What the hell should I do anons? She's almost 14 and going into freshman year of HS. I'm going into freshman year of UNI. Would it be really weird to go out to the movies with her? She doesn't look super young but she doesn't look super old for her age, she's pretty qt and sweet so I would feel bad saying "no" I'm an 18 year old KHV dateless and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. I don't really know why this girl likes me. I'm just worried my family or someone I know finds out I went on a date with a 13 year old then everyone labels me a pedo even though I wouldn't be breaking any laws. I do have a bit of a crush on her, though. Is that weird? But I wouldn't break any laws.
If your defense is "Technically, this is not illegal!" then you are already in the wrong. Also, how is it not illegal? Where are you from? This sounds illegal.
Don't do it, dumbass.
Isaac Cooper
I knew a 14-year old girl back in the day who was going through a phase and would exclusively date 18-20 year old men. She never got sexual with them because she thought it was creepy when they wanted to.
John Fisher
think about it like this:
the kind of 13 year old who asks a KHD virgin isn't likely to be right in the head. Like literal mental illness. Be that naturally occurring or from abuse. Assuming she's mentally ill, to indulge this girl would be unethical as it won't help the girl's mental illness.
There's a difference between a 13 year old giggling and asking a cute teenage/YA guy out on a 'date', and a 13 year old asking an adult out on a date. Be clear on that.
It's also fucking weird, you degenerate.
Brandon King
don't listen to these normies, DO IT, DON'T WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY
Luke Sanders
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's only illegal if you fuck her.
Cameron Garcia
She's gonna be like a whole new person five times over before she's 21 What's even the point? I guess go with her and being nice if you want. On the other hand maybe it's something sort of pernicious trap
Daniel Anderson
He wants to fuck her, though. Else he wouldn't be so fixated on the law.
I'm from the USA. NYC to be exact. And it is not illegal to date an underage person as an adult, it would only be illegal to have sex. Hugging/kissing would be fine too.
Sebastian Kelly
You could easily just rub one out, but you'd rather go to jail for 10-20 years on statutory rape? How dumb are you? Avoid this 13 year old girl like the plague.
Asher Turner
Pretend to be her older brother and take her to the movies out of town, also don't use your regular phone.
t. used to date a 15yo
Liam Walker
I don't plan on having sex with her.
Alexander Bennett
>There's a difference between a 13 year old giggling and asking a cute teenage/YA guy out on a 'date', and a 13 year old asking an adult out on a date. You're going to need to elaborate on your stance because OP is 18.
Jason Ward
We live in the same apartment building kek, I see her pretty often. We have a lot ij common and she's actually pretty smart and nice to talk with.
Julian Brown
I don't have a car user.
Kevin Turner
>Hugging/kissing would be fine too.
Not it's not fine. Dude, come on. Making out with an underage person is still illegal.
And you know you'd have to hide even if you are just dating with no contact, right? So you know that even though taking her to the movies is not illegal, it's frowned upon.
Joshua Perry
I had girlfriends that I didn't have sex with. For different reasons, but I think even the attention would do a KHV good
Brandon Gomez
Hmm. Take your chances in a local theater I guess but don't be too touchy, normies may notice. Theres always a nosy soccer mom lurking around.
Ryan Clark
>We have a lot ij common
That's sad. That's really sad. She is a child and you are an adult. You should find her boring. Are you really so immature?
Kayden Bell
People will make assumptions about your intentions
Christopher Brooks
>but its the law! >conflating morals to what the government deems okay get a load of this sheeple
Levi Perez
How did the thread progress beyond this post?
Brody Hernandez
Stop calling 18 year olds adults. It's insulting to actual adults.
Caleb Rivera
OP seriously, go on a friendly date with her and have a good time. Ignore these assholes thinking you're out to rape and kill the kid.
William Hernandez
Think of a young girl going up to a member of some boy band and asking him out. She doesn't really think he'll say yes, and if he does say yes, she doesn't mean they'll be "dating", just that they went on a tea "date".
