I'm the asshole in the mirror.

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Fuck internship coordinators, fuck everyone nowing and fucking , hate her. i got no job TT_TT. now will have to debt and wont be succesful on time ugh kill me I'm a failure. actually dont kill me need success. i m fucked

I'm watching garden state right now. It was our movie.

I'm not going to meet you before their wedding. I don't plan on ever talking to you one-on-one ever again.

I loved you. Hope the best for ya , please leave me alone forever.

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Welp. Was a beautiful sunset, first time the sun came out today. I almost finished the music you pressured me to send you although I haven't written anything worth finishing in maybe five years. It's mostly related to our conversations because I'm fucking obsessed. I don't know when you and your wife are getting here and it doesn't matter. I don't think I'll send this to you. I don't think you deserve it. I'm hanging out with an old lover tonight whose girlfriend isn't a total bitch.

Sky sure is pretty right now.

U first

I asked first, I just ask initials.



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I'm not your person.

Gib me initials then

What happened?

Everyone around me is attempting suicide and it's making me want to. I just need to scream or something. Everything is happening too fucking fast.

No I can't.

Why not?

It's an anonymous image board . btw I don't have no person anymore so your statement doesn't indicate whether you know who I am

Anonymous image board, yeah, right.

Fine, do you know who I am or not

Do you even know that person irl?

No I don't i told you I ask initials.

I feel like i have no control over myself, but i really need to be disciplined in the next few weeks if i were to make a change in my life

I feel like I'm in a modern day version of Romeo and Juliet except no one knows who's fighting who.

No one will ID you from a letter, unless it is something ridiculously niche like X or Y.

my initials have been used on here, I share the same initials like another user that I once asked their initials and I didn't want to tell them we share the same initials.

I know jack shit about politics but my opinions are still as valuable as those of informed people because when I follow my gut feeling it always turns out to be right.

So much for not settling...
Not your friend

Were you that one person almost a year ago who was IDed by another user who wanted to help their person and ended up hearing what was hurting them? That was probably the only instance in the history of this thread I have ever seen such a thing happen. If not you are being over paranoid, and you probably aren't that person because it sounded like they got someone who cared about them to talk to.

I don't think that was me..

Then as I said, you are over paranoid. Virtually every letter is dirt common. That was the only case I have ever seen someone IDed in the years these threads existed.

She actually looked at me today. Super cute face with thicc thighs. She had avoided eye contact with me for a bit I think, so I started avoiding it with her thinking I was weirding her out, but today we just kinda held eye contact for like five or so seconds while she was walking by me. No smile or anything, and I'm hitting myself for not smiling first, but oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

I can't wait till I can quit my shitty wageslave job to get away from you. I loved you and you gave up on me. We decided to be friends but I can't see myself staying in contact with you after I get my new job. So please don't make this difficult and just let me go. You may have a new boyfriend but I can tell you're not over me just by your body language around me and your attempts to talk to me. Goodbye S it was a good year and a half wish it could've been longer

I want a job I want a job I want a job I want a job, fuck damn it I want to stop being so useless and fucking hate that people tell me that employers want people who know 3 languages, if I dont have experience in any other area then no one will hire me, I dont care anymore, I just want to be feel useful, every fucking night I realize I didnt do anything to help my family stop being poor, I JUST WANT A JOB

Actually I don't want to fuck you but I want to make you like me with the use of my body

Internship aka eating some shit maybe, for le resume filling etc

any time i get drunk i spend the next 24 hours wishing that i was dead

so the obvious solution is to just stop getting drunk

yet i just cant stop doing it

I hate my gf but I"m still with her because of her mental instability. Fuck that felt good to type out.

I better get some good news tomorrow or I think I might settle back in to a dark fucking pit.

I'm so lonely. I have lots of friends, but nothing romantic. It makes me miss my ex, and although we're still in touch, it just makes me miss him. It was nice having someone.

Sounds like one of my college hangovers

dump that bitch, coward. Not doing anyone favours by keeping up a lie.

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Sooo that's the real you. I'm glad I found this. I don't know what to do at this point. Fuck.

What happened?

