>>Would you rather nobody talk about it and just let the chips fall where they may?
>If that can be got away with.
The whole #MeToo thing speaks pretty clearly to the fact that apparently it can’t.
True story: my girlfriend just quit her job today because her boss would constantly make sexual jokes, belittle her opinions for her gender, and make constant inappropriate comments.
Apparently what we’re doing isn’t working.
Going to *more* extreme examples:
She’s a victim/survivor of childhood abuse (sexual and physical)
As a 8 year old, she walked her self to the police station to report it. The cops didn’t take it seriously and turned the other eye because of how well connected and known her dad was.
Fast forward a couple of years, her mom takes it to court and also sues for sole custody
Her dad knows the judge and skates saying it was a story her bipolar mother created to poison her mind. So she loses.
So she now has to spend the next 8 years flying between the two.
Fast forward more then a decade, the statue of limitations has passed, and she’s refused all along to ever go back to court because she still remembers the shame, humiliation, and disillusionment she felt as a child when a bunch of corrupt assholes told her that she and her mother were full of bullshit and that there was nothing they could do, and all she wants in her life is to forget that shit ever happened and move past it.
Meanwhile she still has bones that never healed well and ache, ciggarette burns, night terrors, anxiety attacks, an aversion towards men, drawers full of anxiety meds,
While this assholes still a “respected” member of the community.
Clearly, keeping quiet and sweeping it under the rug was not working.
If you’re going to make up extremist examples based in “what if”, there’s plenty of pretty fucked up, real, and way more extreme examples that go in the opposite direction. That ain’t a legit reason to do nothing.