With OP's case, it feels more like the girl is asking him to "date" her, as in be in a relationship.
Aiden Edwards
He is the one defending himself with the law, I'm pointing out he is wrong about that. You can't make out with a minor.
And again, even if he doesn't break any laws, like if he takes her to the movies and doesn't touch her, he is still an 18 yo dating a 13 yo, he knows he has to hide it because that's not right (law or not law).
Camden Gray
I wouldn't really say I'm an adult, sure legally speaking I am but I just graduated HS, and she's about to start it, it's not like I've been working for 5 years and she's still in HS. It's not that weird to have stuff in common with her, she likes most anime, books, and movies I like. She's also a really sweet and caring person, many girls around 18-20 seem jaded from past relationships. She also looks up to me which I think is pretty endearing.
Caleb Robinson
He should be an adult by now. Or at least he shouldn't be impressed by a 13 year old.
Benjamin Rivera
Feel free to hang out then. If you guys can't get physical why call it dating? It's not weird for an 18 year old and a 13 year old to be friends. It is if they consider themselves dating, even if they're doing the exact same things.
Lucas Price
perhaps a 13yo shouldn't out compete the women in his age range, have you considered that? women between the age of 18-24 are the WORST they'll ever be mentally.
Bentley Rodriguez
>I just graduated HS, and she's about to start it,
That's 5 years of life experiences setting you apart. Also, be fair, you are about to start college/working seriously now. You are leaving high school to never come back. Phrasing it like you did is just trying to make it look like you are closer.
You are starting something new that she can't be a part of.
Matthew Campbell
>wanting to date someone who looks up to you in a childish manner what the fuck dude, you're legitimately a pedophile.
James Anderson
Wow, so a child is better than a woman his age. Yeah, you are not OP trying to defend himself. Don't do this oP, it's sad.
Samuel Wright
>You are starting something new that she can't be a part of he may also help her through school and be a mature shoulder to lean on, thats better than dating immature fuckboys in HS imo.
Liam Torres
Growing up, you should be forming relationships with people currently going through the same things as you. She's clearly trying to avoid these things. Sure, he'll be a shoulder to lean on but she'll have no coping mechanisms when OP goes to jail for statutory rape when she "surprises him" for her 15th birthday.
Colton Campbell
You mean dating someone at your same level of development? A parent, older sibling, tutor, etc. can help you through school. This dude is happy to make out with her because he thinks it's not illegal.
Landon Hall
I'm not OP, its sadder women his age are so vapid his only option is to mingle with his younger neighbor.
I sincerely hope they become a good couple.
Asher Phillips
>its sadder women his age are so vapid his only option is to mingle with his younger neighbor.
Dude, the fact that his only option is to mingle with a 13 yo is not a fault of all women, it's a fault of his.
What's more likely: That all women are crazy or that this dude is just a mentally stunted person?
Jayden Turner
Think of all the people you knew when you were that young who dated "mature" (18-25) men. I knew 3.
>1. Suicide
>2. Drug user (hardcore, not weed/lsd/etc)
>3. Drug User (hardcore, not weed/lsd/etc)
I know anecdotes aren't statistics, but OP, if you truly care about this girls development you won't do anything more than take her out for lunch and ask about school once a month.
Connor Torres
>its sadder women his age are so vapid his only option is to mingle with his younger neighbor. Are you serious?
Sebastian Evans
Of course you won’t.
But the prisoners will.Broken broomstick up your asshole!!!! HAHHAAHHAHAHHAHAHH!!!!!
Alexander Morgan
>you won't do anything more than take her out for lunch
That's too much already man. She is asking him out, she is expecting a lot of this shit.
Dylan Edwards
My thought is maybe she's asking for a date as an innocent way of trying to connect with someone. Maybe in a father/uncle figure way, not a romantic way.
Daniel Price
I believe its very likely the girls he grew up with were major cunts, whores and cheaters and now he finally has the chance to have a bond with a girl hes familiar with. Why should he be denied happiness because you don't approve of it?
