
So how exactly do men feel about the Me Too movement? Notably younger ones?

I've been doing escorting for over five years now to pay for college and grad school (pic from when I was I first starting out), and in the last couple years alone, I've noticed a distinct increase in younger men as my clients.

I've had them here and there since starting this job, but most clients tend to be businessmen or hobbyists that were *at least* late-twenties. Younger men were rare, and only see me either out of curiosity, needing certain needs met because of relationship problems, wanting to try certain fetishes and styles that they're afraid to ask, it's surprisingly rare to have a virgin or someone inexperienced come to you (those kids tend to be back out in the end due to anxiety), or someone who just wants to feel good about themselves. But for a while, younger clients were the least often of my customer base.

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Now in the past two years (possibly three), there's been more of them scheduling appointments. Especially in the last year alone. It's now grown to where I have up to several clients as young as eighteen seeing me a week.

Ethically, and professionally, you're not supposed to outright ask why they visit you. But I grew curious and tried to subtly prod. And many of the reasons I see these days, which was never among my grandfathered clients, was that they feel like they can't even approach the opposite sex without risking some kind of trouble (like a loss of reputation, job opportunities, or even an arrest).

And they always think that simple things like talking to them puts them at those risks, and that they have to avoid women altogether as a result. Which is even more curious, because many of these kids are fairly attractive and well-adjusted people; no sense of bitterness or ill-intentions. But they still feel that simply spending time with girls is akin to walking a minefield. They can be occasionally misogynistic, sure. But this place in general (especially boards like Jow Forums) often write way worse diatribes.

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One client who stuck out to me finally got a job as a medical intern. And he often talks about the dreads of working with female patients, because he feels that one wrong move is enough to cost him everything. Since last summer, he brings up the Me Too thing now and then (in case you're wondering -- I haven't had too many incident to warrant subscribing to it). Several of my clients also mention it now, just not explicitly. A couple of them once showed me this thread on reddit where women asked why men don't approach women as often anymore (something I wasn't too aware of). And a common theme among the answers was that there were "too many risk" involved. And I'm slowly seeing more men in person who feel that way.

Men at the end of sessions tend to be really mellow and level-headed. So they often have no trouble opening up and letting their true selves come out. So in this state, I reiterate they never seem bitter, angry, misogynist, or prejudice for that matter. Just sincerely concerned, depressed, genuinely scared sometimes. Just weirdly scared and feeling like they can't get anywhere with certain demographics without damages.

They're definitely not caustic and crusader-like as MRAs and MGTOWs. Those guys tend to dislike the idea of sex worker, AND sex workers. My clients tend to be chill. But they speak of things I wasn't too aware was happening. Most women I talk to tend to be other sex workers, and that's it. Almost never your average Jane at the coffee shop.

So how long has this been going on and how do other men here feel? Seems whatever this movement is doing might be making things worse.

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I'm afraid to date. I don't get warm fuzzies when I think of dating women anymore.

Women fishing for attention and sympathy points as usual.
I just ignore it.

patiently waiting for it to hit my country for full force, so my family finally agrees with me that interacting with women is akin to playing russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver

1. Your honesty really pretty, have you at least paid off college & grad school? 2. I still approach women & I don't give a fuck. There's nothing wrong with calling a girl pretty and talking to them. My last gf was a cold approach, I never met her or anything, I just thought she was really pretty so I starting talking to her. (I'm a burger in the US, met her at my University) Dated for 7 months. That was 4 months ago. All my girls I've met was cold approach, no internet no mutual friend nothing. This me two moment is werid as shit . I think as long as your not overly sexual or straight up rude to a girl I think you should be fine? Either way if more men are pussies because of this movement then its good news for the ones that are bold and don't care about the so called reprocusions of taking chances with women.

>other men here feel
I don't think I'll ever let myself get close to a woman honestly. NOt that that is a bad thing, it means I get more money to spend on myself.

>So how long has this been going on and how do other men here feel?
This issue is as old as humans, but the difference is that in the modern world women have the state as second father or husband, they just don't need men as partners anymore.
Or a lot of them seem to think so.
Another problem is that when (young) men 'confess' to women (something you should never do), or show 'feelings', you are done for.

>Seems whatever this movement is doing might be making things worse.
Worse in what way exactly? Only a tiny minority of men commit sexual assault, and women shouldn't be scared of men because of this.
Just like men shouldn't have to be afraid to talk about their feelings to women.

