ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything - Princessfag Edition ™

ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything - Princessfag Edition ™

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Welcome, princesses!

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crushing on my co-worker because my girlfriend has basically given up on improving herself

what do?

for example, my girlfriend stopped going to see her therapist in february and hasn't gone to her stress/anxiety support group for about 2 months. one of the coordinators for the anxiety group just texted her to remind her that there's a meeting this week

she came and asked me if i wanted to go, saying she'll only go if i go. the only reason i started going to the group with her was to support her emotionally and she didn't want either of her parents driving her. i don't have problems dealing with stress/anxiety except when i (ironically) try to fix her shit

talk to your girlfriend.
(not about the other girl, obviously)

grills: confess your dirty kinks

I'm going to a party tomorrow. A girl I met a few months ago will most likely be there too.

We hit it off really well and at the end of the night I asked her out after which she ghosted me because she "doesn't need a bf right now". Initially she agreed to come and she was the one always going everywhere I went and started flirting with me so I assumed she wanted me to make a move on her.

I'm afraid things might be awkward tomorrow if I end up seeing her. What do I do?

>Friend really put herself out of her comfort zone to express feelings for me
>told her I felt the same but didn't act on them at all because of shit going on in my life
>She now barely replies to texts, leaves me on read a lot and is generally avoidant
What are the odds she's pissed at me and feels like I led her on?

Bonus: she ended a relationship to confess

Are there men in this world who don't watch porn?

Be honest and tell her you messed up by not reciprocating her feelings and you need to make it right ASAP.

I'm quitting.
I drop entirely when I have someone wanting to smash on the regular

I watched porn at least 3 times a day for years and when I got a girlfriend I didn't even notice I had gone a month without watching it. She's the best porn I could possibly have. I think if someone has a significant other and they still watch alot of porn they are either bored or way too horny all the time

What if I won't see her in person for over a month? Worth texting her?

How would you feel about fucking another guy's sloppy second?

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Text her and if she's responding postively I'd try to call her sometime.

I'm currently dating one of my friends ex girlfriends. They dated for 3 years but we were in love with each other the whole time. When they broke up we immediately started dating. That might be a little different since all my friends saw it coming and didn't care by that point but it's safe to say I'm not friends with the guy anymore and I feel slightly guilty about it but other than that I'm really happy now

Follow up question: if a girl specifically requested that you stop watching porn would you accept it? Does it make a difference if it's for moral/feminist reasons rather than jealousy?

Girls and Guys

How would you feel in your significant other was planning on taking a trip by themselves to stay with an ex out of town for vacation?

My gf is still really good friends with a guy she dated for a really short time a few years ago. It didn't work out and they decided to stay good friends. They call each other to talk every single day and now she's planning on flying out and staying with him for 5 days in Colorado. I'm trying to be cool about it but something just seems really fucked up about this situation the roles were reversed here

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*if the roles were reversed here

Hmm, I meant more in threesome context.
My bf is OK with us having threesome as long as he cums first inside me.

I don't enjoy getting cucked, so I would drop my bf asap.

TL;DR: GF and I have been dating since July 4th of last year. Talk to each other ddvery day. Communication between us is good. No issues or anything. GF says this January that college is gonna pick up so don't expect that much conversation. Late Feb-early April it gets worse and worse until we're just saying good morning/night. On her bday in early April we both get drunk and carry the party on to my place. When all her friends leave I get ready for bed. She needs a moment to rest cuz drunk. Drunk me doesn't want this. I get upset asking why she dates me both in an angry and self-depreciation way. She leaves for the night. We agree we need to talk that Saturday. Conclude that this busy life she has won't end until her Master's degree in 2 years. She doesn't want to put me through that and says we should break up. We do for a week and give it another go since May. We say what we need from each other. Mine being some kind of activity and at the very least physical affection.

Currently, it's like it was before I got mad. A good morning/night. We might hang out for 2 hours and that's it. Want to breakup but thinking it is just a phase. Want to make it work but it feels like she's hardly trying.

Girls, WTF do I do? Is asking her what's up the sure-fine way to ruin everything or is it just her?

How do I bring up that kind of topic without coming off weird?

I feel like "hey, hope I didn't make you feel like too much of a dick this year" without any build up is very weird.

