How do I get a cute girl like this who actually cares about me and is still a virgin...

How do I get a cute girl like this who actually cares about me and is still a virgin? Would love to lose my virginity with her.

Attached: Misaki_NHK.jpg (704x400, 20K)

Seek treatment for your severe autism. Only then will you find the answers you seek.

How old are you? If you

Are you
If you're attractive you may find one, if you're rich you can buy one

I have a chad face and body, but a virgin character.
Really always just wanted one woman and a family. So many women drewl over me... but it's just a turn off how slutty they are.

But a girl like this, who is caring and sacrifices so much. Now that's a girl I'd liek to cherish.

>and is still a virgin
Tell me, why does this matter to you? Is it a matter of feeling self-conscious about your lack of sexual experience? Is it a fetish you have?

>sexuality turns me off
Maybe you're a pedophile. seek treatment

scared of diseases and have a feeling the emotions and experiences she has felt with others will just feel watered down and dull for her.
Like I said I'm still a virgin myself. Have turned down women who have even promptly asked me for sex. Just found it tasteless.

Honestly ignore roasties like , you have a preference and there is nothing wrong with that!

If you are a chad but have a beta characteristic, try to improve your physique and date an average/below average grill. Pure girls exist but getting the beautiful ones are hard af.

You do realize that's a cartoon and not a real live girl, don't you?

Having "pedo" as a preference is not something that's right, it's completely wrong.

Nah you'll be fine. I was a virgin when I got my first GF who was not. It really doesn't matter.

Where did all this pedo talk come from. I never wrote anything about young girls. Caring virgin girls is what I seek. If they happen to be young so be it.

But even nowadays girls at 11 - 12 years old have had sex and I find that sickening.

How many partners did she have before you?

>wanting a girl who isn't a whore means your a pedophile.

Whats wrong with wanting someone w/ little to no sexual experience? People have different preferences bro.

It's trolls bro, ignore and move on. If they had useful shit to say they'd say it. They don't so they're shit posters
It's a numbers game nibba, just search and search. You won't find it by any other means so get into the motions of a good search.

Have you had sex?

3 - 4-ish relationships, and idk a few others? I was a late bloomer and we were both in our early/mid 20's. It was a great relationship though.

I wasn't the first person to talk about op being a pedo, I was just someone who hates pedos so decided to cut into the conversation. Wanting a virgin is only wrong if you aren't a virgin yourself

Fair enough.

Guess it was some toasty roastie.

27 yo -> NO

Well maybe I was raped after my knee surgery. Because when the anesthesia wore off my dick and balls were fully drained and I woke up to the sight of my female care taker casually looking out the window licking her lips. And my dick was fully chubbed. Fat and engorged with blood unde the thin blankets clearly visible. (We had to wear mesh underwear for some gay reason). My anus felt sore too.
Did a blood test afterwards to make sure. Had nothing.

I'm sorry user. That being said I don't think a virgin girl would help that. Maybe a girl with a sexual history who cares about you would be a better confidant in that case.

In any case it's not your fault and you should instead look for someone who can work you through that instead of some ideal you have.

>27 and virgin
user... most of the girls your age are going to be cat lady material, but it's definitely possible to find a virgin if you really want to continue this autistic journey

also feelsbad if you were raped.

I dont think sexual experience can help with sexual assault, only a therapist can.

But OP look for a therapist to help you.

Does anyone have any experience with waking up after anesthesia?
Because I did cum that's for sure. There were dried cum steaks on my legs when I asked for help to go to the bathroom. She even seemed suprised. And there was still cum in my dick before peeing. I was too weak at that time. But writing this does make me think how weird it was. And I noticed this weird smell coming from my crotch. Never smelt it before. Don't remember how it smelt but knew for a fact it was not my normal smell.

That's why I say maybe I was raped.

Hopefully I wasn't or reaching wizard level will be for nothing.

You don't. She's literally put in the story as an angel because otherwise the narrative would be too depressing.

Your life isn't an Anime. If you want virgin pussy your best bet is going to the country side but women there don't like weak neets.

It might have been a wet dream, or you might have been jacking yourself off, people do weird things while they're on that stuff. It's possible it was rape, but honestly there isn't enough information to be sure

One thing I find kinda interesting about incels is they're usually staunchly atheist, but harbor the same basic ideas about sexuality as Christians.

That would be one thing the Christians did right desu, not even an incel.
Hookup culture: STDs spread like wildfire, people get desensitized to pair bonding, walk into a marriage late with inflated standards etc

Also, about the first one, I'm speaking from experience.
It's not fun trust me.

>still a virgin
First you've got to ask yourself. Why do you want a girl that's still a virgin?
I personally was never obsessed with virgins, but my first time, I put a huge burden on myself about MY lack of sexual experience.
You don't seem to want a girl, you want a savior and validator... in the form of a girl, a virgin girl no less, that's probably never been assertive about anything in her life.

Okay stop romanticizing it and having this ideal portrait of a woman you want to be with because it's just going to screw you over in the long haul. I hope you find what you're looking for but be realistic and don't narrow your scope too much or you will be severely disappointed. I can also tell you're probably not very confident so even if you do find this girl you're going to cave to everything she does, put her on a pedastle and eventually kill any romance you guys had by acting sappy like a beta virgin around her. If you want my advice I would work on your self confidence first otherwise I can almost guarantee you that if you go into a relationship in the mindset you have now you're going to get really hurt when it doesn't work out for you.

Don't worry about the girl being a virgin. Just worry about whether or not she's fucked entire football teams or not.

I hope you know the anime, manga, and novel are entirely different from each other.

Misaki is 100% overrated. She's worse off than the protagonist various ways.

Another Jow Forums tier garbage thread.

Cute girls? You can find em in highchool

Attached: the lolicon.png (1870x83, 11K)

Did you even watch the fucking show? She is a reversal of the pixie dream girl trope. Their relationship is toxic for both of them.