Did you forget him already Jow Forums?
Did you forget him already Jow Forums?
>rip skyking
We forgot about Treeking long before Skyking ever came alone.
Who is this absolute alpha, my fellow redpilled Aryan?
>Did you forget him already Jow Forums?
Never forgotten. He went to my church in Coos Bay for a short time, many of my friends at that church knew him.
I have an extensive Sky King folder on my phone, because I do most of my boredom-browsing mobile these days.
No, I just talked about him with a pilot friend of mine.
He'll live forever in Valhalla
Oh nice man, what did you guys talk about?
Thanks for jogging my memory, I talked about him with my dad (airline pilot) a while ago. I kept on shooting "how the fuck did they let him do this" questions, and he said it was really easy at every step of the way.
>dude was already walking around the tarmac all day for his job, so no suspicion if he's near the plane
>routine for planes to be moved around the field under their own for maintenance purposes, so that's not suspicious at all for a plane to be moving under its own power without a flight plane (especially a relatively small turboprop, not a 747 or anything)
I don't precisely remember the rest of the conversation, but he had a very ready answer for every one of the "why did they allow" questions I had right up to the point where the plane was actively taking off. And at that point, it's stupid to shoot down a plane (even hijacked) as long as it remains far away from any major infrastructure because of the PR potential. Since Sky King stayed away from any cities or whatnot, there was never a reason to shoot.