King of Jow Forums

>Hes a welfare cuck
He’s not on welfare

>b..but he says you should be on welfare
Hes right. Who is the cuck, the muslim who is on welfare, or the person who continues to work hard to pay for an immigrants free ride?


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Kys subhuman.
No one likes Varg aside from his retarded subscriber army of 9 year olds.

Oh shit what did kek mean by these digits?

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You SHOULD go on welfare, but not rely on it. So basically, you should suck dry the system while still being independent.

7 digits of 6 will confirm varg as king of pol

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Exactly. I find myself unironically agreeing with what varg says more and more recently due to being black pilled.

Varg even says himself you shouldnt just play vidya but rather use the money to become self sufficient

Varg is King of Jow Forums.

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Varg is king of Jow Forums

Varg is king of europe

Varg is king of the world

I am on benefits



Pastor Anderson would kick his ass

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western society is so shitty you have to pay me to live in it aka on benefits and proud fuck all wagies

did anyone else see varg on this mainstream youtube channel reviewing a car the other day?

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digits dont lie

California pays me to exist. It's going to be paying me to go to school soon. California is my bitch.

Thanks for the link, I'm a big fan of Varg's. I just hope the poor boomer doesn't become guilty by association.

he looks really easy to beat in a fight.

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