>So how exactly do men feel about the Me Too movement? Notably younger ones?
I’m hitting my 30s so I don’t know if apply.
My take on it is that on some level, it’s a product of social media and is overhyped in the way every other clickbsitable subject is, but overall I kind of support the sentiment because I *do* know a few women who *were* raped, who *did* come out, and who were then brushed aside when they did.
Hell, I even have a few bosses who *do* go to far when it comes to making “jokes” and “being friendly” with women, and they tend to be older generation guys who are just used to being able to do whatever the fuck they want.
So all that’s to say that I *do* think #MeToo is grounded in some very real things, it from my point of view it’s actually a lot of the younger generation—a generation that was born with more gender equality—that’s ending up paying for the crimes of the older generation.
It’s doubling down and beating down ona generation that was already taught to be sensitive, but doesn’t realize that the things that are being talked about, they’re being leveled at an older generation that did lived in a way that was completely different from them.
And then this shit gets exascerbated because even the younger generation of women themselves don’t really differentiate that most of the things being spoken up against stem from a different generation with significantly bigger injustices, so they end up bunchin everything together and taking it too far,
Figuratively using it to smash in a framing nail used on walls with a sledgehammer meant for rail roads.
So overall, it kind of sucks and is being blown out of proportion, but it *was* something that *did* need to happen, if only so the older generation stop getting away with shit like they have been.
Shit will regulate back and a balance will be restored after a few years, just the uncoordinated trurth is that this generation got a bit screwed.