In the real world these issues are almost non existent though, because nature is inherently fascist.
The strong take from the weak, and women hate weakness.
So when a guy talks about his feelings or isn't confident enough about himself in physical contact with women it will feel like it isn't 'right' to her.

>simply talking to a girl is minefield
This is true. Look at this site only, if you ask for advice as a man and say just a little bit about being wronged they are told its all and only their fault and get labelled all sorts like virgin gay and empty threats of no pussy will be available to them.

Can i ask about your services?

I might add that the #metoo movement isn't really a movement.
It is a hashtag where women can get attention for the fact they are desired physically.
9 out of 10 things that pop up there are not really assault, abuse or harassment, but simply (young) guys who don't know how to behave themselves or make advances with women they like.
It really is very tragic.

I am from Eastern Europe. Are things really that bad in the US?

>I am from Eastern Europe. Are things really that bad in the US?
I'm from western europe and I don't think it's contained in the US.
I'm convinced these things are pretty much worldwide and spread via the internet.

The disgust some of my female friends have shown when talking about guys who they rejected makes me feel really uneasy about approaching women.

>So how exactly do men feel about the Me Too movement? Notably younger ones?

I’m hitting my 30s so I don’t know if apply.

My take on it is that on some level, it’s a product of social media and is overhyped in the way every other clickbsitable subject is, but overall I kind of support the sentiment because I *do* know a few women who *were* raped, who *did* come out, and who were then brushed aside when they did.

Hell, I even have a few bosses who *do* go to far when it comes to making “jokes” and “being friendly” with women, and they tend to be older generation guys who are just used to being able to do whatever the fuck they want.

So all that’s to say that I *do* think #MeToo is grounded in some very real things, it from my point of view it’s actually a lot of the younger generation—a generation that was born with more gender equality—that’s ending up paying for the crimes of the older generation.

It’s doubling down and beating down ona generation that was already taught to be sensitive, but doesn’t realize that the things that are being talked about, they’re being leveled at an older generation that did lived in a way that was completely different from them.

And then this shit gets exascerbated because even the younger generation of women themselves don’t really differentiate that most of the things being spoken up against stem from a different generation with significantly bigger injustices, so they end up bunchin everything together and taking it too far,

Figuratively using it to smash in a framing nail used on walls with a sledgehammer meant for rail roads.

So overall, it kind of sucks and is being blown out of proportion, but it *was* something that *did* need to happen, if only so the older generation stop getting away with shit like they have been.

Shit will regulate back and a balance will be restored after a few years, just the uncoordinated trurth is that this generation got a bit screwed.

Not here, I am also an user from Easter Europe,
and things aren't like that here.
Women and men get along like humans.

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I don't know. I'm 27 going on 28 and one part of me says, "It's insanity that won't last once it hits the air." You know, the kind of shit that gets quashed pretty quickly once people catch wind of it.
But then, I've seen it. In real life, up close and personal; I've seen people get mad about these things, and I've seen them insist on having it their way, and all the rest.
It's absolute insanity. It's just insanity and there's no other words for it. I've lived this long without getting, you know, 'near' it-- any instances I've managed to run far and fast away from-- but it's scary all the same. The idea that it could crop up anywhere-- in public, during commute (I use public transit), at work, school... it's everywhere. Because it's in everyone's fucking pocket. Because people can duck away for a little 'stim' of their weird... sub-culture. I dunno.

I guess it's scary. The idea that I could be held accountable to actions I did not know were wrong, nobody told me were wrong, and weren't ever really documented as wrong-- it seems like these are all crimes-in-hindsight, like people got buyer's remorse and went back on their word. But, then, I'm a man. My opinion is drops in a pond to them, and they couldn't possibly care any less as far as I can tell.

Seen this thread before, it' spam.

Not in western Europe either. Don't believe a word of bitter virgin incels.

Yeah, it's highly unlikely that a woman would care about a man's problems in the first place.

>I'm from western europe and I don't think it's contained in the US.

It’s a pretty fucking huge thing in South Korea.

Guys are literally committing suicide because of it.

That being said, Koreans also have the highest sucked rwte in the world and seem to literally kill themselves over more issues than most... so take that statement with a heavy grain of salt...

tits and timestamp or fuck off

>Koreans also have the highest suicide rate in the world


I’m pretty sure they mostly to go to Japan for the other.