Isaiah Ortiz
Jordan Thomas
i aint a amerimutt but if you are below just over the age of 15 i'd say its kinda ok but if your like 15 1/2 or 16 WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING GET OUT OF THERE
Grayson King
>We have a lot ij common and she's actually pretty smart and nice to talk with. How low is your mental functioning if a 13 year old girl is even remotely relatable?
Nicholas Ward
Wow, I don't know what would be sadder. That you are OP defending himself or not.
If you are OP, then you know you have no one in your corner, you know what you are doing is wrong.
If you are not OP, then you are projecting so hard, blaming all the women around OP and defending his attachment to a child.
Either option makes me worry.
Colton Watson
spoken like a true normalfag
Cameron Reyes
You were the one to shitfling projections first, all I'm arguing is if they're compatible with eachother fuck off and leave them alone.
Jose Barnes
>if they're compatible with eachother
How can they be? He is going to start college and she is just starting high school. Both are going to be missing out on dating stuff like making out and sex because if they are caught it will be bad.
How is this a good idea?
Ian Peterson
literally what, how does any of that prevent them from dating? they live right next to eachother and can plan meet ups anywhere they wanted. OPs biggest roadblock is not owning a car, that would be an issue for dating. Teens fuck other teens all the time too, as to how they do it would be no different in this scenario.
Albeit I don't advise sex that early, she should wait until 15/16 at least when they're bonded.
James Rogers
Like has been said before, if it's just meeting up whenever don't call it dating.
Angel Flores
>Teens fuck other teens all the time too, as to how they do it would be no different in this scenario.
He is not a teen anymore.
>Albeit I don't advise sex that early, she should wait until 15/16 at least when they're bonded.
That's grooming.
Landon James
Go fap by yourself and reconsider what you posted. I doubt you have any real connections with her and are just looking to nut.
My advice is don’t be retarded and date a 13 yo.
Jaxson Morris
>He is not a teen anymore. irrelevant to the situation, what you deem mature isn't applicable to their interests.
>dating without sex is grooming begone, roastie.
Gabriel Gomez
Thank you.
Luke Young
>Albeit I don't advise sex that early, she should wait until 15/16 at least when they're bonded.
Bonding with a minor with the goal of having sex is grooming. It's literally what it is.
>what you deem mature isn't applicable to their interests
He is starting college or getting into the work market. Maybe both. He can't think like a 13 yo anymore.
Elijah Foster
Thats a meaningless buzzterm for not having sex like animals, by that logic waiting until marriage is grooming. >can't be thinking like a 13yo Or perhaps this 13yo is thinking like an 18yo, now wouldn't that be a mindfuck :^)
He can do whatever he wants, if he feels that he needs her comfort to get through a stressful week of college exams so be it.
Benjamin Flores
>by that logic waiting until marriage is grooming.
Not if she is not a minor. I mean, come on, don't play dumb.
>Or perhaps this 13yo is thinking like an 18yo, now wouldn't that be a mindfuck :^)
Yes it would. Why would she go after an autist virgin, then?
>He can do whatever he wants
And he will deal with the consequences. Like jail, social rejection, and messing her up even more than she already is. No one will walk away happy.
Adam Anderson
Does he know the parents and do they know him? If so and they're fine with it then that's their decision to make, be it good or bad. OP wants it, and as an adult he can make his own decisions, but the girl is not an adult and what she wants should be moderated at her guardians discretion.
Benjamin Parker
>Why would she go after an autist virgin, then? because other normalfags like (you) would scold, shame and guilt her for feeling attracted to an adult?
>Not if she is not a minor the end result is the same, whether they have sex at 16 or 18 is no different.
>he will deal with the consequences. Like jail, social rejection, and messing her up even more than she already is. No one will walk away happy. another projection, the only people out to destroy their happiness is (you)r kind. Do you even see that?
Meeting the parents will always turn bad no matter what the relationship is, I dated a black girl older than me and her father had an issue with it because Im white.
