Varg Appreciation Thread

Varg has 7 kids, lives a simple and tough life, makes music and books, makes videos, rebuilds European ecology, hurts the judeo-christian system, teaches life skills, and gives encouragement for people to live honestly and strongly. What have you all done for the European race today?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not a fucking thing, I have no stake in Europe or a white ethnostate. For all I care Europe can burn.

>he does the jew’s work for them

Cool story, bro

>.25 cents has been added to your account

>>he does the jew’s work for them

More jewish spam

take your faggoty fanboi thread over to Jow Forums

Vater Odin archetype confirmed

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>Not a fucking thing, I have no stake in Europe or a white ethnostate. For all I care Europe can burn.

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Show your flag, Schlomo
Have a happy hanukkah
Tell Rabbi Goldsheckel Jow Forums says hi
>israeli product codes start with 729
>729 == made in Israel

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Yes Goyim, breed more cattle for us. Especially girls. We need white mates for the black goyim.

There should be an award for the less (or is it least?)effort put

anyone who shills against christians is working for the jews.

The jews gave him his wealth and fame. jewish music producers.

Did you know that jewish producers push the 'satanic' meme in death metal because they know that people who like metal are more likely to be rightwing? now you know.

The jew fears christians.

I support the boycott of Israeli goods which jew worshiping christfaggots love. Jew worshiping faggots and whores do love to fund their holy desert land. If you honestly believe that I am a jew then you are either a delusional christcuck or you are one of (((them)))

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I think it's least, but I'm a spic, LMAO

Three letters word: LIE. That sums up your post. Kys kike.

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'kike' is literally a nickname that christians gave jews because they wouldnt sign an 'x' on their passport because they think it looks like a cross.

fuck off jew shill.

flag checks out. kike

europe used to murder and slander kikes when we were european. it is no coincidence that we got soft once the jews destroyed christianity in our lands.

i meant to say when we were christian

>kike is a christian word
Another lie. It is a slur word used against christshilling Jews by Europeans. Jews fear the cross, not the Christian. Pagans will put them on crosses. We are good at this shit, remember what Roman Pagans did to that subversive kike named rabbi Yeshua bar yosef?

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This life I'd brief, Varg needs to repent and make Jesus his Lord or else he will spend eternity in unimaginable torment.

Thread is going SPECTACULARLY well so far, I must say.

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kike hiding behind a meme flag again.

This. Here's a special redpill for you!

jew propagandists BTFO

Jesus wasn't Jewish other than he was from Judea. He found the Pharisees to be abhorrent.

Pagan hipsters aren't going to save the White race

BTFO all day, every day. I don't agree with him on everything, but I think he's right over all about how to preserve our health and heritage.

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> love me or you will burn in hell
Classic Semitic scare tactics. I would rather burn in (((your))) imaginary hell with my glorious Pagan ancestors than be in your (((heaven))) full of shitskins.

Christians are really good at mental gymnastics. We're supposed to live in eternity with Tyrone and paco if they also love the kike Jesus...yet the Bible and Jesus were redpilled on race!
>you can live away from Jose and Tyrone the christnigger on Earth...but then you spend eternity with him in heaven because rabbi Yeshua saves all mankind!

No amount of gymnastics can change the fact that this Semitic death cult is foreign to Europeans.

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correct. jesus was a palestinian. he said that jews were liars and that their father was the devil. he beat jews with whips and turned over their money changing tables.

The book of revelations says that when jesus returns that he will kill 2/3rds of all jews and the rest will kneel and beg him for forgivness for what they have done to us and out people.

This is why the jew fears christians and why jews shill so hard with their 'christkike' meme

>The jews gave him his wealth and fame. jewish music producers.
tfw he thinks self produced norwegian black metal in the late 80's is jewish
The jews copy things that make money, they don't create things , Euronymous was not a jew and even if he was Varg stabbed him in the head until he died.

