We got kicked off /ck/ due to Sharia Law being instituted. And Jow Forums is full of weebspammers whose drunken fathers must have beat them with plunger sticks or something. So we're trying here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Great, welcome.
wtf, why are mods suddenly on /ck/? they let jackspam go on for years but alcoholic threads arent allowed?
Addiction threads have little to do with cooking. They need a place to free their feeeeels.
What is up with all the connection errors when I try to post?
So this the new al/ck/ threads?
Yes, welcome
So is Jow Forums our new sanctuary? Good atmosphere on this board.
>gf broke up because she doesn't love me anymore
>drinking for hours now
any al/ck/ for this feel?
Finally. I like this board a lot more than Jow Forums. So what are you all drinking? I've personally been sober for 2 weeks now.
pls I'm so desperate right now it's the middle of the night everything is closed and I'm drunk and sad
I was going to spend time with friends today, but it's been nothing but shit to the point that I'd rather spend the money on beer, and try to ride the wave of euphoria before I crash and sob for an hour.
I always have the best sleep after a night of pathos.
Are the connection errors like a metaphor for my inability to connect with life or something?
I wish I could make a thread on /ck/ to bring people over but I'd surely be banned.
I'm 3 months sober from alcohol if any alcoholics want to AMA
How do you manage going sober that long? I can keep it to the weekends for the most part but the idea of going sober that long doesn't even computer for me.
Take this shit to r9k you shitheads
adv isn't a "drugs general"
No. We need Jow Forumsice dammit.
Fuck off you already shit up /ck/ go literally anywhere else
Only post if you actually want or need advice. This is advice. Don't care about other boards. But you should know people here will give you advice if you ask.
Look at Jow Forums, what's left to shit up?
The only way we can go lower is if we get daily logposter advice threads or something. This board has been a shitty, unmoderated graveyard for years.
We can't shit up /ck/ you tard. Jow Forums spammed us with autism. So here we are?
Just dumping some thoughts. Im not asking for advice or anything. Youre free to comment if you want though.
>used to drink 750mL vodka per day about 5 years ago
>quit on my own, ramped down my dose by switching to a bottle of wine per night, then a 24oz 8%alc drink per day, then nothing
>drank only very rarely after that, for years - less than once a month
>have PTSD now from shit that happened from 2013-2017
>drink vodka every day to help deal with shit - I put it all into sparkling water for increased alcohol absorption
>trying to just feel relaxed, trying to avoid shit, different reasons every single day
>smoke weed all day every day
>have like 6 fucking different medications I'm on and they all help or I wouldn't still be taking them, my psych had to fucking work to get me to take any of them.
>limit myself to 150mL of vodka per day - three shooters. 300mL slowly 2x a month
>trying to not slip back into downing a fifth per night again, buying small amounts to help prevent overdrinking
I guess the only reason I'm even sharing this is because I don't tell anyone that I drink. I hide it from everybody, I don't tell my medical people, I don't tell my psych people, I don't tell anyone.
I shouldn't be drinking on my meds - all of them individually are basically okay with minor drinking, though I don't know if "every single day I drink 3 alcoholic units" counts as "minor drinking" in regards to medicine - I know it is true minor drinking compared to deep alcoholism, I guess that's where I have problems. There is also the issue that, I am on -multiple- medications where you really shouldn't be drinking anything other than minor occasional drinking.
I keep telling myself "it's fine, you only drink 150mL vodka per day, you will never buy a fifth again in your life. My blood tests show that my liver is doing fine. But, I know I really shouldn't be doing this, and I know it could potentially lead to me drinking -more- and falling into that "fifth a day" hole again.
Smh this shit..
>have PTSD now from shit that happened from 2013-2017
Are you a soldier? I am going to suppose that no and you are just like tumblr faggots.
No combat zone.
Is rape and torture tumblr?
Filter the post if it makes your vag bleed so much. The discussion is literally contained in this one general and won't affect the rest of the board. It's only a problem because shitheads like you decided to whine about it. These threads are made to give people advice on their addictions, drinking habits etc.
I bet you still fap to it, sicko.
>implying I have functional genitals
You'll be thrown off here too if you don't ask for some advice. That's what this place is for
Honestly most of Jow Forums nowadays just needs to get the fuck into therapy. Those who don't are baiting or just need to stop being such a lil bitch
Let them have their little booze club. Hide the thread if it upsets you.
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Can I still spam Jow Forums with these threads just to watch candida and demmark autists spam them with loli. I'm not a senpai of loli but I do enjoy their hour after hour wasted spamming them.