Didn't get to see you at work today since I got off early. You told me this moron is making you uncomfortable and even tries to touch you so why haven't you gone to HR yet? You're afraid he will get you fired since he had been working there for years? That's horseshit. I'm going to HR tomorrow to tell them you're being harassed since you're afraid to do it for some reason. Fuck that bucktoothed greaser.

While you're feelings are in the right place doing this will make HR confirm the story with the person you are talking about, which will make them very uncomfortable.

I am waiting til my parents die until I blow my brains out. Or maybe I will snort a line of fentanyl. IDK. It would be great if I changed my mind, but I am worried that the depression I've always known will be what I continue to know. We will see. It feels like I'm in a limbo period of depression, only living because of the devastation it would cause my mom. /edginess

Good. She has told me on multiple occasions and told me how she is always uncomfortable around him and how the greasespot smells like beer sometimes. If he does anything that would be retaliation. No one needs to be worrying about their safety while at work. You can say I'm white knighting or whatever but fuck that

I'm 22 and have been at community college for 4 years in September. I know what I want to do, but I hate school. I don't know what to do. I know I have to get a degree so I can work in film, but I wish I could just start in the industry. I need motivation. But school just doesn't grab me at all. What do I do? Sometimes I think I should just give up and accept that I am most likely a failure.

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I am not saying you are white knighting, but in this situation it is someones story vs another more senior person's story. You might drag her into something that leads no where, that is assuming she is being straightforward with you.

I've been feeling like shit the whole day because of this damn migraine. I'm under so much pressure that I just want to die. There isn't anything I can do to improve this situation

I’m curious too. A good thing or bad thing?

I did something very bad. Something you should never do to a woman. But I'm not the main source of her problem, though I admit I probably exacerbated it. I only said things she wanted to hear but I'm not strong enough to face the music. I'm a piece of shit. No wonder her friend hates me and won't speak to me. I just made things worse for them. I became their enemy when they needed a hero.

I'm still mad about something someone said to me back in November 2015. We used to date, and then just talked normally. She said some nasty shit to me before cutting contact with me. It still makes me mad, and I want to forget it and move on. What do?

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I know it just kind of slipped and was a heat of the moment thing. But I still can't believe she said "I love you". I'm so happy


I let you rape me again. You say you lose control and simply can't stop yourself. Now you are making me quit my job and forgo enrolling in college because "there are bad pwople out there who will hurt you".
Why can't you see that you are rhe bad person? I'm nothing. My family won't speak to me, you closed off all my friends, and whats even worse is I still adore you. Is this Stockholm? Have I lost my mind? I don't think I have a mind of my own anymore. I tried to fight you and my shoulder is broken. I can't drive anywhere. All numbers are blocked. I asked if you could be my new home and now its like I never left my childhood home. I'm sure this is purgatory. Surely I'm not still alive but I know even in death your tight grasp would follow me reminding me of my place.

Next Wednesday she's finally done with your quarter and I can finally see her again.
I'm just afraid though that she signed up for a fucking summer course. Either way, I regret not making I move the last time I saw her. So I intend to do it this time, regardless ofthe outcome

>with your quarter

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I don't think she browses Jow Forums much, if at all. I'm E though

I used to wonder what my life would have been like if I had been born on the other side of the lake - on the rich side instead of the poor side. If my parents could have had money to spend on a tutor, or instrument lessons, or nice clothes, or dentist visits. If I could have had a car to drive when I was 16, if I would have been able to go out and do things with friends, if I would have been able to have friends over.

>Sky sure is pretty right now

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I love you dad. I'm sorry I fucked up, but I'm trying to make things right.

How do I simulate living in the mid/late 2000s again?
I have deep nostalgia for it.
I miss when social media wasnt around except old youtube and some im softwares. The 90s resurgence just makes this a worse society to live in.

I believe the expression is
"Putting lipstick on a pig."

No, I don't want to fuck any of you and god no, I won't regret it or be jealous.

I want to be an abusive boyfriend. I want to smash up a cute girl, call her scum and trash and have her beg me for forgiveness and have her stockholm devoted to me. To have her hate me but can’t leave me, to be what she fears and loves and gets all sobby over. I want to own a girl’s life.

