will never have a THICC 1930's jewess secretary sit on my face while screaming rape

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>Pretend to know women
>Even these pretend women friendzone you
This is a new level of faggotry.

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So your damning proof is a work of fiction, followed up with an ad hominem attack. Touche!

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Why do we inexplicably allow almost everyone age 18+ to vote? Would you allow a random 18 year old to perform heart surgery on you?

The only people who should be able to vote are those who are fit for the task. If we let idiots vote, we will live in a system birthed and orchestrated by idiots.

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Yes, they are 51% of the population

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democracy fucko

>A piece of fiction written over 2000 years somehow magically predicts exactly what is happening in the real world today. It's all just a cohencidence, goy!

>calls people here incels and jerk-offs then claims others are using personal attacks
You argue exactly like a woman, You're either a roastie or a kike.

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American Italians the modern day Mexicans

This is one of my favorite topics. Or should I say, one of the most interesting topics for people who like to think critically.

Think about what voting is. Voting is, essentially, replacing conflict or violence with a non violent means of settling a dispute. Women, or the vast majority at least, are not capable of beating men in a hand to hand fight. Sure you talk about weapons etc that all changes but still a war of men vs women no matter the weapons it would be won by men. Never the less, if women can't fight and win, why should we allow them to vote? Pretty simple concept. We're giving them something they can't earn.

Technically suffrage is a privilege granted by the government, so no, it is not deserved, but a gift.

So by that line of thought wouldn't Jow Forums's critiques of modern blacks make them superior, and therefore the only ones fit to rule?

Why doesn't Jow Forums just crack open a Bible every now and then? I Tim 2:12 you're welcome.

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Perhaps, but that's not what we're talking about here. I'd rather see a black man vote than a woman. At least he doesn't vote on emotion and bullshit that doesn't matter. He'll vote on what he gets out of the deal which is what voting is. You don't vote against your own interests. Even black men are more rational than women.

How the fuck do you come to that conclusion? Please walk us through the thought process.

Roman women didn't have many rights.

Absolutely fucking not.



Jow Forums is always bringing up how blacks are more violent, and have some physical advantages through a long period of forced selective breeding. So if voting replaces violence, by the logic repeated here ad nauseam, we are only biding our time until blacks take their rightful place as rulers.

Women are incapable of higher thought and need to be controlled whether they like it or not

You satanic kikes find it too easy to use our women against us

especially NO to jewish women

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Kys fucko
This is a republic and all of you traitors working agsunst your countrmen are goibg to burn in hell for your treachery

Kys fag

That’s predicated on the fact that voting in general should be a thing. Only deranged people think that putting power in the hands of the ignorant envy driven masses.

Being more prone to acts of uncontrolled violence =/= being better at violence. Whatever physical advantages you seem to believe they have are heavily offset by IQ, creativity, organization, etc which are all key components of violent conflict.

That's bad logic. Intelligence clearly leads over violence. That's why we vote. Everything with lefties always has to be black and white and women are now men and vice versa. Get off of that shit. All i'm saying is that women shouldn't vote. Men, no matter their color should decide the vote. You wanna go all we wuz kangz and shit on us fine, i can't stop you but its derailing the conversation to stupid town.

It's not about what people deserve, it's about what works best.

So no.

no.... body does

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(((Demoncracy))) and voting in general is an immoral act
Giving this to women is an even bigger perversion and was the entire point of (((demoncracy))) as gays, trans, and mental illness become a predictable outcome of this policy

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