I'm a virgin, but I have fantasies of cucking/cheating/getting raped by a stranger, and I don't know if this is normal. I've been with my boyfriend for a couple years, and love him, but am sexually frustrated. Will these feelings go away when I am not a virgin?
Cucking bf
>I've been with my boyfriend for a couple years
>I'm a virgin
You're the one getting cucked my friend
I'm a virgin by choice haha
>virgin by choice
Says the one who wants to get fucked by a stranger and is sexually frustrated. Nah. You're just trying to have some moral high ground
best believe your boyfriend is fucking all kinds of strange
I didn't used to care about virginity until I started browsing Jow Forums, now I'm scared that if I have sex with the wrong guy I'll be ruined for life. I know it's stupid and contradicting, but I can't get the Jow Forums values out of my head, adv is the only board that I check out now so I thought I would ask for Jow Forumsice
"Jow Forums values" were created by a bunch of lonely dweebs who get rejected constantly
Well if he is, then it will be worth it that I didn't have sex with him, that would mean he is the wrong guy for me.
You can't actually be serious. You've been with this dude for years and you don't think he's the right guy? Then why the fuck are you dating him if he's the wrong guy?
This is my first relationship ever, I have no idea what makes a person "right" or "wrong", all I have is anxiety. I love him, but we fight a lot, he makes me feel worthless and sad and like my heart is physically breaking but he can also make me feel the happiest I've ever felt.
I know these values make no sense but it seems like plenty of normies have them, my boyfriend told me to my face that if I hadn't been a virgin he would have dumped me
Sounds like he's a manipulative piece of shit and you're too spineless to end it.
>Getting raped by a stranger
Yeah I don't think that's a normal thing to want. But anyway I would say yes, just have sex with him FINALLY. I will guarantee you that these fantasies might or will go away. Because the way it looks all you need in your relationship is sex. That will be the glue that will really strengthen it. & If your still not satisfied with it then just leave because he does not deserved to be cheated on.
He's probably quite annoyed he's been in a relationship for years and hasn't got laid, tbqh.
Or maybe he's a PoS, who knows.
I love him more than I've ever loved someone, he's going through a hard time in his life so I'm hoping he's going to move past this phase, I'll keep your words in mind though
Dw I would never cheat, it's just a fantasy, I couldn't do that to him
That might be contributing, he's also having issues in other parts of his life so that doesn't help
Why don't you just have sex with him then? Aren't you comfortable enough to do that with him?
He told you if you weren't a virgin, he was going to dump you. That's some autistic thing a Jow Forums user would say because they're stupidly insecure when virginity shouldn't matter.
How about you let your bf "rape" you. Find a way that'll make it the least suspecting for you.
Too much anxiety about it right now, I might soon though
He wanted a virgin because he's religious
Ty, this is a good idea.
>this is a good idea.
No it's not. That should not be a first time thing, but also, because this dude clearly mentally abuses you and that would not help your situation.
of course your boyfriend would say that he's only interested in virgins, it's in his interest to say that. you need to find someone who will physically satisfy you. that doesn't mean cucking your boyfriend or cheating on him, it means breaking up with him and finding someone who actually likes you.
this user gets it. op, this guy is being a turbo autist
oh god.
sis, I'm gonna be real with you, it's pretty clear this dude is not sexually interested in you. he's just using you. maybe he's asexual or gay, maybe he's banging some other girls on the side, maybe he's just not that into you. he's probably just dating you for some tangible benefit. he wants a beard to convince his family that he's straight, or he wants a cute girl to show off to his friends, or he's just a manipulative piece of shit using you for housework or financial support or emotional labor.
you clearly don't actually want to be a virgin, that's painfully obvious. but you've convinced yourself that you do, because it's the only way you can justify staying in this sad joke of a relationship. and you're using "Jow Forums values" and "normie values" as an excuse for why you'd prefer not to have sex, as if it was really your choice.
"Jow Forums values" are bullshit, half of the people espousing them are just trolling, and the other half are weird desperate creepy losers with no social skills who are trying to feel better about their own sexual frustration. and "normies" absolutely aren't opposed to sex in general, they have sex all the time. among more socially conservative groups, casual sex might be frowned upon, but even those people still tend to be okay with people having sex within committed monogamous relationships. in fact, it's generally considered weird to be universally opposed to premarital sex unless you're extremely religious, and it's extremely weird to be dating someone for years without any kind of sexual contact.
you haven't given any indication of being particularly devour, so I'd guess that you're just desperately trying to convince yourself that your highly abnormal situation is actually normal after all. and I think on some level you know that you're lying to yourself.
don't cheat on your boyfriend, leave him and find someone who's actually attracted to you.
p.s. contrary to popular belief, having rape fantasies is perfectly normal, especially for people who are sexually frustrated. don't feel guilty over it.
