Just found out my gf for two years...

just found out my gf for two years. when she was 17 got fucked by some 50 yr millionaire for a couple weeks because the guy gave her 10grand.
haven't spoken to her after the news. idk where to go from here. now im starting to think those weeks where she would run off to take care of her mom was a lie.

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Good time to get out I think.

God damn bro. Well.. you should ask her to tell you the truth about anything else like that she’s done. Don’t wait for her to bring it up, push the issue.

I feel bad for her, she was so undercharged, what a cheap millionaire. If she got like 200k for it would it be different, op?

This. If it was alot more money im sure youd feel less bad

Block all communication! Find someone else

I'm curious as to how you found out.

No way. It's the principle. Your girl sold her body for money. Some guy paid the girl you love and cherish a negligible sum of money for access to her holes. I'm sure most people have a price at which they would be willing to do anything, but that she's gone and actually done it is irredeemable in my eyes.

OP never said it was his girl at the time...

And that makes it ok rofl

Doesn't matter, his gf is a literal whore.

OP, dump the bitch, you're dating a LITERAL prostitute who fucks old crusty men for money and swallows their cum.

I have never heard the term "pimps and whores" Just "Pimps and hoes" So fucking what. She can fuck my homies if they pay enough. Sex is overrated

Ya but you got to fuck her for 2yrs for free. I would fuck a chick for a couple weeks for 10 grand.

her friend from hs came in town to visit and was hanging out with us. all of us were drunk and she blurted out " remember that time you fucked that millionaire" i went 0.o then she told me the story. I left her house afterwards and haven't returned her texts since.
i know she wasn't my girl. but fuck man she was underage in the state and he was way older. shes a very political person so all of this is like a change of character of who she is for me.

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>wasnt girlfriend
>Was dumb kid
>you hold a grudge?
What the fuck is your problem bro? Does she have any of the money still? So where the pic of her she hot or what? Dont be a bitch it was before you. Im sure you did shit before her that you might not even tell her.

She was a literal whore. This isn't the same as finding out she was in a threesome. He has every right to be upset.

sex is never free
the price is not always monetary, but there is always a price

i doubt it since shes terrible with money. only shit i've done is spend my youth on Jow Forums and did cocaine 2 times.

Well OP all I can say is the past is the past. if you find out money popping up here and there then yeah. Over all dont let the past (BEFORE YOU) ruin your future. She told you didnt she? Obviously she feels some way about it too huh? Come on mate kids are dumb.

>just found out my gf for two years. when she was 17 got fucked by some 50 yr millionaire for a couple weeks because the guy gave her 10grand.

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People may change but core principles don't. Hers are wrecked. She is unsalvageable.

Never date anyone that has ever, at any time, for any reason, been a prostitute.


She is fucking dumb if all she got from rich old man was 10k

Disgusting thought process here.
OP, if you're one of those guys who think sex is just a commodity; you shouldn't have an issue with it, but if you actually care about it drop her. Someone who is willing to compromise a principle once is willing to do it a thousand times.

>actual fag

Kys you disgusting nigger.

>lefty militant SJW
>turns out to be a literal whore for old men

Like pottery.

>lmao who cares if your gf is a whore bro xD you should have low standards like me and settle for shitty disgusting women

Gen Z everyone

I'd probably let an old man fuck me for 10k.

Like someone else said it's not a great amount of money but if you've a low income or none at all then it's a big whack of cash.

Just because you can only land trashy girls doesn't mean anyone else can't do any better.


im not fucking lying

You are though. Everything is fiction here.

i wish i was making this shit up.

How much money would you need to be offered to give up your hole to a rich older man for a week or two?

I'm not saying that you should stay with her, I'm just curious whether or not you're actually surprised that a child with no understanding of money, a brand new sexuality that she barely has a grasp on and absolutely no frame of reference for making informed, adult decisions was enticed by an older person? Are you honestly shell shocked that a 17 year old girl didn't have the maturity or intelligence to understand the long term implications of being an older man's sugar baby? Like I said, you're free to make whatever decision you want but you'd be hard pressed to find any teenager who couldn't be coerced to make an equally vapid decision by an older, enticing adult with a shit ton of money.

About three fiddy.

lol at guys always wanting to believe a woman's sexual history matters for the present

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like, oh no she has more experience and also more money than you because of using her sexuality? shit but guess what. it happened before you ever met and her sexuality IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE YOURS.