Isaiah Morris
He's 18. He's still a fucking squeaker.
Ian Robinson
>the end result is the same, whether they have sex at 16 or 18 is no different.
Dude, if you befriend a girl 5 years your junior with the plan of fucking her, that's grooming. The difference between 16 and 18 is that the former is not only grooming, but also sex with a minor. So it's two crimes for the price of one.
>because other normalfags like (you) would scold, shame and guilt her for feeling attracted to an adult?
So, she, a mature 13 yo, goes for an immature 18 yo, right? Doesn't make sense. If he is not an adult, why would she go for him?
> Do you even see that?
She is a child. Have you even spoken to a 13 yo lately? Dude, you don't know what you are talking about.
Easton Morgan
And she is just starting high school. He can't be imprssed by that.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
If she was older than you and an adult then she could make her own decisions. Her parents being adults can have their own opinions, whether she agrees with them or whether you like them. Two adults or two minors are fine because they share equally in their responsibility or lack of it. With an adult and a minor the minor is under the guardianship of someone responsible for them, who determines what they are and are not allowed to do.
Jack Thompson
>If he is not an adult, why would she go for him? who said hes not an adult? stop injecting your projections into your arguments. we don't know why shes interested in OP, he hasn't laid a reason for us yet.
>its a crime!! That is not an argument, what the state, society and (you) think is irrelevant to how they connect. If they want to wait 5 years let them do it, if they want to fuck tomorrow let them do it. Keep your fucking nose out of their business.
>she is a child shes almost a young adult, the real problem is society raising kids to be retarded. By chance she could be smart enough to want a mature relationship with somebody with real problems, not teenage drama. My original stance was that OP is experiencing a similar phenomenon, girls his age are the worst they'll ever be in terms of mental instability (18-24). Why would he be around women he hates when this girl, asking HIM out seems kind and open?
Blake Hernandez
>who said hes not an adult?
You did. At least you said he is "different" from those that would reject her. remember? Why is he different? Because he is immature, that's why.
>That is not an argument, what the state, society and (you) think is irrelevant to how they connect. If they want to wait 5 years let them do it, if they want to fuck tomorrow let them do it. Keep your fucking nose out of their business.
That's on reason not to do it, that's not the whole story.
He is not mature. She should discover herself with people her age. AND also he will end up in jail. Those are different problems, for different reasons. Don't act like the law is the only barrier.
> By chance she could be smart enough to want a mature relationship with somebody with real problems, not teenage drama.
But OP is an underdeveloped virgin, ha can't give her that!
>My original stance was that OP is experiencing a similar phenomenon, girls his age are the worst they'll ever be in terms of mental instability (18-24).
And as I told you, it's more likely he is the problem, not every single woman his age. That's shifting blame.
Nathaniel Phillips
I was 17 and she was 19, both in our senior year. Age wasn't a problem, her father was just racist.
>you said he is "different" as in not a judgemental normalfag shoving their morals down everyones throats >he is not mature and will end up in jail that is your own retarded projection, if hes only going on harmless dates they're doing nothing wrong. >But OP is an underdeveloped virgin, ha can't give her that! and you're a toasty roastie being outcompeted by a 13yo girl personally wise KEK
>And as I told you And as I've told YOU, OP has no "problems". The younger girl approuched HIM first, she made herselr available to his interests. What they decide to do is none of your business cunt.
Jace Reyes
>The younger girl approuched HIM first
And that's her issue, but she is not here, so I can only talk to OP.
Though, OP left, so it's only you defending him. So, good bye. Try not to fuck minors.
Jace Moore
>She's almost 14 that changes everything!!!!11111!!!!!
keked hard man
William Davis
>more likely he is the problem, not every single woman his age. That's shifting blame
t. roastie
Julian Bailey
>She is a child. Have you even spoken to a 13 yo lately? Dude, you don't know what you are talking about.
So are 18 year olds to be fair
Jace Thomas
>good bye. Try not to fuck minors. already did years ago, no cops ever busted down the door :^) ta ta roastie!