>we fight a lot,
>he makes me feel worthless
>but he can also make me feel the happiest I've ever felt.
It seems like a shitty relationship.
If you want a single term for what qualifies as a good relationship, then I would say mutual respect.
He should be someone you respect, someone with a decent point of view, someone you wouldn't tear down just for shits and giggles.
But he should also feel the same about you.
Take a look at what your life is like right now. Do you think you could do this the rest of your life?
Would he make you feel worthless in front of other people? Would he argue in front of other people? Would you cheat on him in the future?
I think these issues are important to resolve.
women are so fucked
90% of them have rape fantasies
Just look and see what you guys fucking did.
My GF dated a guy from 15 to 19. He was 2 years older then her and way under her looks. But she was scared to lose her virginity and he was a big dumb slightly autistic weirdo who was nice and didnt even try for sex.
Of course, she hit 19...dumped him..went looking to lose it and then was a sexual pariah.
Most guys just wanted to fuck her cause she was a virgin, the other half found out she was a virgin and steered clear.
This led to her finally losing it at 20 and being wierd about sex.
>OP is getting her sweet virgin pussy pounded by her rapist boyfriend as we speak
You should break up and scoot quickly.
this completely
>I've been with my boyfriend for a couple years
>I'm a virgin
>I want to fuck someone else
You disgust me. Break up with him and stop stringing him along you manipulative hag
Holy shit. This. This. This.
Some relationships wait with sex, but usually first bj is during first months of dating. It's absolutely weird to be together for that long and don't do anything because as much as it's important to give yourself to person you care about, this kind of situations lead to never trusting anyone enough to do that because "what if?"
Jow Forums shouldn't tell you how you should feel and what you should do. You forget what kind of people sit here and take moral high ground while being undesirable pricks living in mum's basements.
Honestly the more I hear op talk about her situation the more I think this shit is bait & we've all been bamboozled into responseing
>she hit 19...dumped him..went looking to lose it
As soon as she hit 19 or something happened that caused them to break up?
>the other half found out she was a virgin and steered clear.
Why would they steer clear?
How are you a virgin AND sexually frustrated? You don't have a fucking clue what the hell that means.
How old are y'all? 14? GTFO
He seems like a nutjob. Get out, and then once you land a semi-normal relationship your sexual frustration should work itself out.
i wouldn't actually cheat, don't worry. Your posts are giving me a lot to think about
You're probably unattractive but still turned me on, I'm pretty sure these fantasies are normal, but at the same time rape is scary
I know it's strange, and I know Jow Forums ideology is bullshit, I just can't help thinking it.
It started off as something different, but it's easy to talk about my relationship fully because its anonymous, this thread definitely went in a weird direction
I'm female so my body wants me to have babies, I'm pretty sure you can be sexually frustrated if you haven't had sex
break up with him and stop browsing Jow Forums. and if you can't get this virginity obsession out of your head, go see a professional therapist who can help you deal with the weird sexual hangups you have as a result of this shitty relationship.
It happened before to me too. I had anal before vaginal sex with my boyfriend and because of Jow Forums users calling me a whore I self harmed and wanted to kill myself. Only getting away from here (or Changing boards) made me realise that there is nothing wrong with being sexual with a period I want to marry
>"I'll be ruined by sex"
>want to get raped
8/8 b8 m8
Your foolish & the OP for taking Jow Forums seriously. Like honestly who believes all this shit on here people say. It's almost all trolling. Your a weak person for letting strangers you don't know in real life affect your way of thinking.
>adv is the only board that I check out now
Fucking WHY
Jow Forums should not be anyone's main board, why the fuck would this be your main board
I come here to shitpost and glean useful snippets of information when they appear, my home boards are Jow Forums, /m/ and /diy/.
Pls b in London
You'd be surprised how many girls have rape fantasies.
I wasn't talking about rape fantasies. That is okay. All I'm saying is your a very weak minded person to take Jow Forums literally & start commiting self harm & let it change your opinion.