Patriot Act is still law

Nobody cares.

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Other urls found in this thread:

its not that people dont care its that people cant do anything about it and carrying that grudge the rest of your life is just bad for your wellbeing

we need a celebrity to start talking about it

>t people cant do anything about it
At least its not like (((global warming))) we can defiantly do something to change the weather in 100 years.

I think they care.
Marital Law is coming, the patriot act is grease for that skid.

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># of 9/11s that occurred after 9/11: zero

must be pretty effective then :^)

>must be pretty effective then :^)
Didn't catch the underwear bomber
Didn't catch Boston Bombers

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same here in francistan, all was planned during the Protocols of Toronto..
You should read the minutes of the meeting. It's fucking chilling to see how minutely our future have been planned during these 2 secrets meeting by our (((overlords))).

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>catching CIAniggers agents
user, i...

>they’re spying and it’s legal
>implying they’d stop if it was illegal
No one cares because this is a fact of life in the modern world. You get peeped by glows. That’s just how it works

its serious shit boyos

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false flags only need to happen once

I remember reading online about the project code named Stellar Wind long before the media ever covered it.

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The Espionage Act is still in effect and it is 101 years old. This shit gets passed in a panic and it never gets repealed.

How would you rate societies demoralization level

>Marital Law is coming
Military tribunals when

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I dunno, they probably look at a game of sports ball and feel happy and haven't thought about this stuff in years.

Its just one of the many treasonous acts and laws that will be repealed after the coming civil/race war.

Nothing but violence will change the current entrenched political (((elite))).

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They long ago studied every facet and aspect of the human mind and how to exploit every emotion and other psychological weaknesses.

They probably feed internet posts from social media and other websites into an advanced AI algorithm at this point.

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surely they are doing other stuff way beyond that.

you see all the race, gender, homo, and religion threads on /pol?

those are there to keep you from paying attention to the real problems.

and ((they)) are doing a damn good job at keeping you distracted.

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>coming civil/race war.
Thats fantasy, it will end the same way as the Beer Hall Putsch. The future of war is lone wolves.

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> nobody
> who is Rand Paul
Story checks out

patriots are still acting

>keep you from paying attention to the real problems.
You mean like PTG?

Hey Wayne
How’s your mayonnaise habit doing?

shill, spook, etc etc

>Rand Paul
is a cuck who sold out to the jews and special interests

he is a fake, shaming his fathers good name.



I remember the late 90's when the FBI was physically installing computers at ISP to monitor email. Not enough people were online yet to really care.

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After the FBI got caught using Carnivore they changed the code name to DCS1000 figuring people would forget and it worked.

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Wouldn't decentralized end to end encrypton totally fuck that?

Yeah but this was 20 years ago.

Eh I am pretty confident that the shit I am making right now will be able to run on hostile wires and servers without issue. The end user just has to have a decent amount of competency to secure their end.

Fun fact I have also figured out how to make a completely secure and anonymous internet.

Fucking retard

I remember hearing they said that websites had to log memory(ram) usage. like how the fuck. but ram would just run the shit then forget.

so sites nowadays are total shit. they're almost preprogrammed dogshit with shit replies on the well the postings here

It would never have been thought to be necessary if we hadn't flooded our country with non-European human refuse.
American freedom isn't compatible with non-whites. This is why open-borders libertarians are fucking retarded.

When all the warrantless wire tapping stuff came out in the Bush years I just remember thinking its like everyone forgot this movie.

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This douchbag had a stroke the other day.

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go download "A Good American", it's available for free from and it will explain everything

>How’s your mayonnaise habit doing?
Going very well, thank you for asking.

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Trump curse strikes again. I hope he dies soon.

9/11 purpose was to justify the Patriot Act and Homeland Security

Don't go online and say the n word to people that don't want to hear it. They will consider you a lone wolf the the cia can drug and gangstalk u.

Don't ever "intimidate a civilian population" or you're fucked.