Is having A.D.D. ruining your life?

I never been properly diagnosed but I know I have it. All my life I flunked out of school and I can never focus on anything and just spend my off days beating off and refreshing Jow Forums. I wanna go to doctor about it so I can get medication. Anyone experiencing the same thing or have add an can give some advice?

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I have ADHD. The best alternative to taking those screwy meds is to take gotu kola. It'll help you think clearer and lower your anxiety if you have any.

Ive had ADHD all my life and eventually just learned to apply myself

I took adderall one time and I felt like a superhuman. I could do literally anything I willed my mind to without getting distracted 2 seconds in. Is this what normal people feel like?

I personally believe no kid/young person wants to naturally focus or settle down in class anyways, the environments in schools (at least here in the U.S.) are are terrible and not engaging at all, at least for me. Its better in college of course but gradeschool is a fucking joke, and parents overly-medicate their kid because johnny got an A- instead of an A+ which means he has a learning disability.

Anyways, id be careful of the medications. I've bounced around from multiple types. I've taken Adderall, Concerta, and Ritalin at one point in my life and all are similar but not. Adderall gives you crushing depression on the come-down and revs up anxiety so bad, Ritalin is alright, but I really like Concerta more. Sorta helps keep anxiety levels low and gives you a little bit extra focus with stuff, but not the overwhelming amount that you'll have with adderall. Like it is easy to snap in and out of things and not be a complete zombie.

Maybe you just have really poor self control/discipline. This seems to be a really common trait in younger generations and doesn't necessarily mean you have a mental disorder.

If you're that concerned, speak to a doctor about your symptom and let them make a decision.

High strength adderal is the zombie drug, after time it starts to really fuck with you and you just get used to being quiet and not really sociable.

I think it's both. I literally can't count money without stopping and restarting a bunch of times because I get distracted by the smallest things. It could be my own thoughts or someone interrupting me.

I suspect that like 90% of all "ADD" cases of people under the age of 30 is just a result of them being born and raised on the computer & internet.

When's the last time you spent at least one whole day offline?

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Iv'e had this even before the internet was a thing, Teachers wanted to put me in special ed because i was always spacing out all the time. But yes the internet makes it 100 times worse. And no I never spent a day offline unless i'm on vacation somewhere.

Honestly, by speaking from the heart. I'm 28 now, and I can confidently say that I finally know how to maintain my A.D.D.

Took a very long time to grasp it and utilize it properly.

Using A.D.D. as an excuse or a cause was never an option for me. I simply ignored it and hid it from the world (clinically diagnosed). So all my failures where always my fault (not like always taking responsibility for those failures, but more like blaming a bad test or neglecting homework because of it.)

Like an art student going through Art School, but being black and white color blind. I just never said anything and just tried to adapt to it.

Like passing BARELY passing High School with a 1.7 something GPA.

If anyone is interested on how I adapted and learn how to overcome it, I'd be more than happy to share it with them.

Narcissism aside, proud of how much I've overcome and persisted to be the type of individual I am today.

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U can learn focus, try meditation and forcing yourself to read and exercise. I promise you that Focus Will come if you do this

ADD is a myth and handy excuse for lazy people who lack basic organisation and time-management skills. I got diagnosed with ADD three times, by three different specialists. It took me 2 years to grow out of it. Never took any meds, just forced myself to stay focused at the task at hand. Now I'm finishing my MA and working half-time in office setting where I need to be attentive and focused. Just stop with your excuses, user, and you will be fine.

I was diagnosed with A.D.D. and was given medication when I was younger, I would not recommend medication. When I first started talking it I had side affects, mainly things like dry mouth and loss of apatite. Loss of appetite sucked the most. I also had this weird thing where if I didn't eat something prior to taking the meds my stomach would tell me when I'm hungry by making me feel like I had to throw up but on an emty stomach. After a few changes to the medications I no longer had those side effects anymore which was good, but the new meds gave me the personality of a fucking rock. So sometime during middle school I stopped taking them but still retained the rock personally out of habit (only in a classroom setting though). It wasn't till junior year that I started to get good grades on my own because by then I realized that the only reason I was failing was because I was lazy or because I was overestimating the difficulty of something and just need the proper setting for me to learn.

On an another note I have to tell you that ADHD/ADD are overly diagnosed by doctors, if you were to go to the doctor and didn't have ADHD/ADD but happened to be doing bad in class accidentally or behaviorally there would be a good chance he'd still diagnose it and perscribe medication.

teach me your ways

gotta say I was the guy who posted about back issues on adderall a few months ago, overall yes adhd is ruining my life, but now I have been on adderall 10mg 2x a day. Today is my first off day in about 2 weeks, I have accomplished nothing but watched to catch a predator videos for 5 hours straight. Overall since starting these meds again, my life has become easier, I am naturally hyper and annoying, so it calms me down, my mind slows down, I can think and not blurt out things, retain information sit down and read maybe 20 pages and remember what happened with my adderall. It did ruin my life, but overall medication saved it.,

You're an idiot who got misdiagnosed, nothing more.

You were never ADD then
Without my meds (atemoxetine) I can barely focus on the task at hand. I would have at least three different tasks going at once because I could never focus on just one thing at a time. Since my meds I'm studying, got a job and a way healthier relationship. I used to be a useless NEET now I'm a functioning member of society. I'd be very careful about labelling people with ADHD/ADD as lazy that's a side effect not the cause of the condition. Advice for OP: Meditation will help slow your mind with practice, lots of exercise, lots of water, read books and practice focusing on one thing at a time, no screens one hour after waking and one hour before bed. Go see a psychiatrist if your feeling that bad

Daily reminder that having "ADD" means that either 1. You're a fucking borderline retard, 2. you were a totally normal energetic young boy with lazy parents and the label just stuck, or 3 you're a college student who wants to pop addy for cram sessions. Pick one.

no you fucking retard that's what it feels like to be on amphetamines. adhd is an excuse for people who want to believe hard work should be fun

I beg to differ. See my post above yours for the 3 possible explanations for "ADD".

adhd is the label to destroy kids who are dangerous to the system because were natrual system breaker

theres a conspiracy going on about the program G.A.T.E and gifted students

linked to mk ultra and occult connections in the intelligence communitys


go back to Jow Forums

i got diagnosed l8r in life cus my parents thought ADD was made up. made a huge difference for me, would probably be a nobody loser rn if it werent for my meds. It sucks to be kind of retarded but getting help rly paid off for me. A lot of people resent the meds but it's usually cus they start when they're six and end up with weird agency issues.

This. And gingko biloba as well the adhd meds fucked my head and body so I wouldn't recommend them