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>sand niggers arguing
>writing religious fan-fiction about how this faction is going to fuck over the other

>this has any bearing on europe


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>This is why the jew fears christians

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Is OP a faggot?
Lets find out

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i dont know what you are talking about, but my point was that Varg is shilling for the jews because jews own the music industry that made him famous. and i expanded on why jews push for artists to put satanic lyrics in their music, because it is a weapon of degeneracy against right wing people who listen to metal.

varg calls southern europeans non-white! fuck varg

look at the face of this man and tell me he's a shitskin. you literally can't fuck varg

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Id have never even known about this tit had you not been such a fucking loser that you had to come here to shill him.

Dont care
Sage and hide

>The jews gave him his wealth and fame
>wealth and fame
>black metal
It's nearly impossible to make money with the edgiest and most cringeworthy subgenre of metal.

>666 get

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evangelicals want to bring about the end times. i know it is crazy... but when that happens the jewish nwo will be destroyed.

Have you ever thought about why leftist jews hate israel? it is because they knbow they will be forced to live there one day.

Also you are trying to paint all christians with one brush. I absolutely hate jews with a passion, but you never hear about christians like me because the jewish media will never tell you about me.

Take the redgreen pill flag fag

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>could pass as Arab

varg is a larping welfare nigger sage

first of all, that picture is not a european. he is at least half arab.

second, you are pushing jewish divide and conquer tactics to divide europeans proving you are either a jew, or too stupid to know propaganda when you see it.

i think he's a genius, not in the iq sense, but in the sense that he can think for himself so well, even if it's delusional. i suppose it may be due to the isolation he experienced in prison

overall an interesting character

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>jews own the music industry that made him famous
Jews didn't promote Varg's music m8. Mayhem were self published and not widely popular even at their height. Also Varg stabbed his bandmate/record laber owner in the brain and neck for being a plotting schemer and spent the next 21 years in prison. Now he teaches the new generation valuable european traditions and is raising white children. At no point has Varg been a slave to jewry.

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karelis is 100% pure hellenic from crete. fuck off with your d&c kike faggot. what's your excuse for this greek?

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Top kek lazy beaner

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>jesus was a palestinian
So he basically claimed to be a meme created by Romans to mock Jews?

I listened to this one recently. I'm not used to "metal" style singing, but it's a nice piece.
>tfw going to teach english in rural france
>tfw the vargpill life is getting ever closer

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>. I absolutely hate jews with a passion, but you never hear about christians like me because the jewish media will never tell you about me.
You sound like a muslim trying to distance himself from RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM. I don't need your taqiyya

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Decent Album to sleep to

Decent Album to Shitpost to

Decent album to drink angrily to

>you will never get used to black metal singing, it's objectively awful, but sometimes you need some dirty anger

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well someone needs to tell him that atheism and pagan larpers are serving cultural marxist jews against whites and christians.

The war against christianity is the same war against whites. to conquer your enemy you must first demoralize them.

possibly. and Romans were fucking awesome and destroyed the jews in 70ad and hopefully the holy roman church led by the Vatican will do so again.

lol wtf? i sound like a muslim now? that is what jews always say when you arent worshipping jews.

Witnessed! Digits confirmed. Hail Victory!

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just promise when the day of the rope comes you won't try and convert me. Wait until our lands are ours again before offering me the fruits of salvation. lets seek one empire at a time. No more brother wars, those wrapped in the protection of Christ are my brothers and perhaps one day they shall show me the light, but until then I will fight for our kingdom of Clay and Blood.

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even notice that when you are posting is a jew shill thread that they make you solve a captcha with every fucking post so that you will give up and quit? fuck this.

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i dont care to convert you. i'm not your enemy. your enemy is the jew who is trying to recruit you to fight against me.

>lol wtf? i sound like a muslim now? that is what jews always say when you arent worshipping jews.
I'm teasing you. It's just you often here muslim apologists say "that's not the real Islam, you're just buying into propaganda. I know many christians of all stripes and denominations. I have love for my Brothers from my LutherCucks to my OpusDei lvl Catholics, but I'm just more focused on building our kingdom on earth. I'm willing to listen to the offer of my eternal salvation after our people have a secure footing in this world.