Lmao died

>threats of no pussy

That's what basement dwelling incels actually believe.

>all those men crying because they can't assault women without repercussions anymore
Lmao. Either you are basement dwelling incels with no contact with reality or rapists sad about not being able to rape with impunity because if you were normal, well-adjusted people, you'd see that men-women interactions are still as normal as ever. In fact, women are still assaulted by men, so I say we should make them afraid more.

>In fact, women are still assaulted by men, so I say we should make them afraid more.
That only makes things, and makes the men in question the victims. As well, it's more of an excuse to exercise one's prejudice and one's bigotry than it is to help or solve the problem of assault and misconduct.

>So how exactly do men feel about the Me Too movement? Notably younger ones?
I think the Me Too movement is a symptom rather than a cause. You could completely abolish twitter a year after it was founded and still have the same problems with men. At most it's preventing women from being hired as executives in order to avoid scandal, which isn't relevant to most people on Jow Forums.

>[everything else]
I'm mid-twenties. I don't fuck women anymore, escorts or real. There's a polygamous married woman I'm seeing, but we only hold each other and sleep together, no sex. I can only get hard to weird shit on the internet. I'm tall, rich, and love talking to people, but a bit ugly - consistently a 5 from people I trust to give an accurate rating.

I had one long-term relationship and two casual relationships when I was a lot younger. All three began with me being extremely sexually aggressive, to the point where I'd think of them as assaults if they hadn't been reciprocated. I don't want to do that again. It's risky, it feels gross, I have a very fast internet connection, and I have access to loving human contact at zero cost other than occasionally talking to a nice woman about her day.

I would honestly consider entering a non-sexual romantic relationship with a man as an alternative to needing to actively pursue women. If another man did to one of my female friends what I did when I was younger, and she didn't like it, I might genuinely kill him.

I don't give a fuck about it.

I'm german and my country is hellbent on feminism, so me not giving in to this really makes me stand out at times.

I once had a female friend tell my whole social circle that i had forced her and taken advantage of her because we made out when we were drunk and she was scared of the reaction of her boyfriend. I told everybody that i think it's pretty funny how women are equal and strong but the very second they get drunk it's suddenly the men's job to take care of them because they are such vulnerable creatures. Lost some friends on that one, but i don't look back since they clearly never really were my friends to begin with.

I also am one of the very few males i know that do a hard approach on women in public, and i've never gotten shit for it. On the contrary, i get laid much more than your average Joe and most girls i fuck really appreciated my boldness, because germans are generally pretty shy and just hitting on someone is nothing german men really do. So they end up being hit on by muslims, and they really really don't like those guys, except for 14 year olds that want to anger their parents.

I do get a lot of shit for refusing to date any girl seriously that isn't traditional and conservative in her thinking about gender roles, but that come surprisingly as much from men as it comes from women. People call me chauvinist, asshole, bigot etc. People here really don't like when you question gender equality.

for info, i'm 24

The problem of assault and misconduct would be solved if men started acting like humans, but I'm not naive enough to think it will actually happen. Also
>women are assaulted
>that makes men the victims
Your victim complex is hilarious.

The problem with assault and misconduct is that a decent number of women are attracted to being assaulted. This doesn't justify it, but it does explain it.

>In fact, women are still assaulted by men, so I say we should make them afraid more.
what about the women who falsely accuse men of rape and face barely any consequences for it once their web of lies is revealed? i am afraid that it will happen to me, and i barely talk to women.

The problem with assault and misconduct is not solved by doing worse to the perpetrators.

>women are assaulted
>that makes men the victims
Yeah, it does. The second you attack the assailants, even if they've done wrong, or "something to deserve it," they become the victims by that point, and you the perpetrator. What one person does is never an excuse for the shit you do.


Your thread about that stupid NetFlix clickbait article got moved over there. Don’t try to bring that shit back here again.

Sorry, but if you're going to be a bigot, you're going to get called out for it.

If you're going to be a retard, you're going to get called out for it.

>they feel like they can't even approach the opposite sex without risking some kind of trouble (like a loss of reputation, job opportunities, or even an arrest).

