Give me a qrd on the history and hierarchy of Nazi Germany military

Tell me what the SS stood for, what the ranks were, other branches, how they got started, etc.

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bump, I want to know the hierarchy and what not so I can stop misusing them
I know some user here is autistic enough to give us a qrd

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Stutzstaffel or SS were the political and military zenith of nazi germany and Austria, Norway and the Netherlands (recruited less from other nations). The common misconception that they were ‚special forces‘ is balanced out by the myth that they weren’t elite. I’m order to become a prominent member of the party you had to prove your devotion and genetic fitness. This applies to doctors and researchers as much as it did to soldiers, forcing gruelling training regimes and focuses on athletic ability. And it Shows: the allies lost twice as many men as the axis despite having far more men to begin with. Anything else?

thanks britanon
what about other key positions and other roles within the Reich? like waffen SS, obersturmfuhrer, etc?
SS ranks with German and English meaning as well as comparable ranks in allied armies


I saw a book in my law school's library called "Nazi Juztus" about their plan to come to power and the phases during which they would come to power and take control and begin "exterminating" the jews... anyone have any info on that?

Also here are the oaths one had to pledge to join the Wehrmacht / SS

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it's not bait, I thought it was a ridiculous book and wanted to see if anyone had ever heard of it


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What about the transition from Germany to Nazi Germany? How/When did they change their look to swastika?

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Stupid Schmucks

red army won and raped their sisters, dont go there user, spare your sister....

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get in the oven right now

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one mistake they made is that they didn't start conscription immediately upon coming to power.

most divisions were NOT motorized. only select few divisions were given the best equipment. many divisions still recquired horses for mobility

those commie faggots only won because the USA helped them
things wont go so well for red scum when the USA is the new Reich

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>t. pic related
wow the left really can't meme

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What if we actually do look like that though? And I do lift and eat and practice combat training? Do I not exist?

Their sisters, mothers, grandmothers, daughters. I mean the commies were ruthless lol.

>Aight chaps, war is going great, let's rape their women as revenge for what they did on the front

Wiki it faggot. A thread died for this.

They (the top) were occult sun worshippers, hence the Swastika being a sun symbol.

Hitler took over in 1933, 33 being the highest degree the sun gets in each of the 12 Zodiacs, hence why 33 is the highest degree in Masonry.

They also used a black eagle symbol as their coat of arms, eagles being able to fly higher than any other bird, therefore the bird that can get closest to the sun. Apparently, "Sigismund of Luxembourg used a black double-headed eagle after he was crowned Emperor in 1433", the year being no coincidence.

yeah because there are so many quality threads on here these days
if you're going to accuse me of sliding a more relevant thread then link to one you fucking idiot

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I wanted feedback from the people. I saw a half dozen posts about two bickering niggers last night, why not go waste energy over there (((user)))

although the swastika has been used in many different cultures over time, I find it hard to believe that NSDAP was occult black sun worship
it seems a lot like something a person would say to get you to not like the nazis, absent any other solid evidence that nazis were actually bad

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Why'd they choose the swastika and the eagle?

idk, I'm obviously not an expert on the subject
I've read that the swastika represents life and progress, or forward motion
I've read that a swastika facing the other direction is death and decay, or regressive motion
I've heard about the black sun stuff but I genuinely dont believe national socialism was a satanic or luciferian ideology, which is what black sun occultism essentially is to my knowledge, which, again, is somewhat limited

>wikipedia for anything historical
might as well turn the tv on too

veni, vidi, oh shit!

you bring shame to your people, krautanon

checked for truth

The Black Sun was used by the SS, after Heinrich Himmler gained possession of a castle in 1933 (of course), which he had re-designed, and where the black sun originated from.

"If you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it.” ~ Hitler

Is it a coincidence that the dollar bill has the eye of Horus (sun God) on it? Coincidence that the US has an eagle for its coat of arms?