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>your enemy is the jew who is trying to recruit you to fight against me.
I'm not fighting you brother, I'm just enjoying the beauty of Varg and the European kinship in this thread.

I'm keeping my church because my family have for generations, and I'm not stopping something they started 400 years ago.

If you're completely rootless, and you get a lot from Varg that's great you found a guru. The point is only a complete degenerate would leave their religion for wicca with right wing views, unless their church is zionist, gay, or kiddie-diddling, because somebody on the internet is trending.

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More harm than good.
What makes you say that? Curious.
Well, he's here to subvert that, and always will be. It isn't anything personal on his part, just a part of defining Christianity.

Listen to Filosofem. It is like his most classic album. The vocals are not like usual black metal or his previous albums where he screeches. You can actually understand what he’s saying.

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i actually like Varg when he isnt shilling against Christians.

To be honest i think the reason varg says that is because he is playing to is audience who are metalheads who hate christians becuase of metal's jewish influence due to jewish record labels.

Prechristians paganism will never come back, it is extinct. as cool asOdin and ragnarok are, they will never defeat the jews, only the Roman empire will, ant that empire lives on through Christianity. that is why jews hate the vatican so much.

When you study the Vatican you will see that they have actiually preserved many of our pre christian rituals such as Christmas and Easter being clones of the equinox and winter solstice.

Varg was dope until he decided to become another youtube whore.

i think the guy is cool, but his pagan larping just brings people into the cultural maxist fold. the dude is helping jews whether he knows it or not.

I've been to the Vatican many times. I have mad respect for the Catholic church and it's opposition to ((())) but Odin lives on in the blood of his sons and daughters. I won't give up the archetype just because a Sumerian splinter religion says it's naughty.

The devil approves your message

Nobody outside of Jow Forums know or give a shit about who Varg is.

I'll give it a listen, thanks.
>roman empire
Dead and buried. And all they did was bring the Jews into the imperial fold, along with other races, with harmful effects on Europe's genepool.
>the vatican
>preserved rituals
Somewhat. They are also twisted beyond their original meaning, and people are taught to spit on their ancestors. No thanks.
>i'm learning about paganism, because my family has been so for countless generations, and i'm not stopping something they started in the stone age.
That doesn't sound so bad, does it?
No. Not even close.

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Varg is a sociopath and literal knife murderer living on French welfare with his mentally deficient wife and their growing brood of unfortunate children.

Odin, Wotan whatever has been dead to "his son's and daughters" for a thousand years.

>Lives from gibs

mimir must have lost a bet

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im not the one trying to turn christians into athiest/pagan fedora tippers, Varg is.

and since he isnt raising his childern as Christians, they will be suceptible to jewish cultural marxism and become shitskin lovers.

Everyone WILL love/honor God in heaven or in hell. He sent his son to diet us so we wouldn't have to honor him in hell.

Right, teaching his children about eugenics, natural hierarchy, and racial/tribal religion will leave them wide open to Marxists. Varg BTFO for all time.

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No Aryan has any excuse for worshiping a Jew. That's as far as the discussion even needs to go. You're worshiping a Jew, whose "Messianic" claims originated in Jewish belief, whose OT is Jewish mythos, who is the Son of the God of the Jews, whose apostles were almost entirely Jewish with the SUPPOSED exception of one Gentile, whose church was built upon a Jew named Peter, whose sect is currently ran by a shitskin lover who tells his followers to let them the brown men flow into Aryan lands.
With Jews you lose, no exception.
Stop worshiping a Jew. Every Christian deserves death.

>My dog killed one of these African immigrants the other day.

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Fuck off varg

the majority of whites are christian. if he teaches his kids to hate christians then by default he is teaching them to hate most of europe.

we have to find common ground.

and now you are back to the pilpul. went full circle back to the 'christkike' meme which i have already debunked and shown as jewish propagana.

meme flag checks out.

