Are Condoms Degenerate?

Condoms promote casual sex and decreases the birth rate of people.

Wearing a rubber cover causes less stimulation and less chance of forming deeper bonds, leaving sexual partners to feel uninterested.

The world would have less degenerates if people were more thoughtful about whom they chose for sex instead of degrading themselves to the meat factory assembly line of consumerist sexuality.

Attached: Rubber.jpg (655x1023, 51K)

Yeah well you can't stop people from having sex dude. It's a natural strong urge in normal people. Condoms just help us not make too many mistakes. We're only human after all

Banning condoms would cause people to make fewer mistakes out of birthrates and disease. By getting rid of condoms, people are placed into an ideological Darwinism where only the most thoughtful have higher chances of survival. It's not like were a bunch of fucking animals you fucking pig.

Yuck! I hate condoms. Haven't worn them in years. Women should use long term IUDs. Far superior. Once you've had enough children get your wives on them.

This, condoms lead to the downfall of society.

they ruin the experience and alienate people from the purpose of sex, besides whats the point.

IUDs are wayy better for contraception

and if she has an STI why are you even fucking her in the first place

IUDs are also degenerate, but they're better than condoms because it doesn't make people think they have genital or social invincibility. By allowing disease or deeper bonds, we can weed out the animals and continue the superior.

We are literally a bunch of animals, by the definition of animal.

Humans are mammals. We are the apex predators and we eat the animals. If you think you're animals, kys immediately and let the wolves eat you like the animal you are.

semantics you dense motherfucker. when he says animal he means animalistic. But you're stupid fucking BUYT DECIMATE MEANS 1/10th XDDDDD tier brain can't fucking think for itself, and it resorts to the language equivalent of namecalling.

Mammals are animals. We certainly aren't plants, protists, or fungi.

People fuck in worse conditions. Plenty of people in the first world, America, don't have safe sex but that's because we have medicine. And abortions.

No they help people somewhat safely act out their depravity.

Thats such an unsatisfying answer. We are still slaves to nature itself. We still live by a sort natural instinct. We are just animals, animals who think.

This kind of thinking leads to degeneracy. By making the argument that people can multifuck like animals because they are animals, people get the wrong message and they go around spreading their ill will devoid of souls. There is no need for such people are they are only pollutants of the Earth.

Yes, but in those worse conditions there are higher birth rates and some cancellation with disease. Poorer countries have higher birth rates than the declining birth rates of America and other rich countries.

Depravity is the problem. Condoms would only protect the depraved.

No they're not, since the ultimate choice falls on the male, not the female
You can't allow women to have a say on them having children. They must obey the patriarchy. I'm unironically saying this

>and if she has an STI why are you even fucking her in the first place
Because they have their STD on their forehead for everyone to see right?

Stupid fucks. You can even get STDs from blowjobs. Not to mention family planing.

And no, the condom isn't there for women to be liberated. They are there because men were losing their dicks to syphilis and other shit.

If no one used condoms, everyone would have STDs in a 5 year span, even virgins because on some you don't even need to have sex.
You can get genital herpes from kissing someone in the lips they use to suck a dick off.

Fucking HPV is spreading like crazy, in my country they are going to vaccinate kids against it.

HPV can be transmitted even if you use a condom because it spreads from infected skin to healthy skin.

Condoms are degenerate for both males and females. Not all males are fit for patriarchy.

I never use them, all the women now days are on the pill

>HPV spreading crazy in Portugal
>HPV can be transmitted even if you use a condom
Exactly my point. It increases the population without overpopulation and condoms aren't even great enough protection for it to be completely necessary.

Reason why they cannot control themselves. Why even let them control anything at all? But the pill is less degenerate than the condom.

I like my whiskey straight, my coffee black, my steak rare, and my sex casual.

Casual sex causes degeneracy. You are a degenerate and a disgrace to mankind.

Condoms are way less degenerate than the sexualization of culture.

Don't worry about men, worry about women. Sex with unowned women isn't harmful for society as long as they are given no status, protection, or support from the state.

This isn't about worrying for men or women. This is for the nation. U.S. has a declining birth rate and one reason why it's dropping is because of the increase in contraceptives. Condom is the worst factor in this. We need to increase religious monogamy or the U.S. and other rich countries are doomed to submit to China, India, Mexico, Nigeria, and other countries. These countries have a far less visibility of casual sex culture than rich countries.

What are you talking about and why are you fighting your Russian lords?


And anybody who trusts a little piece of rubber that's a few mils thick to prevent STD transmission is a dumbass.

It does prevent a lot of STDs but it's not 100% protection. Also, the condom doesn't always cover the whole shaft or any of the balls. STDs can be transmitted directly at the balls.

Yes. Casual sex is extreme degeneracy. People should suffer the consequences as much as possible for their nigger behaviour, treating STDs is also degeneracy, these diseases exist for a reason and treating them is interfering with natural selection.

Real Darwinism. Let evolution take it's natural course. We are letting the monogamous poor and the AI's win with this animal behavior.

But isn't pee stored in the balls?

Guess what's really stored in the balls.

Nope. Humans are rational animals. Having rationality means you can discern the difference between right and wrong. You have no excuse the day God judges you by the ten commandments.