Lads, I'm all ready to buy a ticket to France and bring guns and ammo along, but nothing is fucking happening. Why is everyone in Europe so fucking chickenshit? Pic very related. At this point, there should already be fighting in the streets.
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Is yellow vest happening this weekend or nah?
They're generals, why dont they fucking do something about it instead of just larping
cmon FFL try again!
The French always start shit but can finish it. Look at ww2 they made aggressions towards Hitler not the other way around.
>Europe pre-GCM
Migrants come as they please
>Europe post-GCM
Migrants come as they please
Nothing has happened. And even if something happened I would rather watch the world burn than do anything. If you're so badass then book flight into Europe and start gunning people down.
Another protest tomorrow lets see what comes of it.
Digits say yes
Macron doesn't look human desu, pretty sure he's ayy
>No links
Wow it's nothing?
It's George Soros wearing a mask and body suit obviously
Things are moving but wrongthink laws are worse than USSR. Noone can talk about it here and I'm already stepping way out of line here and can be v& just for that.
People communicate heavily on signal and other platforms. They meet IRL first to avoid glowniggers. In all major cities there are operational people. Not hard to find. Talk with people, ask innocently and chat around in bars and people you know.
I really really can't say more I'm sorry. Someone recently got vanned because of talking about it on the internet.
And yes we have funs. Many more than people think.
>Why is everyone in Europe so fucking chickenshit?
they have no gunz
France has pretty high civilian gun ownership compared to the rest of Europe. That is why it is absolutely maddening to me that nothing has happened yet.
Godspeed, Frog. I know we talk a lot of shit on you, but we remember that our independence was half just a French prank, and that's badass. You're the seed of Napoleon, son.
Because there litteraly are thousands of them, and all they care about are their pentions. The politicians knew what they were doing.
lul wat? Only reason WW2 happened is because the US, UK and France failed to enforce the Versailles treaty but also failed to act when Hitler made provocations after provocations... Even invading Poland wasn't enough for the "Entente" to act.
there are thousands of generals in France, only like 8 of them are in theory angry about this pact...
Nobody in the army will do anything, we are alone, even in 1789 we weren't alone, the bastille didn't fall with just citizens fighting
Our army and police force are way more docile and obedient to the governement than they were at any point in our history
Godspeed. The US hasn’t forgotten.
do you realise that last satruday litteraly tens of thousands of cops were in Paris checking every road, every train station, confiscating everything, even gas mask and arresting hundreds of people even before they got to Paris ?
and these guns are mostly in isolated villages, nobody has guns in cities, and how could these guns help to do anything, most of our population STILL don't want to see violence, wich is ironic considering our national history but they've been lobotomized and don't realise what is at stake
>Europeans are so chickenshit they are only rioting in the street
>We're less than 56% now but we have guns so we won't do anything about it
Really makes me think
Big of true
Nothing will happen
digits confirm
They've done more than you and your guns n ammo. Maybe buy a vest and get ready to fight for your own country you larping faggot. All fields.
>b-but the letters on the paper say that
Just take the money, what's the problem?
We have 540 active duty generals, and 5500 second section "aka retired" generals.
I wish the us government would send guns to the 'moderate' french rebels that need saving.
If only some cia nigger told their boss about this prime opportunity.
Got a link? The thread on this yesterday had no verifiable source.
good luck my frog friends. remember, center mass.
Why are there so many generals?
Take back your countries from the inbreds you slave for, die for, and work for. Your money goes to them, all those taxes, everything you buy is over taxed with built in taxes.
That is why bread isnt 10 cents anymore. Inflation means so many taxes are piled on everything that goes to israhell at 10 million a day that now bread is a few dollars. Your founding fathers went to war over fucking tea, its time you all mount up and take back what is yours by destroying the hooknosed enemy.
To be fair they’ve achieved far more than we have already. I’m British in case the ickle flag didn’t give it away
He’s probably counting brigadier generals and staff officers.
>the bastille didn't fall with just citizens fighting
Uh, actually, it did. According to sources it was stormed exclusively by enraged citizens, and defended by soldiers.
So stfu defeatist shill
Go to South Africa instead. That's where we're going to pregame before taking back Europe since the monkeys in charge are easy pickings and will be great for morale.
tomorrows CNN news:
>French military being investigated for possible Russian infiltration
It's treason then.
Not fake an ex defence minister signed it too
do it
Day of the guillotine when Frenchbro?
Why go there, let them fight their own battles.
>We have issues here, plenty of joos and elite wasp puppets destroying murica
Kick it off OP, its friday and i got some popcorn
how can you criticize France? at least they are out in the streets hurling huge rocks at police, we wouldn't have the balls to do that over here (although if you guys got something started I'd definitely join).
>what is the saar offensive
you acted, you just had no followthrough, which is the guy's point
Pic related
Only commies use offensive violence. Don't be like the commies
Unless digits nothin happens
>the war of French aggression
>the war of Polish aggression
>the war of Chamberlain's aggression
>the war of pre-emptive Russian aggression
>the war of Czech and Slovakian aggression
>the war of von Hindenburg's aggression
Are there any other wars of aggression Hitler was protecting himself against during that 39 - 45 period? Maybe '38 was the war of Austrian annexation?
The French helped us in our revolution, do we owe them one?
Yes, or else we risk Jefferson rolling out of his grave and slapping a bitch himself