LMAO but they're willing to risk getting stung by cops at a prostitute'sor even having people know that they go to a prostitute

yeah nice larp faggot, btw prostitutes are never that attractive

And if you’re going to be a retarded robot who doesn’t understand the words he’s using, you’re going to get called out on it too.

Get back on your containment board, the rest of us are trying to have a somewhat productive conversation that’s not just fueled by blind rhetoric and ignorance.

>what is self-defense
I genuinely can't tell whether you're this retarded or this mentally flexible when it comes to justifying violence against women. Either way, you should be castrated so that your stupidity can't spread.

The MeToo movement has nothing to do with paying an escort or jiggolo for sex. This isn't advice.

Are you genuinely implying that men assault women because they think they might like it? What is it that you're trying to communicate?

>what is self-defense
Unless they're actively attacking, it's not self-defence. It's just straight attacking and abusing another person.

>the rest of us are trying to have a somewhat productive conversation that’s not just fueled by blind rhetoric and ignorance.
And many others are trying to have a discussion without bigots like you trying to justify and argue for abuse of other people.

>What is it that you're trying to communicate?
No, they assault women because it sometimes works and they sometimes get laid. If you disagree with this, tell me why and we can talk about that.

>Are you genuinely implying that men assault women because they think they might like it?
What women like is irrelevant except insofar as it makes them do things. Men assault women because they are horny and morally weak and it sometimes gets them laid.

If you're paranoid for no reason, that's your problem to solve. I recommend going to a therapist. False rape accusations aren't as common as rape, so I couldn't care less about you until the rape problem is solved.

>I genuinely can't tell whether you're this retarded or this mentally flexible when it comes to justifying violence against women.

Personally, at this point I think he’s far too illogical to be a troll, and am more likely to believe that he’s mentally ill and/or is under the influence of drugs.

>the rape problem is solved
so never. unless you make the definition as broad as it is today, so any potential rapist is also with them. and a whole bunch of non-potentials. but as long as woman have no responsibilities...
nice to see women proving that feminism is for everyone

Feminism is not for everyone, retard. It's about advocacy for female rights and has nothing to do with men. I don't get why you'd think it needs to be about you.

Advocate for abuse of people (even criminals and assailants), you get called out for being abusive yourself. :/

Ah, so we seem to be in agreement that many men are evil immoral retards who will rape because it feels good for their pee-pee. Good.

You need radical feminism. Hard.

This. The disgust women show for rejected suitors is such a turnoff and guarantees I won’t pursue such a girl. PoundMeToo will pass, but women need to re-think their own expectations for themselves.

Also, OP is a nasty whore.

but western women are literally the most privileged people on the planet, with the men of "their" countries bent over backwards as a slave caste who work to provide for them.
now you want to demonize the slave caste too?
very childlike, short-sighted, very typical for women in fact.

>Americans become literal whores to pay for college

Well, yeah. Women and men are mostly terrible people mixed up in a horrible world with perverse incentives.

Still. One of those perverse incentives is that a surprising number of your "sisters" want to be held down and choked by an attractive man but don't want to communicate this in any obvious way, and a surprising number of my "brothers" are willing to do that to every woman they meet until they find one who won't call the cops.

I have a wife of nearly 8 years and we have a great life, three kids.

But I had some negative experiences with dating (one who nearly got arrested for filing false reports against girls she was jealous of, another who was a lesbian and just dating me to get her parents off her back, another who got addicted to drugs and started sucking dick for drugs, another with the most obvious daddy issues I've ever seen) and had to dump people. Nowadays, I work with a lot of females in the hospital and also in the military (I'm reserves). I am barely willing to even speak to females anymore beyond what is required for work or daily life (like a cashier or something). Way too much risk. I can easily walk up to most any man in town and pop off a friendly conversation. Women? Fuck no. No no no.

May be a LARP thread, but I find the premise believable.

The thing about the MeToo movement, as mentioned above, is that it results in innocent men paying for the crimes of others. Because the men who truly ought to be held accountable, the ones with real power, are able to leverage that power and nothing a social media campaign does is going to change that. The very name of the movement betrays its dark side, which is a call to arms for every woman. The implication that she must have been the subject of unwanted advances at some point. Or else she can't say "me too". Or else she isn't part of the fashionable in-group. Or else she's not attractive.

