Fall Edelweiss >no watermarks, no captions, no branding, there's no Stage 2 WINTERSONNENWENDE (21-22 Dec) and after. Anywhere cultural enrichment happens and other opportunity targets to get plastered with Edelweiß. IOTBW rules apply. i.postimg.cc/Tfyc6zh4/edelwei.png
>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Vostroyans never disappoint ;) I feel the pressure a bit currently. Winter, lack of light, don't react well to it. Ignored it the last weeks but now I notice that I find it hard to concentrate on tasks. Frustrates me, also makes me nervous when it comes to wörk. Does not feel like I make progress (although I know I do slowly).
Don't you realise that besides you and the autistic kid nobody cares?
Oliver Mitchell
Allright, then go outside sometimes. I had chance to get some sunlight, even in wörk. And tomorrow again ^_^ Btw for some strange reason, I didn't feel depressed during darker days. I hope you can adapt soon, senpai! Btw thumbs up with your project! I hope you will make progress!
When I see german language I automatically think of neo nazis and I'm triggered. I'm literally shaking right now. Why are neo nazis not banned from internet yet??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Again, good advice! Was glued to the screen all day looking for answers, impacted my mood it seems. Home office today might have been a mistake (colleague not there and wanted to avoid Friday traffic jam).
Do you know that the latvian incel is losing his virginity right now?
Adrian Smith
Well, I just state the obvious. You work hard, but don't neglect your health. It will affect your wörk, which is contraproductive. And I know, when you're well motivated, you can make fortune on that sevret project for techpriests to clear the water in city-hubs ~_^
Connor Ramirez
Omg don't fucking tell me, I hate his guts, I can't speak or think of him.
This is why I can't fucking stand you, you are in no position to have intellectual discussions. You're fucking DUMB and you're FUCKING SELFISH. Ever tried talking with a selfish person? Yeah, it's impossible. I hope you die of AIDS.
Austin Russell
Damnit you're optimistic today! :D Think his focus on frustrated sex drive is just overcompensation for a deeper issue he fears to adress. Feelings of existential dread and inadequacy I'd presume. Many such cases!!
Hello, ancap! :DDD Btw that will help the man to lose his burden at the cost of his heart and wizzard skills. And feel of guilt later. Or maybe it will help him man up? Hard to tell...
Levi Diaz
I don't tell you to go get AIDS and waste your parents income on whores. Tay thinks prostitutes are more valuable than mothers.
William Howard
>Chinky is talking about intellectual discussions
I think he's just an insecure kid without any experiences, also he must drop this "I'm a genius" crap otherwise he won't make any friends or lover during his university time.
I hope he will be more relaxed after tonight. There's nothing worse than a thirsty incel. I prefer incels like Sütti, he accepted his faith.
All he's going to fill is guilt. It's known whores don't wash their vaginas out and he's sticking his dick in other guys cum right now, which is fucking GAY. Leave it to the fagflag poster to encourage everyone to be gay.
>he doesn't know that I slowly push him to do his job, because that genecraft virus is long overdue No worries, fellow techpriest, your work is blessed in Omnissiah's eyes! ~_^
They don't wash their vaginas out either, you fucking Kraut. It's a way for whores to get back at men who buy them. It doesn't matter, escort or not, her vagina is cum filled before you stick your dick in her. How can you be this fucking stupid?
Lucas Edwards
There is a thing called Condoms and Escorts are (mostly) clean if it's not a super cheap one.
Levi Powell
Henry Morgan
The genius thing is just another sign of deeper problem. It all fits into a picture. Deep insecurity. Problem is that any 'positive' input may fail to alleviate the underlying issue ... now if the expected 'absolution' from fucking does not come it will only turn him more bitter and weird, here I see a risk. Judging from the lack of change in behaviour while he is allegedly drunk and/or stoned I fear he is the type that cannot simply drown out his problems in transient dopamine surges (I speak from experience here).
Escorts are clean, yeah fucking right. You're talking to a girl, BKA fuck. If I were an escort, I'd constantly lie to you and make you stick your dick in another man's cum and make you say how great it was. And take your money. Simple as that, you are fucking DUMB. STUPID FUCKING WHORE >I TRUST WHAT PROSTITUTES SAY, THEY ARE SO RELIABLE!
Isaiah Davis
Well, sometimes falling on face into mud is only way to stand up and climb up...
James Bennett
Good, it's his fault, if any guy has the privelege to be a virgin and throw it away on a useless whore, he deserves to stick his dick in AIDs cum, simple as fucking that. Stop thinking whores love you, THEY HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS.
>The genius thing is just another sign of deeper problem Come on this is Jow Forums, most people that post here are at least a little bit crazy. >t cannot simply drown out his problems in transient dopamine surges The only risk I see is that it will become a regular thing. And he tends to fall in love quite fast, a professional might abuse this to drain all his money out of his pockets,
And I consider myself a NICE girl, what the fuck are these women like? Ghetto ass druggie girls tell the truth and real women lie? I'm fucking out of here, you all piss me off so goddamn much. You're so fucking naive. I've had a mouthful of German already, I think I'll seek elsewhere for quality.