I have to make a story first
Day 1
>Be me
>I collect necklasses
>Dad and om going to my moms parents
>Me Ashlyn and Ashlana The triplets
>Asher our brother
> Aaron Ashanti our younger sister
>all have to stay with family
>I slept the entire flight
>Got to get water from the fridge
>See fucking cearal in the fridge
>aunt says see ashley eating alot as always
>Bo stupid fucking brat they call Boop
>Aunt kay slutty teen mom that thinks she's hot shit fucks everyone
> stole my heart necklace pic realated (yes is a pun)
>aunt dina bitchy calls me fat thinks I stuff my bra said the look at ashley joke)
>Amalie 11 sane chill tries to get contact high
>Donna has a lisp and is autistic
>Jacob Jock guy 17 dates instathot dumb fuck
>Stepuncle think he touches Amalie his manner is ewwwwwwwwww
Grandparents og cool af
Well that was it for day one theres more family but not important until day 11
My fucked up fam
I'm going to need a tl;dr with your question before I consider this Jow Forums and not a thread that needs to be reported and ignored
>So it's day 2 aunt kay is having wine
>It's 8 am
>Oh well noone made food
>Amaile is making microwave soup and toast for us
>Amalie is the Badass bitch of all of us
>Amalie ask if we want to walk to the woods
>Even though it's december this is califronia
> My little is bo's age I carry her
>bo is pissed
>bite me
>we stroll them
>Thats the day yep
Well I need to visit them for a summer trip
Okay, well, discuss the situation with them, mind your P's and Q's, try to be financially independent and have some liquid assets in case things get a bit 'oh shit I have to stay in a motel'-y, and try not to be in a position where you're stuck someplace that isn't home without a plan to get back there.
Work for you?
Ethnically challenged?
Day 3
>It'd hot fuck this
>Sleep naked
>hear noise in my room
>here something cold on my back
>Wake up and scream Waht the fuck
>They are running out of my room
Again this makes me scared to visit them becuase I don't know who came on back
there are no motels except a sex motel for a 90 miles I have money and shit but still some of this scares me Amalie is done with their shit and Donna moved in with her dad
This bait went from 0-100 really, really quickly.
Well yeah my dad's family says shit like stealing is for niggers becuase we are brazilian and act like that won't offend us My dad is white and my mom is brazilian
Day 4
>It get's more fucked up I can't find a couple necklasses
>dont say anything They re all from claires so fuck it
Thats it
Nothing happens until day 7
>Donna has to piss
>Aunt has to change her tampon so goes first like the fuck she is
>Donna: But mommy I hath to pee bad can I go pleathe pretty pleath
>What the fuck
>She skipped church to go clubbing like the dumb fuck
>hell her tampon is soaking up semen right now
>fuck this family
Well another question should I let my kids around these people somone here nutted on my back and are still here I was sexually mature bye then I had my growth spurt at 5 weight gain at 7 and my first period at 8 and was pretty curvy at that age and not like pic realated
More like pic realated
You need to put down the crack, Ashley
You're going too bath-saltsy
Is there a question buried somewhere in this boring story?
>day 11 more peeps come buy
>Lorita a good aunt and her bf
>They look down on her
>her bf miachel is cool too
>brought me the sims 2 for play station he was a simmer
have you seen kids these days it's possible due a putitay gland deformity
yes two
Day 12
> Aunt drinking
>jacob and insta thot come home
>they fuck next door I hear it
They are married and she moans like carries mom dieing
> Aunt drinking
>jacob and insta thot come home
>they fuck next door I hear it
They are married and she moans like carries mom dieing What should I do so my 4 year olds don't hear it
Day 15
>oh god 10 more days
>My mom is probabaly sunbathing while having fruity beer
>I realize pic realated is stolen
.> yell at everyone for it
>everyone points me toards lorita Aunt Dina gorunds me
>i knew it was that sour bitch
what is this thread
I want to know how to cure my hatred for them because this was also stolen on Day 16
it ment so much my best friends mother gave it to me hours before her death
also stole this cheaper but ment as much was holding them for friends beacuse I anted to sho lorita
my isn't orking
Again I have more theese cheap 5 dollar shits are all I have left
post feet please
ummmmmm ok but post a photo with a spoon on your hed and a fork i your mouth