And, as has been alleged, this is not a complaint that men can't go around raping women. It's a complaint that unwanted advances will now be seen in a new light. Because there's nothing wrong with a man being attracted to a woman who isn't interested in him. There's nothing wrong with this man attempting to woo her, but the mere act of making unwanted advances is now classified as a sin unto itself. It is a further punishment for powerless and unattractive men, while powerful, good looking men still do as they please. The sensitive and socially conscious men are punished. The ones who lack self-awareness or a conscience will continue in their behavior.

Studies have shown that women are much more likely to initiate a violent, nonreciprocated encounter against a man than the other way around.

I mean, studies at my dog park have shown that Chihuahuas are more likely to bite me than Rottweilers, but guess which one I'm more scared of.

That sounds about right.
>it's surprisingly rare to have a virgin or someone inexperienced come to you (those kids tend to be back out in the end due to anxiety)
guilty as charged
t. guy who's been making an exhaustive list of escorts he'd be interested in for three now years, but never dared to make the call

As for the main question, it is very spot on. I am 24 now, but I felt like that since I was 16. Even before the Me Too stuff, I always felt like it's either risky or outright dangerous, where in the end there is a good chance you walk away empty-handed, or humiliated. Maybe even suffering permanent social stigma.

I just wanna vent a bit, so here is the list of things I feel like you can legit worry about with a woman off the streets, but not with a paid escort unless your behavior is so outrageous you are literally asking for it

>Making a scene in public, as how dared you to approach her (Either on the street or social media)
>Calling the Police on you out of spite (who will 90% take her word over yours)
>Calling for legal action before a jury out of spite(who will 90% take her word over yours)
or if they don't, who wants to go to court and pay a lawyer over that?
>Giving you a disease she kept hidden
>Cheating on you with someone who doesn't have your perceived faults
>Cheating with a charismatic fellow after having a few drinks
>Gossiping about your faults you've told her, but otherwise trying to keep the lid on
>Humiliate you in social media with your dirty laundry
>Not wanting to meet again once you paid for a full dinner.
and of course rape, but I think those are relatively rare compared to the rest of the list

Pretty much this. If more men are afraid to be sexually aggressive it just makes it easier to get laid. If you didn't actually do anything who cares what some hysterical cunt has to say, just maintain your frame.

Most tolerable jobs are also overwhelmingly male. Basically zero effect on my life so far.

I'd rather be around a Great Dane than either of those two demons.

It doesn't apply to someone like me so not bothered.

Notice all the women are accusing rich and/or famous guys they fuck and suck for a part or a position and its only years after the guy won't or can't provide for them that they cry and want a big payday.

Good choice, user. I'm 6'8", Great Danes are my spirit animal.

I suspect most of it is legit but I don't really care much.

Women are vulgar pigs to men constantly, always sharing personal details behind our back.

If there was a 'metoo' for men there wouldn't be a middle aged women allowed in a bar or club in the country but that will never happen so whatever.

>So how long has this been going on and how do other men here feel? S
The people who bitch about it never had a chance of getting laid in the first place. They'll scream about divorce and false rape charges 18 hours a day but never consider how often they take their life into their own hands when they drive a vehicle. Everything in life has risks, get over it.

They are very in control of themselves, and do not constantly try to 'show off' themselves like chihuahuas, who might even start shit with a dane.
Women really are like chihuahuas.

>fall asleep cuddling after consensual sex with gf
>wake up in jail with rape conviction
>wh- what happened...

It's been going on for decades. After Feminists had already fundamentally won their equality, they never stopped attacking men. It's been a slow erosion from convincing women to divorce/leave their men to literally everything a man does being rape.

Sex workers aren't even legal and therefore unregulated in my country so someone like you OP isn't even an option unless I want to risk jail and/or an uncurable std.

So the message is basically this. If you're a woman and you want a man, you're going to have to approach them. It's just too risky for a man to approach a woman anymore. Congratulations, you won, take responsibility.

I'm 25, and I think MeToo is a good thing. Growing up in a nearly all female household, I've learned how pervasive sexual assault is (and overall institutional sexism) and it's absolutely disgusting.

Think of it from a female's perspective. Any time a guy approaches them, there's a good chance that
1) He's a huge fucking creep
2) If you turn him down, he'll flip out on you
3) If you turn him down, he'll attack you
4) Even if you turn him down he won't leave you alone
There's also male bosses, drunk on their own power, try to wield their position to force you to give up your body to him.