Deal with your insecurities.

Lol at people thinking past events dont define people

Exactly my dude. All this says about his girlfriend is that she's a person who does what she wants like ever other person. OP is an incestuous faggot.

It depends on the context of the history and just how much the guy equates sexual chastity with morality. I don't want to be with a girl who openly expresses dysfunction in the form of unsafe decisions whether it be through sex, drugs, partying, self-harm etc.,

Its entirely possible that this girl just made a really silly mistake, learned from it and moved on to become a well adjusted adult. It is also entirely possible that this decision is only one in a long pattern of acting out dysfunction through sexuality. We don't have anywhere near enough information or context to determine which possibility is more likely.

Whoa buddy. I'm failing to see where the woman made a mistake. You guys realize women have sex of their own free will and that that's healthy and normal and there's nothing moral or immoral about it.
Buncha hypocrites on here.

>Whoa buddy. I'm failing to see where the woman made a mistake.
Regardless of how much or how little she regrets this decision a 17 year old girl does not have the intelligence or wisdom to make an informed decision regarding having sex with a 50 year old man for money. I'm all for personal choices and responsibility but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that its okay for any child to make any decision with such long term implications. You forget that she was not a woman. She was a child. What happened should not have happened, period. While I don't think she should be put in the stockades and pelted with rotten tomatoes for what happened I also don't think anyone should take an approach to this argument that at all condones rich old men coercing children into sex with money.

>17 year olds are literal babies incapable of any independent thought or a sense of right and wrong

Fuck outta here cuck

Lol at the disgusting whore with a loose worn out cunt

Feel free to settle for literal bottom of the barrel women who prostitute themselves, you mentally ill cuck.

Some of us have standards and don't need to settle for trash. You're so angry about this because all you can get is pierced junkie whores with a 10+ dick mileage and daddy issues.

>Composes an absolutely retarded one sentence straw man instead of engaging in intelligent conversation

Back to your basement, brainlet.

>muh womyn can do no wrong

Back to tumblr, bugman.

By whose authority are you saying a woman does not have the intelligence or wisdom to make her own decisions? 17 is by far from child. Girls as young as 5 have been raped and pregnant before, children that young absolutely have the autonomy to decide right from wrong.

And what anyone else decides is right or wrong is not up to you.


You mean women aren't people and in order to get with your one-in-a-billion penis, they must be inexperienced virgins who will worship your little nug and tell you things you want to hear.
Got it.

>not settling for a literal prostitute

Stay mad and keep settling for shitty women cuck.

>Second retarded strawman
Post discarded.

>By whose authority are you saying a woman does not have the intelligence or wisdom to make her own decisions? 17 is by far from child.

A 17 year old child does not have a developed enough brain to understand their impulses and the long term consequences of their decision. I understand the vein of argument you're trying to tap into here but there is nothing you can say that can at all possibly frame a 17 year old child having sex for money as a mature, informed decision.

>Girls as young as 5 have been raped and pregnant before
What in the actual fuck does that have to do with anything?

>children that young absolutely have the autonomy to decide right from wrong
No, they don't. That is the exact reason we have juvenile courts and adult courts. Actual science has shown that children have a diminished capacity for emotional intelligence, impulse control, and decision making. They have a diminished ability to understand the consequences of their choices because they have neither the brain power nor the years of experience and wisdom necessary to know whether or not the decision they're making is harmful.

>And what anyone else decides is right or wrong is not up to you.
You're not reading what I'm saying. "Right" and "wrong" don't have anything to do with this. There is informed and mature versus not informed and not mature. A 17 year old child's decision to go to college for pottery is not a "wrong" decision, its an uninformed one. They don't have the age or experience to understand what that kind of investment should have on their future. This is also not including the fact that a 50 year old man who pays a teenage child for sex is absolutely vile and reprehensible. Neither the decision to have sex for money nor the decision to pay a child for sex was a productive, healthy or informed decision. Not from a 17 year old girl and not from a 50 year old man.

>he writes literal novels on Jow Forums to whiteknight random whores


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Idk. I learned about some girl I'd been messing around with having a sugar daddy that basically has been paying for l her shit. They don't even have sex to my knowledge, he just takes her out to places so he has a young gf to show off

It made me thoroughly uncomfortable. Not necessarily that she was seeing an older man, but that she was living some secret life essentially, and that her concept of money and mine will never be the same again. It really felt like all of a sudden I don't know who the girl is, she seems to be doing great desu but that's not the girl I was falling for.

