Sits under a tree for 50 years

>sits under a tree for 50 years
>"The cause of all suffering is life"
>Eats bad pork and dies


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What? Life is suffering. After enlightenment he was offered a drink of rice milk, which is an excellent way to break a fast. But since you have never fasted even 6 hours you are an expert.

>implying this actually happened and wasn't just a bedtime story written by some kikeminded indian who wanted to start a cult

so cute and naive

abolish desire you turbonigger

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>expecting wisdom and sanitation from a pajeet too dumb to wear shoes or pants

>bad pork


The synagogue of Satan gets it right.

Many Hindu and Buddhist concepts are very similar to ideas found in Christianity. Intelligent civilizations independently arrive at many of the same fundamental truths.

Whether it happened or not is completely irrelevant. You will suffer in this life, and I would bet you will die from one of the many health related complications of your obesity.

Play stupid games.
Win stupid prizes.

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he's basically anti degeneracy and absolutely right , behaviors seeking pleasure and status leave you stressed and miserable .
compare a modern western urban family with an amish\haredi one

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I never understood how much of a normie you had to be to NOT already understand that desire causes suffering. How are people still impressed by this dude?

Without desire life wouldn't occur anywhere, no desire for sex or affection (dopamine and oxytocin releases) then reproduction would stop. No desire for water or food then everybody would die.

A protestant christian mocking on one of the highest aryan man ever lived.

this ancient aryan religion, based on life-centered values, deserves respect.

kys mutt, and fuck your (jewish based) man-centered values.

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The goal is to die before you are dead. This is why mass Buddhism/Enlightenment ideologies fail

Well take my foreskin and call my goyim! This kike gets it.

>indian intellectuals

Buddhism is nihilistic degeneracy that produces failed societies. It doomed India to 700 years of no progress until Advaita Vedanta Hinduism revival which was useless metaphysics bullshit, but luckily not as nihilist. 500 years later Muslims come knocking at the door and you can guess what happens next.

>t. snow nigger
India has scriptures on philosophy, science, and metaphysics dating back to 1800BC. The first Northern European scriptures of any value are from the 1300s. AD.

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Checked my sad lonely brother. You have never known the suffering of unrequited love. You have never loved someone of something that never loved you back?

lmao you mad shitskin....
India super power when?

Buddhism is an anti-human cult but it is a reaction against more radically ascetic sects of Hinduism that existed at the time.


I'll take quick shitposting over long-winded redditing any time.

From a very early point in my life I knew not to love things that I knew would not love me back, example being women. Instead, I simply want to fuck them, but I am content with not doing so. And this has been my doctrine that has prevented me from much suffering in my life.

The other way around kike, Hinduism and Buddhism literally existed more than thrice as long as any of the Abrahamic religions.

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>50 years
are you retarded

What's it like not having any history beyond a couple centuries? What's it like living in an age where White countries are falling andbeing replaced by Browns and Yellows? Your chocolate milk colored grandchildren will look beautiful.

Correction: Buddhism is an anti-progress cult that is a reaction against more morally structured sects of Vedism that existed at the time.

Say what you like about Odin but he knew how to properly roast a boar and also serves mead to help kill any bacteria. Sounds more fun to hang out with than any of the other so called gods and deities.

>sits on computer all life
>"the cause of all suffering are jews"
>dies alone


>never fasted even 6 hours
>be american
>eat a burger
>go to bed
>alarm goes off 4 hours in
>consume mandatory 3am burger
>wake again at six
>other countries dont do this
this is the taste of freedom

love it

And another check .. I would'nt tell you how to live, but I question if you are alive.

No its not. Buddism is basically pacifism and ancient SJW
Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
Buddhist can never hold a sword, and thats why they can never defend themselves.
Also look at Christian and Buddhist society. We got one that is far superior and one that shits in streets

This. I'm an Amerijeet that's extensively studied Indic religion and I can confirm. Vedic religion that valued Truth (Satya) and Righteousness (Rta) created successful empires and technological progress. Sramanic (Buddhist/Jain) nonsense does not.

