Maria Butina Pleads Guilty to Role in a Russian Effort to Influence Conservatives

Who is this and what is going on with this
woman? Did Russia influence Jow Forums?>®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article

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female spy = cumdumpster

Fake news NYT

She focused on the NRA.

>tfw no gun loving russian spy gf

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>be russian
>want gun rights in russia
>associate with pro-gun people
>get arrested

>be illegal immigrant
>want more immigrants in the usa
>get interviews and tv appearances
>considered and activist

really activates my synapse.

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There is no freedom of association. In fact, anyone who is not an elected official or diplomat is constitutionally prohibited from making any form of deal with any ranking member of a foreign government.

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she can plead guilty to sucking my dick if you catch my drift

literally who is she

I was never going to vote for Hillary

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>facebook ads and a jail hillary float are now international espionage
mueller so retarded he cant even indict a ham sandwich

Obviously Russians made me vote Trump, right?!

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>I dont like OP's source
>Better dismiss the entire story

Google it nigger.

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>still pushing the hillary meme while its republicans being proesecuted and investigated
The state of trumptards.

Mueller literally said a about a month and a half ago that Dems should prepare to be dissapointed

Hillary got away with murder you piece of shit

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>clapping for a weaponized political judiciary system because it benefits you at the moment
I cannot wait to see how much tax reve ue we waste investigating every elected official until someone they know is caught for past crimes and pressured to testify for a better plea deal, but don't forget to send money to Isreal goyim... if we need money for infrastructure, homeless Americans or disaster relief we can always TAX FUCKING PHONE TEXTS LIKE CALIFORNIA

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>Russians embrace gun rights
>Democrats reject them
>Somehow Russians are the bad guys and Democrats are the good guys
