What does it take to get a gf?

What does it take to get a gf?

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Simply the luck of meeting a girl who likes you

There are fat lazy slobs who have gfs
There are also handsome guys who’d like a gf but don’t have one

Luck is the main thing, heck even with tinder and shit if you’re lucky you could have a gf rock up to your front door

First, be born attractive enough and tall enough to get a gf, at least for a pretty one. Then you need to take care of yourself, have good hygiene and such. You also need to be good at being social, as in you need male and probably female friends so women know you're not a weirdo because no woman wants to date someone who is anti social. You also have to be able to entertain her in conversation so you don't bore her, because women generally expect the man to keep the conversation going. Also be funny, as much as you can. You also need hobbies or an interest that makes you seem high value, like sports or playing an instrument. You also need to be confident in yourself, constantly. Women are disgusted by any sign of weakness and that is why they cheat. You also will have to be willing to spend a lot of money on her, but that one is obvious. To go with that, you also need a job. After doing all that, you have to get out there and find a girl who you actually want to date and then approach her or initiate in some way despite your natural fear of rejection. Be confident and nice and try to score yourself a date. Good luck OP.

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t. deluded incel

If OP wants a girl like pic related she isn't just gonna fall in his lap, he'll have to make himself valuable in the eyes of the female

Girl in OPs pic looks Asian

Asian girls ONLY care about money

Which part was deluded?

what can change the nature of a man?

Three "layers" usually need to be under control:

"Presentation" layer. Usually good grooming, good teeth, decent clothes for the visual layer. An active exercise lifestyle is quite helpful.

"Life Trajectory" layer. You'll likely need education and career prospects going for you for what I call your "life trajectory" layer. Potential money-making ability can make a guy very attractive (as is, ofc, already being a bit wealthy)

"Interpersonal layer". You can totally be an introvert, thats fine, but being confident and at least kind of socially graceful is often a must for most girls. The ability to listen, ask open ended questions, a sense of humor, and at least some enthusiasm when you speak is very comforting to people.

You don't need to be perfect at these at all times, but the better and more consistent you are at these things, the more attractive you'll be to others.

Also... it takes the ability to take rejection in stride. You *will* be rejected. It's not your fault. 90% of relationships are luck and good timing. Dont be too hard on yourself.

Cope harder

>he thinks you need to be born a model to get gf

Lmao what planet do you live on

hm? It's this guy who is coping. There are tons of guys who are either ugly, short, fat or jobless but they still have girlfriends. Incels like that just want to paint themselves as blameless victims when it's very obvious that their personality must suck big time, if they can't get a girl interested in them.


To start: the majority of women have a preference for taller men. This has been confirmed by quite a number of studies and anecdotes including my own personal ones as a short guy. Denying this is pure delusion.

I agree completely with the confidence thing. People always say women like confident men. What they don't like to say is how big a turn off it can be for many women if you're even a little insecure. Women complain that men care so much about looks but at least women have the freedom to act out a range of emotions and not be shamed for it usually. Men who are anything but stoic, macho and outgoing are considered scum both within the "redpill" community and outside of it.

It has literally been proven that the most attractive height in men is between 5'8" and 5'10". Numerous studies have shown that taller men are more likely to be virgins. Why are you lying? Are you in fact a bitter virgin 6'3" guy?

I was 178cm ugly smelly teenager nerd who couldn't care less for hygine and socialising and was addicted to video games and anime and I still got a gf when I was 16 and we are 6 years together now.

Gfs just happen. She likes you and you like her.

why would you want one?

does this work?

I said nothing about above six feet tall. 5' 8" to 10" is not "short". When I say short I mean guys under 5' 7".

Trying to fund one.

You can't catch a fish if you don't cast a line.

For her to honestly believe you have many options and she's fortunate you give her your time. You will have them line up

Not a lot. Just act beta if you want an LTR. Women only expect confidence and sex appeal with guys they want an STR with.

Lol no. Women mostly want confidence and sex appeal no matter what, in my experience.

I'm 5'6" and have fucked over 100 girls. Quit making excuses.

Depends on their current needs.

A confident beta is difficult to control as a boyfriend or husband.

Don’t bother. Incels are hopeless whiners and cucks.

>tldr you need to be a functional human bean

How many of those women were actually attractive? And why dont I believe you?

To be honest it's weird but I get this weird feeling some women like guys who they can control. People told me to speak my mind and stand my ground but some women I've met can't stand it when I don't agree on every little thing and a lot of the time it turns them off depending on what it is. I'm not even some edgelord either I just like to call people out when their words betray their actions or they're straight up annoying me.

Because you’re a crab in a bucket and delusional

Different women have different tastes, what a shocker.
Next you're gonna tell me women enjoy sex

Eh if other people are successful then good for them. I'm not going to forget all the girls who have said they dont date under x height, the girls I met online who asked how tall I am, the ones who actually make FUN of shorter guys. You just calling me an Intel and saying it's not my height when I've had all this contrary experience isn't going to work, sorry.

*incel obviously not Intel.

i got a gf and its fucking annoyning. texts me EVERYTHING GOING ON IN HER LIFE. price i pay because shes so good in bed.

>the internet is real life
Get over yourself. I bet you consider Facebook screencaps legitimate evidence for social sciences.