>bedtime story
there's so much written about the things he said and did that its mind boggling. all other religions are based on bed time stories by comparison

You fucks need to read Julius Evola, Doctrine of Awakening. Buddhism isn’t a passive cult, it’s a new age watered down version of it. The first Buddha encouraged people to fight at the threat of being vanquished because it is better than being vanquished. Buddhists literally fight back better than modern civilization.

>Doctrine of Awakening

My nigga. I love that book.

First of all he was a prince with everything a man can desire.

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gay fake ass prophet

> Gives one sermon
> Gets killed at 30 by a people without an army.

Which he gave up. The only way your digits mean anything is if you give away everything you own and walk away with nothing but the close on your back. It would be like Baron Trump walking away with a towel and coming back as Buddha.

Thanks for the recommendation downloading now

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse is also good.

>buddhists actually believe pic related
It's not hair lads

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Correct. And then he left it all behind.

Based! When I was born I had 4 snails cover my foreskin to protect it.

When you have the will to do this, pic related, for others, I will start to listen to you. I have started to understand that the only men worth listening to are those of uncompromising will. With my own being the most important.

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its stars and stripes
not prancy little nancy boys and glitter bombs you god damn faggots. EAT.

>be prosecuted by Hindus and Chinese and Japanese
>fight to the bone for your right to practice
>stay independent and free whilst pagans got wiped out

>Christcucks follows a dead Jew on a stick like religion
>take over a cucked and dying empire
>killed millions in the name of it
>gets replaced by Muslims years later but hey we don’t anythign because they’re all Abrahamic religions right :)

Is there any achievement or person in human history that blacks won't try and steal?

many gnostics were purely pagan, image is not totally accurate.

It is over.

siddhartha the buddha greath man he made it he became enlightend ,i hope to do the same .

>PAJEET MY Son, what occupation will you begin.
>A cult, father.
>My son, I...
>Sits under a tree 50 years

Quite the conman

>suffering is bad
What a naive world being a rich pampered pajeet is.

Revelation couldn't come fast enough to end you, sadly.

Worse than that really, you will suffer your whole life regardless of desire


>it's le kikes

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What is East Asia

Generally true

three men are dipping their fingers in a vat of vinegar and tasting it; one man reacts with a sour expression, one reacts with a bitter expression, and one reacts with a sweet expression. The three men are Confucius, Buddha, and Laozi, respectively.

Confucianism saw life as sour, in need of rules to correct the degeneration of people; Buddhism saw life as bitter, dominated by pain and suffering; and Taoism saw life as fundamentally good in its natural state

>The cause of all suffering is attachment
ftfy faggot




It's a psyop to trick people into using less and less resources while convincing themselves they are smart and enlightened when all around them are peabrained retards and greedy lying parasites who would continue consuming non stop. It's another communist utopia fantasy that would only ever work if everyone agreed to abide by it except instead what actually happens is that the few that get psyoped into following the cult end up just withering away and dying just like old man Buddha and consider it enlightenment when really they've learned nothing.

What is there to learn by being a consumer?

You learn who is consuming without contributing for one thing.

>Gaying it up to the max, reaching unheard levels of degeneracy
>"The leading cause of deaths is intolerance."
>dies of AIDS

Not even laughing

It's true- ye are of your father, the devil.

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He was a rich kid that just got bored with everything so he just sat and did nothing for the rest of his life

the "Creator" will give you anything you want
(((Jews))) will try to sell you anything you want

I have NEVER in my entire lifetime, EVER seen nor heard of even ONE instance where Christ asked for payment or compensation of ANY kind. Not one time in ALL of religious studies have I come across an account, even a hereitical one, that claims that Christ requested / required payment in any form for performing any of the miracles / healings.
>Peter: "Help me Lord, I'm drowning."
>Uh, that'll be $10.50

>Lord, Lord, please help. My child is possessed by demons.
>Do you have a membership card? What insurance carrier are you with? That'll be $2,500 up front.

And, yet, blasphemers still claim that there is such a thing a (((Jesus Christ))).
>as if.

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

it's true

Those who mock Buddha anger me.

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