As for you OP? If it makes you feel weird that's valid enough reason to say goodbye.

Thank you, I will! At least one of us is getting laid and enjoying life tonight and it's not you.

17 years old... yes... yes they do understand their impulses, you old AF pedo faggot. children know what their parents teach them.

>trusting the american court to do anything worthwhile besides pardon white boys for rape and send black people to jail

>going to college for ceramics is uninformed

Excuse me, I went to college for ceramics against my dad's wishes and learned what a fucked up human he is, and that all he wanted was to control me and everything around him to make himself safe. That isn't how it works. You're entitled to your opinion, no matter how idiotic and wrong.

You too sound like a scared little old man who barely has anything left and is holding on so hard to his bank and upbringing thinking that's what will finally get his veteran daddy's approval. Kindly off yourself before you do any more damage to the planet and those around you. Like, go fuck a younger girl for money, faggot.

Fake and gay

So you could just pimp her out and get another side bitch

>you're not getting laid unless you're settling for trashy prostitutes

Holy fuck the delusion.

It doesn't matter whose sexuality it is, everyone is free to judge someone based on their sexuality, and this girl is rightly judged to be a whore.

This should be no surprise since every woman has a price but at least it was for 10k, so what he was 51. Most women have sucked a ghetto thug for weed, fucked their supervisor for better work hours or a random guy at a club for nothing.

This OP. My gf was a literal prostitute who fucked hundreds of guys for money when she was young. When I found out I realised that it was her decision to make and none of my business. It's not my place to judge her past and it has zero influence on who she is as a person.

I can somewhat relate
>be 25 year old
>meet girl who is 18 and she is super obviously into me
>surprised that a girl that young would be interested in me (though let's be honest here 25 is still pretty much a babby, or at least I am)
>find out that she's currently in open relationship with a 33 year old guy and she wants me to fill out her share of that open relationship
>feel disgusted and never talk to her again

In my defense as older guy, to me it was never about sex. I genuinely wanted to have a real romantic relationship with her. We didn't have sex and I told her we can never have anything of that sort happen between us, and I don't regret that decision one bit.

It's these two things that make this the most heinous:
She has political opinions which fly in the face of what she actually does in her real life. In other words, she wants to enforce other people to behave the way she wants them to while ignoring those same standards for herself. This is an absolutely GIGANTIC red flag.
Second, I will absolutely guarantee you she has not been "taking care of her mother" on the weekends. She's fucking other men for money. Once a woman tastes the easy money from doing nothing more than tasting dick, it's all fucking over.

Related: the absolute retards in this thread defending the girl and raging on OP are laughably pathetic.

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She wants money more than you do? She's a gold digger. Fuck that.

OP, wouldn't you fuck a middle aged woman for 10 grand?


Id fuck some older women for a couple of weeks for £50000. She must be a hot gf for him to pay that much. All women have a price.


Every time I've ignored glaring red flags like that I've come to regret it. Yeah people change and grow from their experiences but do you want to take the chance that they haven't, especially when your life is on the line. And your life is definitely on the line. What's the endgame of this relationship? Marriage? Maybe a LTR with an unplanned kid or two that ties you this girl for life. As it is you could walk away with little more than wasted time.

>lol at every guy on the planet
>end up alone

this post is islamophobic

u mad? XD

>and it has zero influence on who she is as a person.
Why the fuck would you think this
Why the fuck would anyone think this
Your past is what MAKES YOU who you are.

i dont care if it "matters" or not
sluts are nasty and thats the only justification i need

You never really loved her so you probably deserve each other to be honest

>Your past is what MAKES YOU who you are.
It depends. Analyzing people on a case by case basis is the only logical, mature way of determining whether or not someone's past is behind them or not. The assertion that people can't change is simply untrue. If we were all judged by our worst moments and/or the decisions we made as children then chances are none of us would be deserving of love or happiness.

Does "suspension of disbelief" mean anything to you? Jow Forums would be boring if I spent all my time saying to myself "THIS IS FAKE REEEEEE"

Keep her as a fuckbuddy, don't get emotionally attached.
Fuck a prostitute yourself and then say you met one of her colleagues

Hate to break it to you by you GF is just a common run of the mill whore . Go straight to the doctor get tested for nasty shit disease and move on !