Literally everything you said is wrong. How tall are you really? 6'3" and a kissless virgin right?

I only fuck attractive girls. And you don't believe me because you are a desperate lying larper.

When a woman has placed you into the beta box (I.E. long term boyfriend or husband) she will be annoyed if you have spirit and confidence because betas are supposed to be obedient little lapdogs as she leeches from them emotionally, psychologically, and financially. A confident host will likely shake her off intentionally or by accident.

Women don’t believe in change deep down so when her beta manservant suddenly starts acting alpha she becomes afraid she can’t control him anymore.

I’m 5’9, I’ve matched with well over 2000 women on tinder and other apps

I could probably count on one hand the number of times a girl ever asked me my height

So you're saying it's not actual people who type these comments? I don't understand.

What? My personal experience is "wrong"? Nope. I'm only 5' 5".

Nah I'm not lying, I don't know why you people think everyone who doesn't share your experience is a liar.

You are certainly lying about the height thing. If you can't get girls it's because you are a raging sperglord, it's obvious from your posts you are. If you were 6'5" you wouldn't get girls either.

buy some boots and cbd oil and stop giving a fuck.

5' 9" isn't short lol

You actually think no women on earth care about how tall a guy is? Get real.

>So you're saying it's not actual people who type these comments? I don't understand.
You spend every waking hour shitposting here but somehow anything posted on any other website is 120% legit for realz guys can you believe a woman called someone ugly on Facebook fucking kek wimmen am I right?

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. Not you, me, or anyone else is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that. Until you start believing in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life.

they do care but its not going to be an important factor if you other shit going for yourselves.

>anyone who doesn't share my perspective is an incel no life NEET
Wow, just wow.

Women care about the overall package a man brings to the table. Height is one part of that. But it’s irrelevant if you’re an autistic spazz.

Define "autistic spazz" please.

What's it like trying to argue on the internet when you're illiterate?

All women have different tastes. Some might not like a short guy. Some might not like a tall guy. Stop treating height as if it's an absolute thing. There are many advantages for shorter guys, mainly better looks and physique for example.

>define autistic spazz
Yep, it’s autism

Raging on a Cambodian wood carving board is one sign.

>I cant articulate my point clearly so I'll just call him an autist

Nobody here is "raging".

You might get lucky, but if not, a chocolate dick that ejaculates money will get you there

It totally happens. I've had 10/10 bebes drunk fall literally right into my lap at a party. Somehow she ended up in my bed that night, but I was too much of an anxious bastard to do anything but cuddle.

Personality, based on aspirations, interests, and skills *YOU* have cultivated for yourself and your own goals.

Do you sit around all day passively consuming garbage media like TV, the internet, video games, movies, etc??? Have you let your personality be molded by the websites you peruse, by what you consume? If yes, what would anyone see in you?

Do you have interests or skills that you've cultivated, like musical talents, artistic talents, handyman work, sports, whatever that you are competent in? Do you have some life long passions you care about and have devoted significant time to? If no, why would anyone be interested in you?

Be yourself.

>fall literally right into my lap at a party
How did you get invited to the party?

I have some friends that are actually social even though they just play smash and smoke weed.


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>Do you sit around all day passively consuming garbage media like TV, the internet, video games, movies, etc??? Have you let your personality be molded by the websites you peruse, by what you consume? If yes, what would anyone see in you?
But aren't most normies like this?

More than what you could ever offer.

A line, a sink, some bait and a lot of patience.

Don't jsut go for a specific girl. You never get to choose who you date with bacause you are about 30% the reason it happens. The rest being herself, how many girls you interact to, how you present yourself and how much patience you have.

I had my first and current gf 2 years ago and it took a long ass time to happen. Worked though because even though she's my first I sincerely feel I'd be happy spending decades with her easily.

I do not like alcohol and I don't drink coffee. I don't enjoy dancing and despise social media. None of the movies being released interest me and I don't watch television. I feel as though I can't relate to a single aspect of contemporary culture and none of the things that people do together are things I want to do. I have this strange ability where I remember nearly everything that I hear. I remember conversations verbatim and subconsciously construct mental profiles of people within my head. I can interact with these profiles as a separate entity and am perfectly content on my own because there are hundreds of people living in my imagination. After knowing somebody for a couple months, I can predict nearly every word that comes out of their mouth. The truth is that other people have very little to offer me. The only woman I could ever imagine myself in a relationship with is one nearly identical to myself and I'm just not sure that such a person exists. My reasons for wanting a relationship are primarily image-based. I want to be a normal, functional human being and believe that includes the ability to form relationships. I feel like a failure for not having had one and am afraid of letting my family down, who are eager to see me succeed in all respects.
I understand that step one of forming relationships is to meet people.

However, I don't think that I should have to change my lifestyle and do things I don't enjoy in order meet potential partners. And just about every activity that involves other people is something I'd rather not do. I like spending time alone and I don't believe that there is anything wrong with this. I don't believe that I am 'entitled' to a relationship, but also don't believe that I should be required to change.

Oh, so you're a narcissist.

My advice for getting a gf (although I don't have one): Stop watching porn and retrain your attention on actual physical women. Then go out and find where women go. I live in a major city and have problem with the last one. Maybe I'm retarded.
Also, this.

I don't watch porn or masturbate.