Also, as a guy, other guys are more open to me on their opinion on women. I've heard tons of sexist, derogatory remarks about women from a ton of men. I don't blame women one bit for being extra cautious when it comes to men. It's men who should be cautious when they approach women out of respect, and this movement is doing just that.

Jow Forums virgin manchild trying to give advice on women: the post.

None of that happens in the western world, unless the other person is an immigrant or refugee.
You are retarded and/or brainwashed or just a troll.

Is it really that hard to just believe women? Or are you so far up your self-serving misogyny that you believe women are collective liars?

Is it really that hard to just believe men? Or are you so far up your self-serving misandry that you believe men are collective rapists?

It's hard to believe that any women are that pathetic.

I come from a long line of strong women and they'd be disgusted to shit out a daughter weak enough to "just go with it" in a rape. Fucking fight for yourself and for your friends, don't embarrass a legacy of struggle and conflict with milquetoast bleating.

Not that user but I’ve seen it done plenty of times, directly in front of me.

My best friends a gay chick and the reason why hanging out at bars and clubs sucked was some times she’d get a clingy guy that’s just latch on and wouldn’t fuck off no matter what.

A “No, I’m good thanks” would be ignored and they’d just keep trying
A direct an aggressive”fuck off” (usually after like the 3rd time they’d com whack) would have no effect.
“I’m gay” would get a “Oh really? Have you tried being with a guy” and they’d try two times harder.

Literally only way with some guys was if I’d step in to pretend to be her boyfriend.

Hell, we’d hang out at gay bars from time to time to avoid shit like that and *I’d* experience a lot of that same shit from any boys when I tell them I’m straight.

I’ve also seen similar shit when I’d leave my girlfriend alone to grab drinks and guys would start hovering.

I’ve known at least three women who were raped (including my gf) and another one that was a friend of a friend (my best friend’s friend actually. I remember she joined us at the club a couple times) who one night just vanished off the face of the planet, only to be found in a ditch almost two months later, dead from an overdose of the date rape drug.

And it’s not even like I live in a sketchy city. The place where she vanished from likes to boast that it’s been FBI ranked as the number one safest city in America for over a decade running.

If 1 happens its not even an issue, you get to make fun of a poor guy and everyone laughs with you.
If 2 happens everyone else present will be alerted and start looking at you.
If 3 happens he gets beat thoroughly. Without exception.
If 4 happens you call the police and he gets a restraining order and you never get to see his face ever again.

Seriously the system is so rigged in favour of women and yet they still manage to complain.
Instead of taking responsibility and rejecting a guy directly they look for bullshit excuses to passively turn him down. Gues what, men do NOT understand this language, and prefer more direct communication.

How bad is it? Netflix has started a policy where you cannot even look at a coworker for longer than five seconds.

I've had to report to human resources at a job for inappropriate and unsolicited contact with a female worker and had to attend sexual harassment training. Why? Lady went into diabetic shock going up a flight of stairs and I caught her before she fell down the stairs. Fireman carried her up the stairs and laid her in the recovery position while waiting for an ambulance to arrive after checking for breathing and a pulse.

She didn't report me, HR puke did that shit of her own volition.

This is seriously hard to believe. Either you are just speaking out of your ass or you have one of the most unfortunate freind circle in the western world, which I doubt.
Is there no security in the clubs you go to? No policy, anyone allowed? Sounds like pure bullshit sorry.

If you actually look at then men who sexually assault women, it's the ones with power who can blackmail, hold opportunities over womens' heads, or threaten to fire them. These policies dont actually do anything because male workers never had the leverage to get away with sexual assault anyway.

>men should ben over backwards even more waaaaaaah
How about you kys? I dont owe you shit. I dont owe women shit. If men act entitled to sex, women act entitled to everything but sex.

Yeah nah you pretty much nailed it.
t. Paranoid 26 y/o male(m)

1) It's scary as fuck, especially if they are alone
2) It's scary as fuck. especially if they are alone
3) Their life is literally in danger, especially if they are alone
4) A restraining order isn't a physical barrier

Women have had to bend over backwards for men for millennia. Being a little mindful of their situation is literally the smallest thing you could do for them in return.

I've literally never heard a male bring it up in real life conversation a single time.

Yes user, I too am three thousand years old and thus qualified to speak about Greco-Roman gender politics as if it actually affected me.