Also happy for a real home on Jow Forums with at least post-teens who don't understand alcoholism but have a willingness to give us a home.
Thank you.
We appreciate you.
Damn if you cooked that I'll happily give you an A+
Absofuckinglutely. We aren't allowed to have one thread? Fuck it we'll have two.
Feel free. Then I'll just spam the threads you have here too.
Fuck fagmark and weebrageleaf.
>Jow Forums
Oh my fuck, I hope you're ready for a disappointment of mediocre proportions.
Kill yourself
Cheers from another fucking Leaf.
Thanks! I was temped to get a burger but I’m trying to save money so shrimp yaki soba it was!
I used to be an alcohol. Now I just drink maybe 1 or 2 nights a week, and far less than I did before. I understand you guys. But there is hope if you really want to drink less and get your shit together. I'll be monitoring these threads.
Good man
(sort of) first time drinker here. what are some recommendations for drinks i can make at home that dont taste like piss and aren't hella expensive
a friend bought me an ale or something once when i was 22 and i couldn't finish it. it gave me a really bad headache even though i had it after a meal and had plenty of water before.
a little later, he had me try blue moon and i forced myself to drink half the glass before throwing up.
haven't had anything else alcoholic for the last 8 years
Might wanna keep that way, not drinking that is. Saves you a lot of money. Drinking socially is, in my opinion, meh..., drinking to relax is wasteful of money, and dri king to get drunk like an alcoholic is pathetic
T. I drink to get lit
Just roll with it. Alcohol really isn't for some people on a basic level. I'd say for drinkability beer is the best but that's just me. You can get some tasty low alc beers that might not kick your ass though.
Truly ... an alcholic sparkling water that has no alc taste... for oldfag moms tho
there really is no place for the booze bags anymore ://
bad for mental health overall, best to get these things out
I did a survey last week and 90%+ on adv welcomed the idea of an al/ck/ general.
That's just another fag from bant. Ignore the preteen.
At least this board is somewhat welcoming.
Well it's however you want it. I still have a lot of pictures lined up for the Anime Loveable Cuties Kontest. I've only posted 30 or so of the 1500 I have of my waifu. If you guys want I can come and visit you here instead of you coming to visit me. Any way you want it: that's the way you've got it.
I'll never understand this level of autism. I feel sorry for your parents, kiddo.
Rules might actually be enforced here, who knows.
So that's why I couldn't find this general last week
You guys are a welcome change from all the suicidal people.
Anyways I've had a beer drinking problem ever since I started my current job. I've already quit smoking and fapping so this is the next thing I want to cut out. I thought I had the willpower of a God but alcohol seems harder to quit than the other two.
(if you actually want to stop being a drain on human society)
Useless fucking alcoholics. Fuck off to r9k. It's the only place people like you belong. Imagine spending all day whining in some general about how much of a failure in life you are and how much blood you have been shitting because of your alcohol addiction. Kill yourself.
No one wants you anywhere. Most pathetic circle jerk Jow Forums has ever seen.
I'm sick of these newfag forced memes Jesus Christ
r9k has the shittiest board culture, it wouldn't be the same on there
We are sick of you too
Went to a liquor store for the first time in a while and picked up Ballast Point's Victory at Sea and Old Rasputin. Haven't had Old Rasputin in forever, looking forward to delicious caramel stout. Cheers.
We got kicked off /ck/? I need to sober up
First al/ck/ post since getting kicked off /ck/, was a regular then but couldn't tolerate Jow Forums's children. Also, I sold my laptop to keep a roof over my head, so now I'm a fucking phone poster.
Damn that's rough. I doubt I could trade my old laptop for anything but maybe a couple burritos. To keep a roof over my head I work a soul crushing at home tech support job that makes me wish for nuclear war.
Damn, that's tough.
I'm being forced to go sober for the next 11 days OR I could sell my second laptop. I'm pretty sure I could get $100-$150 for it.
Decisions decisions.
Is this an addiction thread? You’re in the right place boys.
Just posting to say that you guys should be allowed here. I am sure some of you legitimately want or need help. If it means that one more “pls help I am underaged” thread has to die a day, so be it. Would also be better than having however many of you posting individual threads.
How do people manage to stay sober long term? I haven't managed more than six days in a row in a couple years even though I've cut back otherwise.
