
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool:

>GOPAd: We Must Secure Our Borders 12/14/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/SoS Pompeo Press Brief @2+2 Ministerial 12/14/18
>DHSSec Nielsen on F&F 12/14/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Slovenian FM Cerar 12/14/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on Yemen 12/14/18
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 12/14/18
>USCGCdt Adm Schultz @Navy League on Readiness 12/14/18
>DepPressSec Gidley outside WH 12/14/18
>DepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 12/14/18
>This Week @State 12/14/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Trump @Toys4Tots Event 12/14/18
>TrumpWave: Shut It Down 12/13/18
>TrumpTweet: Pres Trump Message on Border Security 12/13/18
>Pres Trump Meets w/Governors Elect 12/13/18
>Pres Trump Interview w/Harris Faulkner 12/13/18
>FLotUS Melania on Hannity 12/12/18 (pt1) (pt2)
>FLotUS Melania Visits Children's Natl Hospital 12/13/18
>Stephen Killer Miller on Ingraham 12/13/18
>CommSec Wilburine on Lou Dobbs 12/13/18

OP pastebin:

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Niggers and Jews are nice and friendly! Give them your money!


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No. kill.


>Of course it exists
Well it does as a categorical term, but not in reality.
Like "furniture" is to a kitchen chair which has a recognized form and feature.
But it doesn't manifest in an identifiable way, it's a category, not a specific thing.

White is a categorical term, a concept, but not a race. It is a supra-race. Useful insofar as mammal is to labeling animals.

Trump is a complete disappointment

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But he does.

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Greetings MAGApedes, I bring news from the Hillary timeline

>Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities still funded
>bump stocks finally banned in historic decision
>Congress will not fund a physical barrier at the Southern Border
>oh btw, republicans lose the House in 2018 in an incredible Blue Wave
>Alabama, Arizona, and Nevada lose a republican senator each
>trade deficit with Chyna at an all tie high, also the national debt is still rising
>Demcorats still control the DOJ and use it to harass republicans
>Criminal Justice reform passed before border security is even touched

I think we really dodged a bullet there!

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We've always been here, and we always will be.

never lad

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Legation Cities round 2 when?

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Define 'white'.

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Fine, forget the schwarzes, just give the nice Hebrews your money!

we need to rescue her before she just becomes this drooling woman on all 4s at the UN

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And yet the viking and anglo raids a thousand years ago left a permanent mark on the Irish genome. What will the nigs and poos do?

Those congressfags are truly scum in both timelines

ivory coast pls go

exactly. It kills me that no one knows how to properly answer this question.
It's ridiculous.

>at best: they're advanced algorithms, but intelligence? nah, not even close.
I happen to agree with you user but I pick my battles. Like "literally" AI lost its colloquial meaning. Twice already btw

>I need source portugal
The hell if I know user. I found it on, some site for Russian memes, very entertaining. Lots of good stuff there, mostly 10 seconds clips coming from TikTok, Youtube and other sources.

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Trump is a jew shil

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Bump stocks haven't been banned, wall is 13% done, and China is losing the trade war. You want to know what I know you are? A nigger. A worthless nigger.

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Edits complete. If baking again, please refresh. Thanks

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That's right, no threat from the diluted Hiberno mutts.
Carry on.

Like clockwork

Fuck off retard.

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>but I pick my battles
Only reason I still respond good-faith to you, you're a man of character.

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>It kills me that no one knows how to properly answer this question.
It is not even fucking hard.
> people of predominant european descent and caucasian phenotype

Now for another trick, defining black
> people of predominant african descent and negroid phenotype
Do I need to define asian as well?

Here is the thing, everybody knows what people mean by "white", only absolute retards try to kike the definition to get good boy points with the "there is only one race, human race" crowd

Who would be a good attorney general?

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awooo to you too this wonderful evening

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>people on the right mad at Trump for not doing enough
>people on the left mad at Trump because he's Trump
>me just waiting until 2020

Politics is like a basketball game, bros. Nothing really matters until the 4th quarter. The real shit will pop off when the Democrat debates start.

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what happens when white men realize that no matter what we do, the left will still call us evil and we just decide to embrace the label?

No matter what we do they still hate us, so we might as well reap the benefits of being evil and become the monsters they portray us to be

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We need someone who is the law.

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>Who would be a good attorney general?
Rudy, if he laid off the bottle. Chris if all you care is to stick it to democrats, he would make the DOJ a den of corruption BUUUUT he would have to destroy the den of democrat corruption it is now so it would please many here. For like a month or so.

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Fun fact it don't matter if she sucks so bad like they want. She can be the worst u.n ambassador the u.s ever had and it won't Matter because the u.n don't mean shit. I'm sick seeing that shit building in my country. Hope potus kicks them the fuck out and pulls all funding.