Not because I really am an emotionally nasty person. I got some sadist itches, but really I want to see a relationship where I’m not the expendable one. Where the woman’s just as bound up in trying to impress and improve as I am in relationships girls barely care for. I want to fuck and fuck up something beautiful and have the power to not care.

become an alpha
or have lots of money

I miss you, A. I'm really sorry my depression and anxiety ruined this thing we had. Your family is tremendous and i've never gotten that far with a person before in a relationship and it was amazing.

Im seeking help tomorrow finally. Its scary. I wish you were here with me cuz I dont wanna do this alone but I understand at least. I wish nothing but good things for both of us. Until next time.

I've been thinking the same thing for about two months now
But like '09 '12 damn those where the perfect times

Initials please.


College. Some do semesters and some do quarters.

You said "she's finally done with your quarter" so I thought you were referring to someone specific with the your. Tell her how you feel, bro.

I really did cheat on you. I lied alot. I never went to sleep when I said I was. I did alot of coke and you never found out.

Dont know if college is worth it, I want to follow my passion for music, philosophy, humanities, but everyone I know is expecting me to be an engineer. Im afraid if I back out now from the engineering my soon to be fiancee might not want to be with me. Or worse yet, she stays with a loser for the rest of her life.

Im better at writing, abstract thought, and political debates than I am at math and its starting to burn me out. I feel Im losing whatever driving force that got me this far.

When will all this be worth it? Will it make me happy?

I hope you are alright, I really don't want things to stay like this. No one is happy right now, and I am powerless in this situation to do a thing to stop. I am sorry I haven't reached out since that one attempt to do so, I figured you would never want me around anymore and would be better off if I didn't exist. Now I don't know what to do at all. It seems like everything feel apart for you and I should reach out to try and help, but if that is not the case you'll get upset. But if that is the case and you die I couldn't live with that. Fuck I am so useless.

It pissed me off we broke up and you still want to hang out with my cousin. I don't even hang out with him. Where is the honor and respect?

Sorry buddy, males are evolutionarily designed to be expendable. This is the world we live in. And for the really beautiful women out there, there is still plenty of competition you'll have to deal with from other chads/millionaires. At least take comfort in the fact that since men are expendable they can live more exciting lives, even if they might be a bit short sometimes.

I recommend MGTOW if you want full control.


you cute uwu

You should consider becoming a teacher.
If you're a college/uni teacher, people will respect that title a lot more than middle/high school teacher.

Ultimately, you need to live your life the way you want to live it.

Some jackass co-worker that probably won't amount to much down the road got annoyed at me because he called a vice a vice grip, the closest thing to a "vice grip" I saw him contextually speak of was channel locks. How does someone get annoyed at you for not understanding what you mean when you call it the wrong goddamn name? I know its wrong because I've been using vices for years!

>Thought girl might've been into me
>Would catch her looking at me, would smile if we made eye contact
>Would stand near me
>Decide to introduce myself
>Have a good conversation
>Or so I tell myself
>Now completely avoids me
>Won't even look at me or acknowledge me

Guess that's that then.

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I feel really lonely. broke up with my gf about a year ago. been whoring around for a while and that was deeply unsatisfying

then I met my friend's gf for the first time and we really hit it off, it was scary how smooth things went, how strong the sexual tension is between us. but she's my friends gf, so I gave up on it

then I got a new flatmate, and again a girl that I really hit it off with, great sexual tension, super awesome. but she had a boyfriend, so I gave up on that too

now I met a new girl at work, she seems really awesome, super cute, really into me. but she has a boyfriend, so I don't want to push it

what the fuck is wrong with me. how come every girl that I hit it off with turns out to have a boyfriend? this shit is so frustrating I just want to die

Will we ever get on the same wavelength?

>be alone
>managing just fine
>some woman notices me
>gets all up in my shit, inviting me to places, complimenting me, act like they're into me
>just generally want to be left alone
>the more I avoid the harder they chase
>they start to grow on me
>ask them to do something together
>they pull away and start avoiding me, all that previous interest seems to evaporate

I'm planning on possibly murdering someone and nothing is gonna stop me from achieving my dreams of beating up the dickhead that ruined my life.