Well then carry a spray or a gun if you are so paranoid.
None of that happens in the civilized world anyway, again, except if the person is an immigrant or a refugee.
Western women are the most previlleged people in the world. And yet they manage to be so entitled that they believe the world owes them everything.

But if you are a woman then you'd realize this long history of men treating women like objects for their pleasure still has effects on current society, and you'd be a bit worried about interacting with men.

Not every dude needs to have security called on them, it ocasionally there are some dudes who definitely don’t know how to take a no. For the most part it’s easier to get them to fuck off myself than get a security guard. That being said, I have no idea how they deal when I’m not around and I assume they themselves do look for security.

Either way, a security guard ain’t going to watch your drink 24/7, and that goes double if you’re at a busy bar or a house party (remember, club girl “OD” on roofies, and I’ve known at least one other girl who had something slipped in her drink at a house party, only to wake up in an empty with her clothes off. Yes it was reported and verified.)

Dunno what’s hard to believe about it.

I hear thats actually why a lot of girls go out in groups and basically have a designated “sober nanny” to watch what everyone’s doing and make sure no one randomly vanishes alone.

It’s actually pretty funny to watch out for if you go out to bars a lot.

Hell, apparently I *know* a guy who’s raped a drunk and drugged girls at a parties. I actually didn’t believe it first because he’s a pretty nice guy and even pretty attractive... but apparently everyone else kinda of knows it’s true and when I heard.. it instantly reminded me of this one time where me and some other guys were passed out in the same room half asleep, and he came in and dropped next to a passed out girl and started to cuddle, which then started becoming groping, to which she’d push him away and tell him to stop. And hed just pick back up like two minutes later, and she’d repeated tell him to stop and let her just sleep.

At the time, I remember the boys and I were all kind of thought it was funny to hear him repeatedly get shut down like that and thought nothing more. But a few years later when I found out about the rape thing with another girl... that definitely changed the way I saw him and that night...

>Well then carry a spray or a gun if you are so paranoid.
This is the kind of statement that normalizes shitty male behavior. You essentially claim that it's the woman's fault for not properly defending herself and not the man's fault for assaulting her in the first place.
>And yet they manage to be so entitled that they believe the world owes them everything
Asking to be treated like human beings isn't "entitled'.

I reckon I'd realise that men are enormous hormonal bags of frustrated ego before I considered muh millennia.

If someone breaks into my house and I don't shoot him, it's my fault if I die because I wasn't prepared enough. The rules are the same for you.

No, Im claiming this sort of shit usually doesnt happen in western countries because the security is top class. If you are still paranoid then its your responsibility to take extra measures.

I really dont know what happens in clubs and bars because I dont frequent them and never did, since I dont like the sort of people that visit it. Regardless, its hard to beleive the lack of security you are mentioning, unless its either fabricated by you or the women, where the decide its rape in the morning after a night of breeding like rabbits. Sorry but I dont beleive your bullshit.

probably afraid that just mentioning it will somehow make a complaint end up at HR. or simply be ostracized.

It's just fearmongering. I am just going about my business as usual and feel no reason to worry. Your clients just fell for the meme

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since, for some reason i cant even begin to postulate the reason for, it seems to only target old, rich and famous men where the accuser stands with something to gain, i am probably going to be fine.

>I really dont know what happens in clubs and bars because I dont frequent them and never did

Oh. Then you’re like one of those virgins who tells everyone their 5 inch cock isn’t good enough because in porn they saw that in porn, everyone’s got foot longs.

Or like LiterallyHitler who constantly tells people what makes relationships work despite never having actually even so much as gone out on a date with a girl...


Why does everyone here resort to basic insults like virgins or gay like a typical white woman who got rejected lol.
I have a cute gf for 5 years and she loves me a lot.

Kek. Yup. That’s *exactly* the defense your murders lawyer is going to use:

People of the court: my client is innocent, because it was his own damn fault he didn’t have a gun to shoot my client with.

I didn’t say *you* were a virgin or you had no relationship experience, I said you were *like* those no experience guys who always think they know better than everyone else—despite having never having had anything to do with the topic—simply because they read it online or saw something about it on some random TV show one time.

The uninformed trying to say that their suppositions and conjecture *must* be true, despite never having tested them out themselves.

There are a crap ton of them here.