There's many reasons to dislike christianity. Nietzsche gave some good ones. Please never again claim that christianity ''saved'' anything by destroying pagan heritage and co-opting some of it to itself. It's like claiming islam is cool for protecting pre-islamic traditions for merely not destroying 100% of what was before islam.

>the majority of whites are christian
Maybe where you live. Christianity is dead in Europe, except for a few old people nobody even goes to the church.

exactly like the jews wanted. Now you have no direction and no unity. you are ripe for the picking cultural marxism.

Europe used to kill jews when the Vatican was runnng the show, now half of you support shitskin invasion... wonder why? becuase jews took over the vacancy.

if you ever read the talmud you would know why the jews destroyed christianity.

Your statement is incorrect. Most whites are NOT Christian. They may claim Christian heritage, and they certainly aren't fucking muslim or jew, but no one really believes the Christian doctrine any more, except hardcore religious people and old women.

you dont have to go to church to support christian morals and decency. I havent been to church in decades, but i still am a christian when it comes to fighting against jews, homosexuals, pedophiles etc.

most were christian until we allowed jews to subvert us with filth.

im done with this thread. no one is in here helping me and im trying to teach you people how they jews have destroyed us by turning us against christianity but i am fucking sick of all these god damned captchas. i seriously think this whole fucking website is so shilled now that it is a waste of time.

Just go worship shitskins and your kike masters and hate christians, the only people who were trying to keep us from falling to jewish degeneracy.

There will be no ragnarok

Pagans have never been interested in convincing people outside of their tribe to adopt their beliefs. The attack has always been a one-way street. Pagans have only defended themselves against aggression, initiated by christians.

Common ground can only be reached when christians stop holding conversion of non-christians as part of their doctrine. All acts of christians can be suspected as attempts of subversion, until that.

Christianity has done a slow death for centuries. Blaming jews as a monolith is rather simplistic. The enlightenment and science did more to kill christianity than the jews.

Southrons are not even human, much less white. Gayreeks, shitalians, moortuguese: all must be expelled from Europe if we are to preserve the purity of our European race.
Heil Varg!

>Around 400, St Augustine, one of the most influential and foundational figures of Catholic theology, preached that the Jews must be protected for their ability to explain the Old Testament. Around 598, in reaction to anti-Jewish attacks by Christians in Palermo, Pope Gregory the Great (c 540–604) brought Augustine's teachings into Roman Law, by writing a Papal Bull which became the foundation of Catholic doctrine in relation to the Jews and specified that, although the Jews had not accepted salvation through Christ, and were therefore condemned by God until such time as they accept salvation, Christians were nevertheless duty-bound to protect the Jews as an important part of Christian civilization.[9] The Bull said that Jews should be treated equitably and justly, that their property rights should be protected, and that they should keep their own festivals and religious practices.[10] Thus, in the Papal States, Jews enjoyed a level of protection in law.[9]

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>and old women
Old women here in Europe are converting to Islam to marry the muslim refugees because no one else will throw them a bone.

sorry man. Atheism is lock-step with the jews and Paganism is dead. there will be no ragnarok to save us.

Christianity is the only way to take back europe from the jews. sounds to me like they have already won.

I regret that the Vatican killed the pagans off. i understand why you will never support them. i am pretty sure this period was a time when the jewish jesuits were in charge.

It is just so sad to see us so divided that the jews will win by default. we are divvided and conquered just like the jews wanted, and if you cant temporarity support christianity long enough for us to destroy marxism then we might as well put bullets in our head and let jews and muslims have europe because no one else is going to stop them.

Im done, good night im blackpilled now.

jews corrupt. that is what they do.

Jews at times have controlled the church, just like now the jews control the pagan larpers. they have divided and conquered us.

Now go hold hands and sing kumbaya with shit skins because if we wont work together then we are finished.

Whitepills abound, but you refuse them.

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Why do you insist on saying things about paganism that aren't true? Is there something you should tell us about your motives?

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