Might off myself tonight

This is not an attention seeking post, i probably won't kill myslf tonight, I'm kind off handsome and Kanye is still producing music, but I really feel like doing it. I have access to pain killers & alcohol, I also have access to a railroad. Fuck cutting. Which way is the least painfull, I'm not sure the pills is actually going to kill me.

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ask Jow Forums they all know its the KSG

If that you in the pic I wouldn't do it, you're probably going to find a cute girl and be happy, I wouldn't worry

can we do it together. i dont want to suffer i was thinking of taking a road trip to the burmuda triangle...
25 yr old female. dont worry bud. im done too.

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>Has job too?

>Kanye is still producing music

Another reason to kill yourself

1. Why
2. Is the pic you?

Why do you fucks never say why you wanna do it

1. The girl I love doesn't love me back. She's my best friend so I'm not sure what would be worse, me cutting her off or me eventully finding her falling in love with someone else. I'm struggeling to love myself, I have a hard time standing up for myself.
2. Yes

I just wanted to know which way would be the least painful

Not gonna lie but a trip to the bramuda triangle sounds kinda cool, but really don't think you guys should off yourselves.

You look young give her another year. How often do you guys hang out? What kind of stuff do you do when you do hang out? how long have you known her?

Also, I don't really feel like I'm having enough fun for the though times to be worth it.

We are currently fwb, we hang out for a few hours every day, we sleep together about 5-6 times/week, we have for about 6 months.

You taking a great thing for granted. Keep it that way bro. Find you a girl online or something so you can have a "mental relationship" but keep what you got. A woman that doesn't need a relationship but will give you the pussy and friendship. Take that keep what you got.

Oh dude, are you literally me? Fuck that bitch, dont let her win, go find someone else, I swear to you she's out there, that's what I did.

>Be literally a Chad
>About to throw it away
Don't do it you dumbass

>And you fuck her

>killing yourself over a girl when you look like this

Gain like 10lbs of muscle and cut to 8% and you would slay.

Genuinely dude, you got a lot going for ya in the looks department. Use it.

He already looks like a top cutie, this girl is either blind or he should work on his character. I don't think his looks are to blame at all

I dont think its either of these. Personally she sounds like she knows what she doing and OP looking for a girl.

Whatever the reason, im saying he could put in minimal effort and receive exponential results.

Like put in 10% effort and receive x2 output.

Please do not kill yourselves. What problems are troubling you?

This is me, I donno
Thanks I guess

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dude, kanye is the bomb, actually listening to his new shit rn.
at least off yourself when he does it too.

You look good, user. Honestly, although I understand the pain of unrequited love, and can relate to that issue, I don't think it's worth committing suicide. Sometimes love isn't just meant to be, and human existence in general is full of these disappointments when you can't get things you want the most. It sucks, but I think the sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you to enjoy and appreciate all the good things you experience in your life, no matter how small or trivial.

I literally thought you posted a picture of a model OP.

I wouldn't call myself a chad.

ITT: OP is attention whore

Hahah, no way. Thanks though. My self image could be kind of skewed, the girl I'm with does like to put me down, saying that I'm not big enough for her, that her previous bf was hotter. Meanwhile she is the biggest gains goblin around me atm. I think she is joking, the thing is, I'm midly autistic, so I sometimes have problems with recognizing when someone is joking.

>the girl I'm with does like to put me down, saying that I'm not big enough for her, that her previous bf was hotter.
>dating a thot who brings you down
No wonder you wanna sudoku, I would kms if I had such poor taste in romantic partners lol

Cut her off, block her on every sm. Been there, done that. If u want tell her before that u gone do this. But dont let her convince u to not do it.
Its the first step for big change, believe me. Btw she seems to be reckless thot no cap

Look user, I used to be friends with dude we'll call Ed. Ed used to be infactuated with this tomboyish fun times girl, he would sometimes ask her out but she only saw him as a friend. Now this girl went out with many ugy, getto ass guys, hell she even went out with this girl who might as well have been a guy from her looks, he saw this and it devistated him. He became very moody and shit, even started seeing a therapist and self diagnosed himself with depression. This lasted mabye two and half years before he finally found someone else, some girl he liked who actually like him back. The last time I saw him he was happy, I was proud him.

Moral of the story is don't give up now, wait a little while, you might just find someone who is willing to suck your dick.

Forgot to mention this, but new girl isn't bad looking either.