Could someone explain me why, we, Aspergers are so hated on the internet

Could someone explain me why, we, Aspergers are so hated on the internet
There are hundreds of mental illnesses, but people chose this one.

Attached: sample.png (1620x92, 29K)

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because spergs tend to have a bigger impact on society by sheer numbers.

t. high functioning autist

It's just a meme. People use "Autist" to say "Socially Awkward" on here.

>tfw fell in love with an aspie
Too bad he doesn't want me ;_;

because a lot of what assburgers say like 90% of the time comes from a retarded place with no understanding of social etiquette or emotions or anything. Loads of incel shit like comparing sex to the economy, or virginity to an unopened box of some star wars toy or whatever.

It may not always be intentionally rude, but it is how it comes off

dodged a bullet
>Could someone explain me why, we, Aspergers are so hated on the internet
I think you answered your own question

because most of the people here are probably aspies and hate themselves to death
i know i am and do, but i want to improve myself even though i am a fucking retard who can't socialise for shit

Thanks for the non-troll answers

I think if people have mental illness it's important to know SPECIFICALLY how that manifests. I knew someone with autism in high school who was petty and shitty and boundaryless as well as cringey. A lot of that was part of autism, but a lot of it were choices they made on how to behave, not part of their autism. When they would talk about how people don't like them they would always say because they have autism and were very overwieght, but that was not most of the reason.
There are chill autistic people and not chill autistic people. I'm very annoyed by someone choosing to be shitty and then refusing to be self reflective and instead cast others as the villains against them. There ARE chill people with autism and there ARE asshole.

You're generally difficult people to be around to begin with, that's a fundamental fact of your condition-- that you socially adapt and integrate with the poorest of success, next to autism and addicts. Your grasp on reality is your own and seldom reflects what's actually occurring, and you constantly have to be the victims because of your mental illness, which has just become a card for people to use when they want to dodge responsibility.
But perhaps most of all is that it's 2018 and you're still asking. It's 2018, there's examples of you people making life difficult for everyone, and you still wonder why the regular people en masse are so burdened by people like you who have conditions of extenuating circumstance, that we constantly have to give you appeals but if we acted in a fraction of the same way, any of us would be cast the fuck down without a get-out-of-responsibility-free card. And I understand that these events are not necessarily within your control, and these events are not necessarily by your choice, and especially that they should not be representative by a whole, of the individual.
But in all honesty, that's what people think. They're constantly working, tiptoeing and considering around people of your ilk, and it really is thankless fucking work. There might be genuine comeback once in a while but for the most part, it's just 'being the bigger person' which is getting extremely fucking tiring in the modern society with so many tiny, insignificant people clamouring to destroy each other and others' property to 'get to the top.' IE, YouTubers and their fans, people embodying Jow Forums (ANONYMOOSE), and modern interest groups (with their rioting and violence).
We're all so goddam tired of drawing individual lines for every single demographic because it's OUR responsibility to be less shitty than everyone else.
Fucking fantastic.

You might be an aspie

You have no right to steal from us, hit us, lie us and kill us and think it's ok because we are inferior.
I kindly asked you to explain me, not to rant why you hate us so much.
You keep shallowing propaganda, autism isn't a out of jail card, that's a myth, stop browsing ED and KF
We are not inferior to you.

I considerer myself the chill type.

>steal and hit
whoa whoa I thought we were talking about verbal treatment not being fucking lynched, like being ostracized and ignored.
No, what the fuck? Does that happen to you? Call the cops, don't come to Jow Forums, you're being fucking assaulted and stolen from. That's not okay, dude. Even if you're aspie.
No u

You are so funny.
We aren't born knowing how to use sarcasm, how to manipulate and how to lie
But we can learn in adulthood.

Autism is very undiagnosed due to stigma so he probably is and he is still in denial
I am glad to announce that most people that start knowing about their autism ended up killing themselves. Serves them well, traitors.

Never mind, you are indeed the kind of person that should off yourself.
There's a reason why you're hated, you're basically irreparable manchildren and I was correct.

You probably get hit because you have a godawful attitude.

because a bunch of antisocial creeps known as robots self-identify as having autism spectrum.

another, more longstanding reason, Aspergers isn’t a condition anymore. Aspergers symptoms are now considered symptoms of ‘autism spectrum’. so, basically, these people who don’t know what they're talking about (maybe such as yourself idk) and self-report as having some kind of archaic mental disease, as an excuse for not addressing their problems.

