How do i get over her?

how do i get over her?

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The proper advice is to go fuck as many women as need be till you no longer care about the first girl.

The proper advice is to commit yourself to yourself for a while and become 1000 times better than she ever deserved

Realsie if you two broke up she was already branching out to another man before you even broke up

shes not yours, only your turn

find another

Learn to love yourself OP.
That means more than getting laid. Keep lifting, go to church(if that's your thing) volunteer.
You're gonna make it

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You don't. You hit the gym hard, and try to get huge to smite her

I had already started lifting months before our relationship collapsed. It's hard on certain days to get myself to the gym right now, but I'm doing it. I just thought these thoughts would have gone away and my confidence would have returned by now.

You have to kill her, withdraw about 500 cash over a period of 2months, use it to buy inconspicuous clothes, a tarp, a hacksaw gloves face wrappings and alot of paint buckets. Kill her without being seen(this part can't be taught here) drag her in the tarp, dismember the corpse and hide the bug parts in a sewer with the smaller bits in the paint buckets. Bury them a few miles apart offload and burn the kill/disposal clothes. Best if you buy them a few towns over, that way the cops won't look into them and you have an excuse for driving around, as an ex they'll look into you, so get a rep of traveling around to sad places so they think you just getting hookers. Also get different shoes,shoe prints are how they get you.
A few years down the line and at most someone else trying this or a metal detector'll find it, but if you spread the buckets you'll be fine.
If the cops pull you over just act like you where trying to get the nerve to get a prostitute but not any more if they really push. And don't give them permission to enter your car.

remember why you're not together and move on. You aren't with her for a reason, now find someone better.

Read the rules cancerous fagot.

I'mma give you the advice my oneitis gave me when we broke up:

>user, never place your happiness into someone else's hands. You have to learn how to be happy alone before you're happy with another person.

That was over 2 months ago. Those first days/couple weeks were really hard. Not saying it became easy since then, especially as I have to see her at least 3x a week, but now I found a different girl who doesn't treat me like a lap dog and isn't an insecure, passive-agressive cunt. And, as childish as it sounds, I really hope someday oneitis sees me and this new girl together and fucking crawls back, just so I can tell her "Sorry, you had your chance. Maybe you can go beg for attention on Instagram like you always do."

I spent two years with her, went from skinny fat weeb to working, studying and lifting. Get plenty of attention now and I broke up with her.
But I miss her
Don't fall for the manslut meme, close and meaningful relationships is the shit.
She was with me when I didn't deserve her and I became arrogant enough to think I could do better when I improved myself

No it's not, that's just plain stupid.

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Go to the gym, and become a chad as were trying to do. How is this a question, go and lift, faggot

My gf broke up with me 3 days ago, I plan on distracting myself until the pain goes away. Over years you form a kind of chemical reliance on the comfort of having a partner, it doesn't matter who you are it's going to hurt when the chemicals stop flowing.
Lift, play vidya, get pissed with your friends, team sports, learn something new, immerse yourself in work.
This will pass like it always does, a few months and you'll laugh and wonder why you ever gave a shit...but really do go HARD in the gym, not many better motivators than spite - and wanting to become aesthetically pleasing to fuck new girls.

Remember that she is one of millions of similar women and that you can find the same face/body/personality elsewhere

Just be yourself

work out

Use the anger to fuel your fitness adventure, and also use that fitness to find other women.

I'm about 4 months out here, and let me tell you, it gets easier, but it doesn't just go away. That said, it's got nothing to do with you. Women do not have the ability to understand abstract concepts like love and fidelity.

Keep up your lifting, and good things will come when you're ready.

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>>user, never place your happiness into someone else's hands. You have to learn how to be happy alone before you're happy with another person.

People who say this gay shit should be fucking throat punched.

>Haha you have to be happy with yourself why do you seek companionship and love like a normal person? loll

Nothing fills me with anger like this.

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bang dumb sluts


I hate all the meme advice about banging sluts to get over girls. When you find someone you're truly in love with, the lying together and cuddling at night is honestly better than sex

Biggest fax in this thread. Absolutely correct. Meaningless sex is nothing compared to intimacy.

Go to clubs and get laid.

That was the only way I managed to forget about my ex. Definitely works when you have at least one person you can regularly have sex with.

Your coping so hard because you know it's true.

You blokes need to keep in mind that it is not the lack of your former woman that is the reason or cause of your pain and being upset. It is your brains reaction to REJECTION.

You are in the prime of your life, you owe it to yourself to better yourself each and everyday. Regardless of what it is you choose to do, you must commit to it. Dont just do something for the sake of doing it. Become so great and skilled at your chosen paths that others seek you for advice, knowledge and motivation.

You dont do this for you, and you dont do it for a woman. A woman will choose a strong, self motivated and skilled man as her partner. Both of you will have the same reason for this, which will be your children.

Your children will idol you as their champion, but you must take the time and make the commitment to first become that champion.

You will be fine soon enough in terms of feeling upset, mad or sad. Some days better than others, yet oneday when your sons and daughters are running around you will sit back and ponder your past and come to understand that every trial, error, acheivemant and victory had made you the man that will instill that same determination into your offspring.

Use your current situation to temper your emotions and harden your resolve. You will understand one day. It is the trial of a man.

>to smite her
holy fuck

It's partially true, but the people who say it act like companionship is not a normal part of being happy. Not only that, but those same bullshit-spewers are rarely happy being single. That's why they monkey-branch right into the next relationship after they break up with you and feed you that manure.

I could send my fist through a triple pane window right now.

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By realising that your image of her isn't who she actually is and by accepting that your memories will always stay valid, but only in the past.
Much like getting a new pet, there are more than one of each that deserve your time, attention, and affection, difference being that your pets are loyal unlike your ex, so find a girl that is worth your efforts.
Also talk to family/friends.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned

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Forgive me Father for i have sinned.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned

Forgive me Father for I have sinned

This right here.

Fuck her for saying that to you in the first place. You dodged a bullet there.

Just hire an assassin at that point

Need advice here too. It's been dead since November and I still can't get over her. Luckily I have some sex tapes of us to get over those really lonely nights. The crazy thing is that I don't even lust after other women, she can never be replaced. My only hope is winning her back.

I think this is what makes getting over ex gf's so difficult. The simple fact is: do not have sex witha girl unless you intend to marry her and do everything you can to marry her and keep the relationship strong. Not doing so will lead to much heart ache

Best advice in thread. Thank you

This is a horrible mindset. you need to destroy those tapes and just move on. It's very hard, and I feel your pain, but whenever those thoughts come just calmly tell yourself "i will think of something else", You can't keep living in the past, I've been there too man but all you're doing right now is just constantly wounding yourself

This. Most important is having at least one other person you fuck, guarantee you won't catch feelings. The number 1 way people get oneitis is because they back themselves into a corner with the scarcity principle

1000x this

good luck bro, fingers crossed for you