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Lawyer where? That's quite important

Why won't you cut your penis off? Legal advice is essentially useless if you aren't talking about a specific court system.

op is not a lawyer lol

they wouldnt have time for this if they were

thoughts on Madison v Marbury?

If I put signs like this around the perimeter of my wooded property, am I breaking any laws?

The area is perfectly safe, I just want to deter trespassers.

Can you cite a case where something like this happened?

Attached: sign.png (450x316, 268K)

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Is it illegal to kill niggers

Obviously not.

Not OP
It's probably illegal but if you change it to just say "if you find unexploded ordinance, report it blah blah blah" and remove the safety permit stuff, you probably have an OK bet.

Same way you can’t legally yell fire when there isn’t one, they will find some way of getting you for inciting panic—disorderly conduct.

how to evade taxas

How do i do legal research? Let's say i want to find out what is illegal what would i have to look up. Or if i wanted to review cases or laws

It's not illegal, but your dog will get ATF'd.

I started collecting knives this year, and I purchased a couple of unsharpened butterfly knives from China.
Butterfly knives are illegal here in Hawaii, for some unknown reason, but I know a handful of people who own them; one of whom has the exact same dull model I ordered. Again, they're blunt as fuck - you can run it against your neck all day without consequence. They're as dangerous (perhaps even less than) as a pair of pliers or a multitool.

My package arrived with nothing but a Letter of Advisement from Customs & Border Protection. It's been seized, and I'm wondering if I stand any chance at getting what I paid for. My argument is that, again, they're unsharpened; being sold for training purposes only. I bought rubber knives to practice knife fighting with a friend, and had no issue acquiring those. I have no intention of using these for anything but flipping - they're basically fidget spinners to me. I can't find anything about what makes a knife a knife; it only mentions that switchblades and butterfly knives are illegal:
>"Other deadly or dangerous weapon" is limited to instruments whose sole design and purpose is to inflict bodily injury or death
>Cane, butterfly and kitchen knives are not deadly or dangerous weapons
>Whoever knowingly manufactures, sells, transfers, possesses, or transports in the State any butterfly knife, being a knife having a blade encased in a split handle that manually unfolds with hand or wrist action with the assistance of inertia, gravity or both, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
That's confusing as well.

People also own replica firearms here - is this not a 'replica knife'? Am I fucked? I think I'll contact the FP&F office the letter referenced, regardless of the odds. I'm pretty sure the dick that seized it just wanted it for himself.

Attached: IMG_7838__262001491512669.jpg (1280x1280, 397K)

Live in Oklahoma.

You are mixing Federal and State laws together. The Federal Government took your knife, not the State of Hawai’i... visit Chinatown and show your picture to a few shops and buy one in person.

Ah... I guess I did. The Letter of Advisement they sent did not explain what law(s) were broken, merely that they seized the property. I figure it's because they're illegal in Hawaii - was not aware that it was also against Federal law. But again, do they meet the definition of a knife, if it has no edge to cut with? And what about its designed purpose being solely for safely practicing martial arts? Other training knives are designed so that the ability to cause harm is significantly reduced - and I have no intention of attempting to stab someone with it to begin with. The only thing I see that it has in common with an actual butterfly knife is its operation. It makes zero sense to me how airsoft guns, actual firearms, 20" machetes, swords, nunchaku sticks, etc. are legal to own while pocket size switchblades and butterfly knives aren't, especially dull ones...
Welp, finding this in my search pretty much killed all of my hope in recovering them. And yeah, friends told me where I can buy butterfly knives locally but since I had already spent the money, I'd rather not sink more into it...

Attached: k-knife-24.jpg (900x1220, 467K)

Huh? You totally can yell fire when there isn't one. Maybe if you intend to cause damage then it would be a problem.

He means it's illegal to yell fire in a crowded theater, which it is in the United States (famously in fact).

Just yelling about a fire randomly out in the middle of town square is fine.

If I joined up with the Russian Army or the FFL, would I lose my US citizenship?

Yes, Schenck was a famous case. That it was about war protesters, and that Justice Holmes was literally saying that protesting the draft is as dangerous as inciting panic in a crowded theater, is less well known. What a fucking travesty of a decision. At least Brandenburg v Ohio made it mostly unimportant. But morons keep repeating the phrase as if it's true.

Did the protocol the FBI uses for interviewing people suspected of being domestic terrorists or potential mass shooters change recently? I've been hearing more reports from forums, Jow Forums, and reddit of casually dressed agents interviewing people in their homes whereas before most people say they wear suits.

is it illegal to hire a hitman on yourself?

The whole yelling fire in a crowded theater is about the consequences of the act, not the act itself.

Not if you hire a good one.