Hey Jow Forums
welp. I've reached that spot. There's no reason to live.
I don't have a good relationship with my family.
I'm not doing well academically.
I'm not particularly attractive.
I don't have friends, and I cannot get over a girl that left me two years ago.
Can anyone find any reason why I should stay alive?
If not, please post your unironic "lul do it" comments because bet.
No reason to live
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You have, presumably, only one life to live. What have you experienced in life? How much of the world have you seen?
Once you reach a level in which everything has outwardly fallen apart, you learn about yourself and can figure out who you are and what fulfills you.
You need death (ego, not suicide) to be reborn
You've gotten through the hard part, now it's time to let go and let your unconscious self come out a little bit and be able to handle negative experiences better.
Aka; now you can better understand what makes you happy, what doesn't work for you and be more confident about what you need. Once you can let go of what's tying you down, you'll learn confidence and seek out specifically what you need to succeed.
But this takes effort, suicide is lack of effort.
It's your choice
But you're so close to freedom, why stop here
1. Neither do I, just get over it cause that's not a fixer uper. *shrug*
2. STUDY like sht man just pay attention. It's impossible to fail if you're actually listening to the lesson.
3. Perspective dude. You could be a zit ridden antisocial and someone would think wow that guys great. It's the personality that gets em.
4. If you're having trouble finding friends, go to some place sociable and be observant for anyone doing something you can relate to and start a convo on that. As for the girl, thinking about her is not gonna make her automatically Mary Poppins her way back into your life so stare at a new chick and get a new crush.
5. Don't kill yourself because you clearly haven't lived long enough to enjoy anything life has to offer. School is a bitch but after school you will feel so much better just weather it man. Cloud with a chance of don't fkin do it.
>nothing to lose
Is feeling shitty every day not losing?
i said I wasn't doing well academically, I'm too tarded to understand this I'm too close to freedom? Freedom from what? How do you know I'm close to it?
2) Well, it's sort of late now, I've already made my bad grades and they've already affected my GPA. everyone always expected me to be a super genius kid like my sister was, but i'm just not. I had dreams of getting into grad school, but I know that's probably not going to happen now. the high expectation everyone has of me pretty much amplifies every mistake I make 10x. It sucks. Feels like I'm living a facade.
3) you got me with that description.
I have trouble developing personality. I knew that one girl for a really long time. I never really had a need for anyone but her. I depended on her completely, and when she left, she took 100% of my social life with her.
5) >Cloud with a chance of don't fkin do it.
>Is feeling shitty every day not losing?
Quick question. If someone tells you they read a book do you ask yourself why they would feel the need to paint it?
Seriously, misinterpret that phrase harder. I bet you can
Jesus. Please understand that depression is not just feeling sad.
Also if your advice for OP could come out of something besides Robert Frost's reject retard poems, that would be swiggity swell. Nobody wants to fucking solve for X, where X is "the theme of my dumbass statement that is tangentially related after I dump a wall of text."
Dude I just came off the front page to call you retarded for misinterpreting the meaning of the phrase "nothing left to lose." Stop having a tism fit.
I am just another user, not OP. Your advice is dumb and you're dumb for trying to give it. Please don't try to help people with depression when you're this clueless. Thanks.
Are academics the only thing to living? Maybe that's just not your lot in life. Everyone has different skills and intelligence levels, freedom is being able to figure out who you are and what you're good at, while cutting away the things dragging you down.
The whole point of conquering depression is to face the emotions and traumas you've repressed. Without all that weight, who cares if you're not particularly good at what you're doing now. Find something you're good at and take a chance because you've just over come your demons.
Once you lighten your spirit and build your confidence, things will fall into place. But as long as you're being held down by things you won't let go of, it will make any curve ball way harder to deal with.
I didn't give any advice. I just called him stupid.
This. When academia failed for me I stopped putting myself through the cycle of failure, fear, anxiety, depression, failure, ad nauseam.
Instead I did anything I could to build skills. Even just talking to someone who knows a skill, and listening about it.
What's important is to realize life is a meal and you're the only one who can plate your own. Just because that guy or this guy has it like X, Y and Z, doesn't mean you're immediately forced to.