>have a gf
>women flirt with me like crazy, it'd be so easy to cheat if I was a piece of shit that cheated
>gf breaks up with me
>suddenly undesirable to all women

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I know your pain. I was looking for a girl and every person I was interested in coincidently had a boyfriend so I eventually gave up.

>ruined my life
>get myself sent to prison

If you could even beat him in a fight. Doubt it

Despite all of my awesome experiences in life, I still don't feel "successful". I don't even know how I personally define success, but I know I want to be someone who matters to others. I want a job with prestige, something that doesn't just pay the bills. I want to be someone important... but don't we all?

It's fucking embarrassing to have graduated college with no debt and a high GPA with no fucking job to show for it. I got rejected from a fucking customer service job... literally the bottom of the barrel in terms of entering the workforce besides the service industry (which I really don't want to re-enter).

I won't jerk off until I lose my virginity and get laid.

Fucking way she goes, man.

I'm engaged and there's something about that status that makes women find me more attractive. Is it the thrill of the hunt? A competitive spirit? I never give into the temptation but holy smokes there have been serious 8's and 9's that have flirted with me openly despite my relationship

That's actually a good idea. I've been watching a show called Dictator's Playbook and one thing they would do is crush opposition so, if I beat him then he will most likely not mess with me.

Another step was to create a culture of fear. To do this I would have to not only beat him but brutally beat him to the point where people fear me.

I could possibly get suspended for the last step but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

>guy has been trying to fuck me for over an year
>ignore him because not interested
>friend calls him over to our house
>he and another person decided to sleep over
>he crawls in my bed
>whatever fuck it I'm drunk
>get in with him
>end up letting him finger me and eat me out
>jerk him off

Why am I so open to sexual advances when I'm drunk? I always told myself not to get involved with this dude

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We ended a four year relationship last week, and it seems like I'm the only one who actually feels anything towards it. You're proceeding with life as usual while here I am trying to pick myself back up. It seems like you never loved me, so it's a good thing we aren't together anymore. Stay the fuck away from me. I hate that I'm the only one going through this. I hope one day you feel the same misery and it hits you harder.

Because you're a slut in denial.

Yeah probably. At least I didn't let him fuck me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Going through life as an emotional logical person is really fucking annoying. Can't I just be one or the other? I am so over being in constant conflict with myself.
Fuck, I am just over everything... I have come so far from where I once was.. But sometimes I wonder what is the point? Every time I fix something within myself a whole set of new problems come along. I under stand that it is just life. But fuck! When will I ever be good enough? When? When will I stop being such a useless piece of shit? Do I not try hard enough?
I'm just so damn confused about everything. I don't even really know what my problem is.

I feel like I've accidentally made a good friend of mine look and feel like a dick this year. She told me she has feelings for me and I just left her hanging for months because I was swamped with school.

How do I bring this up naturally? I won't see her again in person until the day we graduate and I'd hate to bring it up on a good happy day.

Do you have feelings for her? Does she seem to still have feelings for you or is it something she's gotten over?

I don't know if I have feelings for her. I used to but I'd like to go on a date to be sure one way or the other.

As of this week, she claims she hasn't had any feelings for me since basically the day she told me as if I don't remember her throwing her legs over mine in public (She hates all forms of PDA so that was a pretty big deal), that hour long convo that she kept telling me was so crazy because it felt like 5 minutes, her mum telling her that what she wants is "staring her in the face after she gushes to her mum about how long we talked for on the phone, among many other things that happened in the weeks following her confession.

So frankly, I think she's lying about not having feelings. Especially with how avoidant she's been lately after almost crying at the idea of never seeing me again and telling me her fears of "just becoming a memory"

What did they do?

I'm just so tired. Throughout my whole life it feels like I've been waiting until the bad times pass. Everyone told me growing up "it'll get so much better once x happens, trust me" then the day comes and passes and its uneventful as it gets. I just feel so drained emotionally and physically. Im just so tired of being tired all the time. I'm so close to taking a permanent nap

I took edibles last night and told him he was "the one ". I meant it but 99% certain thats not something you should communicate over text