TL;DR aspergers isn’t a condition anymore. autism still is, though.

Seems like you ignore what the law of talion is.

You are still so butthurt that you keep browsing my thread just to shit on us.
Use your imagination.
Let's stop and think for a moment.
I know it difficult for you.
Do I have a goadawful attitude? Or it's you.

>make a thread to condescend because you can't enter society
>get mad when people browse it, despite this being an entire board and your thread being just one component of it
I'M waiting for the part where you start hunt-and-pecking my posts while you claim you're not the obsessed one who needs people beneath him in order to feel good.
If I want to feel good, I'll ring up some friends and get my socializing on. Not that I'd expect a lot of understanding from you on that subject.

And oh, yes, I know my attitude is awful, I'm an asshole. But I don't need fancy words like you to cover it up; sometimes, noble pursuits just aren't enough for me and someone's gotta give.
Sorry 'bout your luck. I guess it could be autism, but then I could weaponize it into autismbux on the legit and then I'm REALLY a major asshole. So it's kiiind of a win/win. You gotta look for that silver lining, you know?

I'll be glad to keep playing damage control pong, lunch is still cooking. Only a few more minutes, though.

Are you both girls?

Thanks for the post.
Yeah I am aware that now we are called High Fuctioning autists.
Maybe that r9k is in fact part of the problem, never liked that place.
Worry not, I am not one of them, no intemption of visiting wizchan or r9k anymore.

Also mental health Academics are constantly changing, but this is a good thing,
I really hope that in 20 years CRISPR CAS9 and stem cells from your own fat tissue can help me cure my condition, I am very optimist about that.

If I could chose to be or not to be a Asperger (or High Fuctioning autist or whatever that is call know) I would glady chose to not be one.

My spirit animal is a fat white girl who's savage on Twitter, if that helps.
I call myself trans-fat-- a fat person stuck in a thin person's body.

Attached: 1512975708586.png (444x444, 104K)

75% of Aspergers are men
She probably is a woman.
Spergs like Schizoids and Schizotypals don't like sex.
she is angry because Aspergers tend to not get along with the other gender and don't desire sex
she probably looks like pic related

Attached: average american woman.jpg (300x168, 11K)

>cells from your own fat tissue can cure autism
Holy shit help me
I can't stop laughing at this.

Attached: 1516428349360.jpg (500x456, 59K)

So you are a weeb and you are laughing at assburgers.
The irony...

Go beyond Plus Ultra, bitch.
>I'm still laughing over 'stem cells from your fat tissue will cure autism'

Attached: 1510852465564.png (600x600, 414K)

Jesus fucking christ you're both fucking autistic shut the fuck up
I was the one being humble back at the top of the thread saying that I'm fucking shit and I need and want to improve, but you two are both fucking manchildren who need to seriously self-assess themselves
Do serious aspies really function like this? I'm mild, so if this is true I'm glad I missed half of the goddamn bullet

>calling yourself humble
You really did miss half the bullet, can you not recognize epic baiting

Because its funny you autist

This is the internet.

Very few people with Aspergers (all people legitimately diagnosed with this are now just re-classed as diagnosed autism spectrum disorder) posses a normally functioning theory of mind due to their neurological disability, because of this very few posses both forms of empathy. This can make them come off total assholes without knowing how their actions impact others. Most parents with children diagnosed to be on the autism spectrum don't get their kids the decades of social skills training they require, and so they act even worse then someone with the condition normally would because they aren't taught how to self reflect on their actions.

Most of the stigma though comes from people who do not have the condition who use the term as a get of anything card for their cringy behavior or social anxiety, and tumblr users who self diagnose themselves as having the condition.

Did reaching that conclusion took you a ton of time?

The difference generally is if the parents bothered to get their kid the proper therapy they require to adapt. Unfortunately the cool ones have a 900% suicide rate over the general population where the assholes do not, because they know despite trying to be mindful of others they will never fully integrate.

Ahaha no they don't. Thank God I'm not a retarded normal like you

Because you are fucking intolerable and everyone remembers the autists from school. Stick to your own. "Mainstreaming" in education has made regular people hate you.

They always had children who could read and write in classrooms, the only kids they never had before were the full on handicapped kids who can't read, write or speak.