I don't know what your situation is but my cats help immensely with mine. It's not like they fix it but sometimes twenty minutes of silence alone with a kitty, broken only by happy purrs can help to regain focus and approach things with less gravity.
Above all, remember the truth about depression: it's almost always far worse in your head than it is in reality. Try to remember that.
As an addendum, don't forget about it's bedfellow anxiety and try to keep your diet square and away from high sugar and caffeine counts. These tend to exacerbate the bad.
Sorry, let me summarize more.
Negative emotions cause more negative emotions.
But negative emotions are caused by things eating away at your psyche.
You need to learn to let go, because you've already been to the depths of low, if you can let go of the things that give you all these negative emotions, you'll feel lighter and break the cycle. Positive emotions tend to breed more positive emotions. The more things that weigh on your mind that you can make peace with, the better a chance of rising up again and regaining your life and self.
thanks user.
That alone should reflect pretty clearly on how valid your stance is, considering the kind of person it would take to stop what they're doing and do that on Jow Forums
But hey. Never gotta admit to the pile of shit you've become on the internet. Hide, hide away, come to project another day.
how to experience ego death?
It just sometimes really hard to believe that it's not as bad as it is in my head. Everything that everyone always told me I was gonna do is very probably not going to happen anymore. I built my whole life around my prdicted future; everyone who knws me or my family is just gonna see me as a dissapointment. Especially compared to my other family members.
I could deal with this slightly in the past when I had a person who really cared about me. But now I have no one, and the situation has only gotten worse
sorry if i'm overly asking you to explain stuff. I really appreciate your words aha..
How can I breed positive emotions? It's hard to take positive emotions out of things nowadays. I feel like a giant cloud of shit is following me around all the time, and if i look at it I'll have to face my bad grades, or family, or deteriorating social life. When something good happens, I don't know why but I always think about that stuff and it just fills my stomach with dread. It's like I can't enjoy things that would otherwise be enjoyable because happiness reminds me of everything else.
I can point out two big areas that cause insecurity for you.
Failed relationships with family
Failed relationships with women
You need to make peace with what happened.
Your actions, your reactions and the series of events of other peoples actions that caused these failed relationships.
Learn from your mistakes, and learn from the things you don't like.
Once you accept blame where blame is due, and realize that other peoples actions and reactions are out of your control, you'll feel much more at peace with how those events transpired.
You may also feel better about the strengths you bring to relationships, and you'll be able to better attract people who compliment you and your personality.
But you need to learn to see things for the way they are, and be able to accept when you have done wrong. You also need to see that sometimes things will fall apart. But that's a good thing, because when things fall apart, we can build something new and fresh.
Suicide is not seeing the potential to create better from the remains of what stood there before.
brb fellas
That's essentially where I'm going with my explanation. I think ego death is an important tool to learning about yourself and creating your own confidence.
Doing it consciously VS being thrown into it are different as hell though
Getting so low that you experience ego death is terrifying and hard to go through. And may cause heavy neuroticism in the future. But willingly confronting your own shadow and minimizing what you fear can be very liberating.
Cognitive behavioral therapy could be a good start.
Once you overcome the feeling of despair from your past experiences, learning to replace those feelings by catching yourself in your negative loops can make a huge difference.
Learn to replace bad thoughts with good thoughts.
Whenever you think "I'm not enough for a woman" replace that with "I will find a woman who appreciates my efforts" or "I'll never be successful" with "I'll find success and meaning on my own terms"
It makes the future way less stressful, and takes the pressure off of you NEEDING to succeed ASAP; by reassuring yourself that you will find fulfillment when you're ready.
I don't have friends anymore because everybody got out of my life, my family don't fucking care about me, I'm alone, I've never had a gf, I'm a complete failure as human there is no reason to live for me, I cried many times but I just can't give up and die like So I decided to be strong , I'll never be helped by God or something like that I need to be more and more perfect if I make some mistake I need to learn with it because I can't just sit down and wait for luck, the truth is people can not help you because they don't know how to do that we just need to forgive them. You are strong, but you need to be Stronger, if you are ashamed of yourself and feel weak, take these feeling s and become stronger than you are now
sorry for my bad english bro I'm
Can someone explain the origin of this kid meme? I see it everywhere and it cracks me up because I knew so many kids in elementary school who looked like that.