Be honest with yourself and with her. Why did you ice her out? Do you actually like her? Why didn't you tell her how much you liked her? Were you scared? Find out the reason and tell her. Straight up. And apologize like a mother fucker and let her know you want to make it right

I did actually like her and I told her I liked her. I didn't tell her "how much" because that's just not me. I don't gush like that. She even acknowledged it and said she didn't expect me to change that about myself because it's part of who I am.

I was just completely swamped with work and uni. I had absolutely no free time. No time to even think.

Guys, did you ever friendzone a girl who liked you? Why?

yes, because she was very pushy/clingy, and we werent even in a relationship yet. made her instantly unattractive in my eyes

I was too nervous to make a move. Can't get hurt if you never try.

what did she do exactly?

Why do men become so cold and distant after they jizz?

Yes. Sometimes it was with girls who I genuinely had no interest in, others it was just girls who I wanted to fuck but they obviously wanted a lot more so I didn't want to put them/us through that. The worst one was a girl who I was absolutely in love with but she was a tomboy who had a very direct, almost casual way of flirting where you weren't sure if she liked you or was just being herself. I turned down some advances like a retard and eventually I only got the hint when she grabbed me and kissed me.

Sometimes the girl has to be the one to make a move if someone isn't getting what you're putting out there

It's biological. I think it's so that we don't get eaten by a bear while laying in post-coitus bliss.

excessively going out of her way to be around me irl/through text. gave me a crazy vibe. my phone died one evening and when I opened it I had around 20 texts from her where she was basically talking to herself and blaming herself cause I ignored her. too clingy.

I get that way after I masturbate but after sex I catch my breath for a minute them in ready to talk/cuddle or start going at it again. I don't really have a problem with going again

It depends on how. If it's a guilt trip or ultimatum I'd be less likely.
Also would she be ok if I partook when she's not in the mood?
Lastly I don't really get the moral reasons. They make ten times what I do in a day And I hate my job. If anyone is exploited it's me

Yeah, that does seem to be a bit excessive.

Thanks everyone for the answers, surprised there weren't any "she was fat and ugly" kind of responses. Guess personality is important to men after all.

Dude, wtf? I'd flip my shit if my boyfriend went to stay with one of his exes for 5 days.

It's really not ok to do something like that to your partner, talk to her about it.

I also stay hard for like 20-30 minutes after I cum. Usually I can go a second round right after if the girl is in the mood or my dick isn't too sore. Some guys completely shut down after they blow it once tho. I'll never get it

My boyfriend hasn't since we got together like 7 months ago, but then again we have sex pretty much every day.

He wants to fuck her. He will try to fuck her.

Define "watch porn". Do softcore images count? If no, then I haven't watched porn in over a decade.

I matched with a milf on tinder, she's in her late 30's, I'm in my mid 20's. How do I get laid? I'm pretty sure we're both just in it for sex but I've no experience with flirting or anything. She already messaged me first so I'll have to steer the conversation somehow. Help a brother out

If women stare or periodically glance at you, does that mean she is willing to talk to me or is interested in me? It happens to me often in public. They usually do a double take or stare at me for whatever reasons.

I guess if she stare you for a reasonable time, or you are weird or she is kinda interested, but this doesn't mean she wants to talk w u

With ones to easy access to it? Very few outside of very religious people.

It's also the worst kept secret that porn is a bad representation of how sex works in the real world with a normal partner, so don't think too hard about it.

>Guess personality is important to men after all.
well, no shit

>but this doesn't mean she wants to talk w u
Then how do I approach women in public without coming off as a creep?

If a guy is not interested in you but your interested in him would you still want to hang out with him?

yeah, personally. I usually lose interest in people romantically once they're made it clear they aren't interested.

My BF has been unemployed for over a year and stopped actively seeking work like 3 months ago, on top of getting deep into alcohol. My family and friends like him, but haven't been in the situation where they pay for all the expenses without the BF's/Husband, and on top of all the stress he generates by not contributing, not trying, and treating me like shit after I do all the work, bring all the money, and at this point do all the housework and so on.

I love him, but I'm not sure I can anymore after what he'e become. I think I want out. What do I do?

