My period is late. so far all negative results for pregnancy tests. i have been super stressed out recently...

my period is late. so far all negative results for pregnancy tests. i have been super stressed out recently, but yeah i dont recall ever missing a period so im freaking out. did i just take the tests too early? i had sex almost a month ago...

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Congratulations you are pregnant! Know whether it's a boy or girl yet?
Better inform your husband about the good news.

It should start showing up now. Girls have delayed periods or miscount their cycle all the time. To be 100% sure wait another two weeks or go get a pregnancy test at a clinic. If you're pregnant just go get an abortion pill like every other whore does now.

thanks for the advice but oh fuck off im not a whore. ive had sex one time in the last 2 years

let me guess, you let him pull out, or forgot to take your pill? Pregnancy is totally preventable in 2018 unless you're a dumb whore.

Periods can be pretty fickle and stress can cause them to come on in weird ways. Hormonal contraceptive can cause all sorts of weird stuff, I assume you're not on one though.

If you've legitimately been highly stressed that can definitely have an effect. How late is it? You can always see a doctor if you're freaking out about not knowing.

im inexperienced as fuck. i let him pull out. i had only had sex with a condom before and wanted to try it without one. i figured he knew what he was doing since he had much more experience than me


Since you're inexperienced I'll give you some advice as a guy: Don't trust a man to pull out. Once they're on the edge anything can happen and normal thought processes stop. Even if they pull out they might be half a second too late or anything.
Plus the pullout method is in no way reliable as a small percentage of sperm can be present in the precum which they'll likely be dripping inside you (there's nothing you can do about that besides wearing a condom).

Things feel better without a condom for both parties, there really isn't any way to make it safe without some sort of contraceptive (hormonal or otherwise) however.

Wait two weeks and see a doctor if your period hasn't come, do another pregnancy test at that point as well. It's probably going to be fine, it'll be a lot less stressful to be on the ball.
Bonus tip: If in doubt, take plan B the morning after sex.

Don't let this whole thing put you off sex!

You are a dumb whore!

Congratulations on the baby!

Thank you I appreciate the advice

Fuck you

Stress can cause it to not happen.

One of the women in my trauma sensitive yoga group (it's a type of PTSD treatment) hasn't had hers in months, and it's just stress and shit.

Yay! Another baby coming into the world!

Congratulations! Whos the lucky man you need to break the news to? You do know who the father is, right? The baby batter doner...

Disgusting responses

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You're welcome for the advice. So when you go get the abortion pill like a whore wouldn't do(lel) remind yourself you aren't the worst out of the bunch making you not in the whore category.

You're asking the wrong people, user.

This website is full of bitter, angry men who hate women purely to justify their inability to attract a reasonable one. It's not your fault they're failures.

If your period is late and numerous tests are showing as negative, chances are you probably aren't pregnant. Test usually show pregnancy after you've missed your first period, although there can be false negatives, this isn't very likely if you've taken several.

The more stressed you are, the less likely you will have your period, so try and relax as much as you can. Chances are it's nothing, but maybe take a retest in a week or so.

>sex before marriage
>not a whore

This is spot on.
>t. Guy who knocked up his wife as he was pulling out

First, how late is it? Pregnancy tests can show false negative but that is usually only in the first week. You can take it first pee of the day when the hormone concentration is strongest. Stress can also affect your cycle

Stress can alter hormones which control your period...

>small percentage of sperm CAN be present in the precum

It’s only present if they haven’t urinated after climaxing. I’ve been using the pullout method my entire life and I have never gotten my gf’s preggo.

Guys who don’t know when they’re going to climax/don’t think etc are doing it on purpose. As a guy you can tell when you’re going to climax and you can easily pull out if you want to.