Reminder >you will get arrested for wearing protective gear >train station are under heavy control (St-Lazare, Châtelet) >put on yellow jacket at the last moment >don't travel by group >cops must state the charge and notice you if you are under arrest >otherwise they are illegaly restricting your freedom >an order which they are compelled to disobey or face 7 years of jail >if arrester ask for your lawyer and a medic, they can't refuse >if you are sent to a "juge d'instruction" immediatly ask to delay >they can't refuse it
Took me a lot of times to bake this with a proper OP. I will go to the protest today and won't be able to maintain the consistency, will also probably get arrested since I will have protective gear.
So please, try to repost each of these informations, especially about Police deployment and violence. A whole website has been shutdown for hosting this pic. Don't forget to add the RT streams, but also spanish stream of "local team" was good.
Finally, I have to remind you that if people can't reach Paris they will go to the protest in their regional capital and since most of Police force are focused on Paris (Champs Élysées) you will see a lot more action on Bordeaux, Rennes, Nantes and in Paris at Faubourg Saint-Honoré.