I'm normally fully against ultimatums, but unemployment and alcoholism is a breaking point.

Tell him to shape up or you're ending things. He's too comfortable.

>gf breaks up with me
>no contact for a while
>suspect it might be because she found someone else
>comes back into my life after a few months
>tells me she doesn't want to be in a relationship
>tell her ok idc
>start hanging out
>kiss, hug, cuddle etc.
>have sex
>still looks like shes dating someone else
>whatever not my business
>go on trip to orlando with her and her best friends
>kissed me and hugs me infront of them the whole time
I'm pretty sure if she had someone else her friends would know. If that was the case, would she still do all that stuff with me in front of them? Do girls keep secrets like this?

you're being kinda clingy

it looks like she's trying to get a good foundation for her future career. what do you have to offer to this relationship?

Just make an effort to start calling her and chatting with her regularly. When it gets closer to the time you will see each other, ask her on a proper date

>barely replies to texts, leaves me on read a lot and is generally avoidant
She's not going to accept a call. Let alone several.

The vast majority watch porn. It will be hard trying to find one who doesn't. Personally I quit a while ago.

I have a friend that has issues with not wanting to work and be down right lazy. He also had a gf during this time a while ago. He made her pay for everything and was a burden upon her, I felt sorry for her.

Bottom line, you need consider that he won't change if people keep feeding into his addiction and laziness. Also, this is something that is not your problem to fix. It's up to him if he wants to become a man and change for the good.

If he cannot do this then its time to move on, heal and find a better partner for yourself.

Depends on the man, some like immediate physical contact, others like space

Then move on

Yeah, that's probably what I'm gonna end up doing. Bit shit to lose a friend of 4 years over this though.

Thanks - I'll try sitting him down again and not make it too much like an ultimatum.
It really sucks, and I know I'm not the only one to put up with it, but none of my friends and family get it. Looking forward to picking up fucking fast food after work for him and just laze around in sweats for the tenth night in a row listening to how "we" need to figure something out just sucks. I'm not supposed to be the dumb fucking girl who gets stuck like this.

It's biological like the other user said. Once I cum I get this strong feeling that I am satisfied and relaxed. As if I don't need anything or anyone anymore and it's at that time where I just want to have my space, to relax in peace. If I really love the girl, sure I will cuddle with her. But if it's anything less than love then her presence literally pisses me off and I want her to leave after sex. It's kind of funny how before and during the sex you can feel really intensely for this girl but 3 seconds after the orgasm you don't want to see her again. It's like you were put under a spell and afterwards you can think clearly again. "Oh yeah I don't actually like her, she just made me really horny".

My crush is driving me crazy with inconsistency. First he talks to me at this bar very excitedly and we exchange phone numbers. Then he texts me for like a couple of days, I ask if I can come over, he says he has to clean up first. I msg him back after a couple days to ask if he did clean, he said no. Okay, I figured he just doesn't care and moved on.

Then, last weekend I saw him at a festival and he made every effort to hang with me. And he started texting me again. After a couple days of hanging out we kissed, and he says he won't fuck me that night but we can meet later.

This week, I shoot him a text and ask if we can meet. He says hes pretty busy for the rest of the month, but he's chatting away on social media all the time. And doesn't make an effort to reach out to me anymore.

Can you get any more flaky than this? I'm not trying to read his mind or anything, but I'm wondering how best to handle this situation.

user from The fact that your now being proactive and wanting things to change shows your not the dumb girl by any means.

I have faith in you user! In the end it might hurt and will take sometime to heal from but think of the better outcome that it will be.

>public play (like wearing butt plug to school or having to touch myself during lesson)
>hair grabbing and spanking and choking
>cumming on face

My boyfriend doesn't really, he watched like 3 times in his life


Thank you for the support. I think I'll wrap up my work and grab a drink with some girls from the office for once and turn my phone off. Here's hoping I'm not crying in a bathroom tonight.

Tell him you are unhappy
Ask if he wants to change. If no let him go.
If yes, watch for signs that he's actually trying (getting treatment, putting out resumes etc) if not let him go.