Good, as a frequent co/ck/ sucker I'm glad this shitty containment thread got kicked off our board
I made a thread yesterday denying I'm an alcoholic because I have between 1 to 5 beers a day. Well today I had one drink and experienced anxious hell, pretty sure I'm in the early stages. I've struggled with weed dependence throughout Uni, and now that I've graduated and going for top clearance, alcohol and food feel like my vices. I'm about to play a gig at bar tonight, where everyone will be drinking and smoking themselves stupid. Having stage freight doesn't help, so does anyone have any advice on what to do? Should I even bother going to this gig? Like I said, I felt like shit today applying on indeed and getting rejected. Playing tonight is one of my only outlets, even though I hate the music I have to play.
Continued, my mom and I have a couple glasses of wine after work when we watch TV. Since I didn't drink today, I noticed how irritating she gets talking so much. It made me feel like avoiding her to the other side of the house, but that idea would just make me more depressed. I repeat, I feel anxious as FUCK.
>suddenly getting anxious from one beer
Can't really relate. Only ever experienced shakes. Maybe drink a coke or some tea?
lol Nooo, as in I only had one beer today. As a result from how sooner I was, Im feeling anxious as hell. Now I'm about to play a stupid guitar masturbation gig with my friend who spikes his coffee with Baileys on the way to work. I feel like if I go and remain sober I'll be annoyed as hell.
*sober not sooner
Why is there so much hate here.
All of us need Jow Forums for our disease. It could (hopefully) come in the first thread here. It could come 20 threads or 50 threads later.
To save a life surely gets you a one way ticket to heaven.
I'm hoping to save a few brahs here and save myself along the way.
If your budget is really that tight, you know that laptop won't come back. If you keep it, yeah you'll be bored and anxious, but at least it'll stay. The booze will always go away. A second laptop may not mean much, but do you like watching your belongings slowly disappear as if they were stolen?
Probably just Denmark gaying up the place like on Jow Forums. Just filter and ignore.
It happens. Bad advice would be to drink a little more to take off the edge. But after that, find something else to get you lit, but healthy habits. Even worse idea, drink a protein shake or something sugary
Sorry I meant second as in the laptop I haven't used in a few years.
I upgraded hence why it's my 'second'.
I'd have sold it already, but I always worried my new laptop would fuck up.
It hasn't fucked up yet, so I should just sell the old one.
Just had a bartender tell me that some Germans asked to mix their hefeweissen with Coke. We were both like "what" but it turns out it's pretty decent. Who knew?
There's still hope.
One minute cooldown kiddo, i'd like to see you try.
Jow Forums is equal parts wholesome and Jow Forums vitriol.
Regular Jow Forums poster here, I welcome you all and hope you guys enjoy your new home. Let me give you the tour.
I highly recommend the GIOYC threads, great way to rant and sometimes you meet someone who cares.
Don't mind literally Hitler, he's the regular Jow Forums tripfag who likes to shitpost, but once and a while he actually has decent adv. Gets into everything though, like a cat who leaves fur all over the place.
There's also the larpers who take threads from reddit and post them here as bait, but they should stay in their threads.
Then we got all the people who want to kill themselves, or have relationship troubles, that's the major bulk of the board.
Have fun!
Late to this, but easiest mixed drink is whiskey or bourbon (Jameson is best) mixed with gingerale to taste, maybe a squeeze of lime juice if you're feeling fancy. It's fucking easy, cheap, and tasty
Thanks man.
please don't become an alcoholic.
How the fuck do you become an alcoholic? My stomach is dead after 1 night of drinking
Yeah, mine was too for years. Couldn't even think of touching it the next day and I recall dozens of times with a massive hangover telling myself 'never again'.
That eventually turned into 'hair of the dog' which actually works.
Ended up moving to another country chasing fine pussy I met back home.
That led to insane loneliness with no read friends.
That led to Alcoholism.
Now I'm back home, and all my friends have disowned me because I didn't even try and hide my alcoholism while they all grew the fuck up.
Don't be another me.
Takes time mostly. Your body just gets used to it after a while then you become addicted.
Jow Forums has alcoholic threads, especially on friday nights. 420chan has a dedicated alcoholic board that's pretty good.
literally hitler cracks me up and he's fun to bully, and despite being autistic he's smarter than the vast majority of people here
And now Jow Forums has one.
Stay salty user.
This is already best thread so I hope your autism can cope to ignore our thread. Good luck with that.
Fuck off, leaf.
I never said anything negative, you mong. I was just giving him directions to places with more vibrant alcoholic scenes, if he was happy with the lame discussion we have on Jow Forums he'd have been here earlier. Seriously go see a therapist if you project this much assholeishness on anyone who talks.