>meet new girl >known her now for a month >know right from the start she talks to some guy >start off as friends >get along great >kiss one night >end up taking lunches together >start going out on mini dates >done everything but penetration >start falling for her >talk for hours on the phone at night >one night we're talking >ask if she wants to go to the shore >she sort of freaks and asks why since we're not a couple >later that night i tell her how i want to ask her out >the reason i dont is cause she continues to text that guy >she says we're just friends >i can hear her crying >she says she is confused >she says she doesn't know >next day i ask her for ice cream >when i drop her off i surprise her with a rose >she turns her cheek the entire time I gave her a little speech >basically i spilled my feelings and how i wish things were different >when she finally turns to me i see streaks of tears down her cheek >i find out her and the guy have only been talking for 3 months >the way she talks about him you'd think they go way back >text her later how im sorry i made her cry and such >i wake up to a text saying she's sorry >i ask her why she's sorry >"for everything" >i call her in the afternoon and she apologizes "for everything" >i console her and tell her i can't be mad she doesnt feel the same for me >i just been texting her in the afternoon >i call her cause she says she is on lunch >we make plans for Friday to hang out at movies >she says as she leaves her lunch to call her tonight
i'm literally being cucked right now and basically paying for a prostitute cause i pay for most of our things and thought we were dating but apparently she sees us as nothing more than just fuck buddies, and i can't break the god damn cycle.
Duuude stop doing this to yourself. You deserve better than this life as a dog. Just ghost her or something and move on. I know it's hard but in the long run, it will be better for the both of you.
Josiah Nelson
Ghost her She will come back eventualy, dont be a fag then and fugg her. Stop suffering brother
Ian Butler
the delusional dumbass in me thinks she will one day break it off with him and go out with me
the relationship she has with guy frustrates me she's literally told me >met through a friend >known each other for 3 months >theyre just talking >they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend >he lives an hour away >she likes he's been making an effort to see her >she understands he's going though hard times >she 'feels butterflies' when he texts
when she was in tears when i asked her what would you say if i asked you out she very slowly nodded no but didnt say it
Nathan Williams
Dude, she isn't. I get it I really do. But please break out of the cycle, you still have time, don't do this to yourself
OP here She sent this after I called her in the afternoon
As someone who has posted endless and random threads on Jow Forums over the years, this is honesty the most sincere and thoughtful response I’ve ever gotten
I’m going to fight for her Thank you user Thank you so much
Lmfao this is fucking awesome user. First voice recording I see on Jow Forums hahah
Noah Hernandez
after we talk (which will probably be in an hour) I'll provide a status update.
thanks again
Jonathan Sullivan
Forsure dude, you're welcome and all that good stuff
Henry Parker
Yeah I really have no idea what the fuck you're talking about in your greentext OP but I agree that you should just ghost to be on the safe side here, she sounds nutty.
Connor Robinson
She just wants you to be her "Male-straight". You should leave her.
Joshua Garcia
Alright man. 2.5 hour conversation General rundown went like >how was your lunch >what did we do at work that day >talk about random youtube clips >talk about the world cup a bit then the deep shit started >she talks about the rose i gave her >she talks about how beautiful it is >we talk about us >how we meant everything we said the last few nights >i played it off like 'yeah im not mad but i still want to hang out with you' that broke a lot of the tension that there was >we talk about work some more >how we missed each other today >how we're still hanging out tomorrow >we play this game where we exchange fun facts >she brings up the topic of 'us' >i tell her the first time i met her or first time we kissed type stuff >bringing back all the good memories >trying to forget how fucked these last 48 hours been >tell her how she's still amazing and how i wont just forget about her >how i still am going to eat her out like a buffet and she starts laughing >how im still gonna hold her hand even though she's always hated that >ends with us just exchanging random memories >she calls me babe as I hang up
so this shit is fucked. but god damn it that one user inspired me. i'm going to fight with her.
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Parker Williams
Ok dude, slow the fuck down. You're getting yourself all spun up. Look, she's a girl. Girls run all on emotion and she hasn't thought this through. Don't get so overly invested in any relationship before it's a relationship. You'll just make yourself sick. Odds are that any relationship you get into, in general, is going to fail. Just treat any relationship as a chance to develop your "being a boyfriend" skill set. If it beats the odds and lasts forever, great. If it doesn't, you learned and you had some fun. Most people go through 4 or more relationships before they even figure out what they are doing. Don't stress it.
Cooper White
Stop. You said she will eventually break the cycle. She won't. I learned it not quite like in your case, but I did, the hard way. Leave her you deserve better.
Joseph Miller
>Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
I was the same, but what happened to me made me have doubts about that, so keep that in mind. Sometimes it might be better never to have loved at all
Gabriel Foster
But did you tell her you wanted a relationship???
Nathaniel Carter
When I typed >meant everything we said the last few months
That was the point when she started crying.
I didn’t want to bring up the whole relationship thing. I’m telling her I’m not obsessed with labels. So we don’t have to call what we’re doing dating. And I don’t have to call her my gf right now.
I still intend to hang out with her. And the last hour of our talk it was like we never had these awkward conversations the last few nights.
The way I explained it was it took me a month to like her, and she was crazy to think I would just forget about her just because she doesn’t feel the same way right now. Later on she was like “you know I like you” type stuff.
No lie I stole a like from the user who left the audio clip. About how I can’t even count the beginning of a relationship as cheating cause it’s so early in.
Liam Cruz
You're getting cucked. Cut her out of her life before she has the chance to cry more fake tears and take your money