You can't change people unless they want to change

>he watched like 3 times in his life
and you believed that

>Thought girl might've been into me
>Would catch her looking at me, would smile if we made eye contact
>Would stand near me
>Decide to introduce myself
>Have a good conversation
>Or so I tell myself
>Now completely avoids me
>Won't even look at me or acknowledge me

Guess that's that then.

I'm sorry but I know him better than you do

apparently not, kek

Could I have a reason as to why you would still hang with him?

I got a friend that is doing this to several girls and its all an ego boost imo. And I feel like it would be clearly leading on the girl and it most likely won't go anywhere, a bit of wasted time maybe?


user from Honestly I would move on, don't worry about it much. Sounds like he is messing around and not serious at all or trying to play some game that will make you want him more, not saying this does not work but the way he is going about it this time is completely not mature.

A man who is serious will show through his actions and not string you along.

Lots of girls posting ITT. Is it because I welcomed the princesses? :D

user are you me

>Guys, did you ever friendzone a girl who liked you? Why?

I have qualms with this word. If she doesn’t have the guts to directly bring up her interest, ima not gunna bother addressing it (if I even notice it... which... with my track record... I’m pretty fucking dense sometimes). If she brings it up and I’m not interested... I say as much.

So I’m not really sure where “friendzone” applies there.

One thing I will say though is that attraction and interest have to be mutual. If they’re not, then things just won’t work out.

>Why do men become so cold and distant after they jizz?

When a guy does that, he probably wasn’t that warm or nice a person to begin with and was probably just putting up an act to get in your pants.

Pick better dudes.

>I love him, but I'm not sure I can anymore after what he'e become. I think I want out. What do I do?

There’s nothing you can do for him. He’s in the place he is and only he can eat himself out of it. All *you* can do is talk to him, see if that conversation is enough of a wake up call, and it’s not, leave. His unhappiness shouldn’t become yours, that’s not fair in a partnership.

>My crush is driving me crazy with inconsistency
Dude sound like he’s kind of disinterested and/or he’s a bit of a tease.

Sorry. Probably best if you move on.

I honestly don't really have any, I'm pretty vanilla. Some light BDSM stuff.

such as?

Collars, getting tied up/maybe gagged, orgasm denial, stuff like that.

Is there any alternatives to rings? What if I have a huge fear of losing my finger to a ring?

Wear it on your neck.


Does the guy generally ask the girl to be his girlfriend?
Or does the girl generally ask the guy to be her boyfriend?

I've been dating this girl for awhile now (first girl I've really "dated").. Probably 2 or 3 months of knowing her in person. Around 5 or 6 dates I guess? We've done other things though.

We've only kissed because I'm a virgin who doesn't know what the fuck I'm doing, but she is dtf as far as I know.


Nope. I don't even have friends. ;_;

I don't. I want to cuddle and caress.

How do I wear a ring on my neck?

You wear it like a necklace. Just get a silver/gold chain or whatever.

I have a steady career if that's what you're implying. If not, I don't know what you mean

Put a chain/necklace on it?

This is an unreasonable request if unless you are able to sexually satisfy him completely. Which is probably not the case. Dudes need to nut, and porn makes the nut easier.

Having said that, I do not watch porn anymore at the moment because it completely destroyed my view of women and my willingness to try with women.

Sounds good to me. Would you accept that? What's your gender?

I wouldn't mind, but you might want to explain to your SO why you can't wear it on your hand.

I don't watch much porn, but I'm not willing to stop completely.
If the girls are suffering when doing porn, THEY should just stop.
You sound like a nutcase.

Whatever helps you sleep at night

I guess I would she hoped he would call for me or I could at least get a moment of intimacy (like a hug, not talking about sex or kiss)

No it's kind of a ludicrous request. If he was addicted to porn that would be different.

Perhaps uwu

Did u, dear user

Usually guy asks the girl but nothing wrong with the opposite

>Did u, dear user
I did, in the OP.

Okay, thanks guys.

I get it might be best to move on, but I want to try a little bit more without seeming too clingy. I know he has depression (and this is something that I actually like because I can relate and talk to him about it), and that depression might be the reason he's so flaky. Should I give him a chance?

hello girls. would you tie me up, stuff my mouth with your panties, jerk me off until it physically hurts then call me a good boy as you kiss me to sleep?


That's cute

If we were dating and you would really want to then yes

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