Anons are mad at Trump because they thought that when he got to the white house he would snap his fingers and suddenly america is 10000% white.

Name all the positions that Mick Mulvaney now oversees.


Any news today?

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that's white culture, which does exist in the form of the Western Tradition that spans many races.
But the white "race" speaking literally to the term does not exist. Race refers to genetic breeds.

Many races compose white culture. Many breeds of dogs form the category of "working dog" or "sporting dog".
White culture exists as a concept.
The White Race, as short hand for "the myriad of races that one would consider white" as a concept exists.
You can't tell someone's ancestry by their physical characteristics? Are you one of those people who can't tell a Han Chinese person from a Vietnamese?

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Remember when Trump's core campaign promise was "Gas the kikes, Race War Feb. '17!"?

Anons are idiots if they thought that. I'm glad that Trump is sparring with China right now and has essentially ignored the Middle East.

Fun times! It's easy when you're evil!

mick will be new CoS

Donaldine Barron

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That's why Trump grates on so many people, he's an unapologetic patriot and refuses to mince words to spare feelings. It doesn't get much better than that, it's like living in the early 90s when I call my friends faggots without them being literal homos.

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Of course, remember when Trump singled out those niggers at his rally and started a chant to lynch them?

is clinton going to the death chair or not

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white is a race that has sub races

Ah, here's an idea (very pic related)

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head of OMB, the thing he was doing before OMB, acting chief of staff, chief of staff, shadow president (president)

>That's why Trump grates on so many people, he's an unapologetic patriot

>be trump
>remake globalist deals
>be ameridumb
>cheer for the same deal by the same elites just because trump redid it
you know how stupid you are right ?

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Build that Wall! If Democrats give you the votes. Ask nicer next time

A patriot indeed.

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Imagine being a leaf and getting raked by other leaves.

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If this guy is found guilty, Trump needs to pardon him ASAP

Jow Forums is dead retard and i hate canadian more than you'll ever do step up your game faggot


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that totally doesn make any fucking god damn sense but how well what did i expect

Exactly, "of European decent" what's so hard about that ?

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White is a racial category.
With unfortunately no clear line.
This argument right here, right now that we are doing, is the "is hotdog a sandwich" shit.


Need to watch that again

I'd have done it for $5.50

Dealing with China has to be done and we have to knock those slant eyed explosives down to size. Nixon made a mistake by opening them up instead of turning them into ash.

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drumpf is getting impeached

>With unfortunately no clear line.
no not clear, but there is a line


Subnautica is free on Epic game store right now gweillo

>What happens wen we embrace the label

Pic related

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see my point about Jow Forums being dead ?
not even able to do a fucking leaf properly anymore


>Exactly, "of European decent" what's so hard about that ?
Well, there is a particular tribe whose wandering ways made them mix with some eastern european folks in a way it makes them very shapeshifting to the untrained eyes of the population.
They are the ones who benefit the most from stretching the line of what exactly consists in the "white race" specially considering they like to move in and out of it on a moments notice

but you get what I'm saying thought about the term "white race" is actually shorthand for an umbrella term of individual racial biological ethnicities fitting the description of
> people of predominant european descent and caucasian phenotype

Your PM is raking your entire country to make way for Somalis and other various shitskins.
>Leaf (((You)))
>Getting raked by other leaves (Your retard child PM and his toady special interests raping any semblance of culture you used to have.)

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Poos know how to make me laugh.

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Gas the Kikes
Race War Now

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You're just mad because the US fucked you on wood and cars. Was the milk worth it?

>Niggers and Jews are nice and funny! Put down your guns and give them your money!

Darker than sand,
Send that nigger away

I remember, what ever happened with that, did they Lynch the niggers or not ?

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>an umbrella term of individual racial biological ethnicities
I fail to get your point unless you are conflating
> race
> nationality

The portuguese are a nation, the spaniards are another nation. Both are part of the white race but they are not the same people, they share a common culture and ancestry but that's it. What's so hard to understand about that?

>Nixon made a mistake by opening them up
Not even Nixon could have foreseen Americans defending China over America.


I would not be surprised if Trump has to be the one dealing with Alberta wanting to become the 51st state. Then Saskatchewan and Manitoba will want to join too.

Whatever do you mean?

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They only took their coats.

>Not even Nixon could have foreseen Americans defending China over America.
user, plz. The same people doing it now (THE VERY FUCKING SAME PEOPLE, 50 YEARS AFTER) did it with the Charlies in the Vietnam war. Fucking Jane Fonda did a sting as their spokesperson.


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