How the fuck am I going to live without Toys R Us?

How the fuck am I going to live without Toys R Us?

I've worked there for 10 years and I feel so shitty. Not just for me, but for the kids who'll never grow up with TRU. How do I get past this?

Attached: toysrus.jpg (273x185, 16K)

Stop feeling bad for a failed corporation you class traitor

by realising Toys R Us kicked the can of all its problems down the road at the corporate level for short term gain, and thats a poor life and business strategy.

Its not like they were the only toy business in north america.

>Its not like they were the only toy business in north america.
What competition do they even have?

mostly local stores now, and walmart/target

amazon is where the parents will shop.

And lots of tween aimed geek stores are springing up, like Thinkgeek retail. Spencers for highschoolers, Disney store for special cases.

And video game stores are just a specialty toy store.

GameStop is like 50% toys now. And they're going to start selling comics.

And my lost job?

Grow up and get a real job

Managing a store isn't real?

>be CEO
>see sales from the past five years
>graph is trickling down
>more and more 6-8 year olds getting into vidya

if you weren't only an assistant manager, you should have no fucking problem finding another retail store seeking management positions.

I want to get back into graphic design.

I have a degree. I worked in it for years before my nervous breakdown. But I don't know if I have it in me anymore, and it's such a competitive field.

not trying to be mean but you're a grown adult,look for other stores near you.
Hunt for them like how many have done in the past.

Get another one you dweeb. Chain retail is pretty low on the pole, and since you worked there for a decade, you should have supervisory experience.

Toys R Us also made the nigger mistake. Just like Sears is failing, it's largely due to the new stereotype of niggers shopping there. Nobody wants to shop around blacks.

So to help you cope, OP, consider a modern-day "white flight" and find a new job at a all-white retailer. All good things come to an end. I, too, was a 90´s kid and have these amazing memories in Toys R Us. But the sun always sets, even in paradise.

I just want ONE Jow Forums thread where somebody doesn't bitch about minorities.

>I just want ONE Jow Forums thread where somebody doesn't bitch about minorities.
I think you are browsing the wrong website kiddo...
Your expectations are very unrrealistic.

I grew up without TRS. Just find another similar job

Damn, you must be at least 90 years old.

Grow the fuck up manchildren

Is it really that impossible for a 22 year old to reach adulthood without going to Toys R Us?

Ya'll were overpriced as fuck
Literally all you were good for was free Yu-Gi-Oh! cards when I went through my shoplifting phase.

It's a niche department store; just find another no-skill job to waste 10 years in.

Well shit. Where will I buy my future children's toys?

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Amazon. It's where I get all my nephews shit.

>working at Toys R Us for 10 years

Jesus Christ OP. I hope you were a manager at least. You probably could've gotten a much better job someplace else after 3 years working there.

My 13 year old neighbor basically said this entire post today to me while I was leaving my apartment complex on my bike today, which gets me thinking...