Are LDRs ever worth it? I'm talking cross-country, met online shit.
Are LDRs ever worth it? I'm talking cross-country, met online shit
It's not a LDR if you haven't met.
No. Did one for 3 years. Ended in disaster
Yes, met the love of my life from across the country.
It's how I met my wife.
Hard to say. With any relationship it's a gamble because you don't know how it will play out. Don't underestimate how difficult it is not to be around the person, making it impossible to engage in physical intimacy.
To be clear though, mine was a difference of 12 tI'm zones. If I went any further when visiting her I was heading back home.
I’m in a LDR. Things have been going well, however... I think I will have to end the relationship this fall. I don’t want to, because she’s amazing and I love her. But on 1 big topic we have different wants
What's the topic?
she wants to have a child one day. I don’t. That’s literally the only issue we have.
I once saw a post-ldr couple on the bus, so it's definitely possible.
Dur. Get a vasectomy and don't tell her.
I had to end my ldr because she fucked another guy. It’s a matter of luck.
That would be fucked up.
It's just make believe and fantasy talk until you've spend considerable time in esch others company.
So you're now together physically? All the time?
So you're in a real relationship. Not an LDR.
Simple answer is absolutely not, if it’s like more than 2 hours driving distance. I say this from experience.
Even then, the only way that it remains a viable relationship is if:
>you’ve spent a substantial amount of time together irl, both prior to dating and after making it official
>have plans for one of you relocate nearby/in together within a few months of deciding to date
>can manage time in both your schedules to meet up on a regular basis until then
Even then, there are other issues to take into account such as the fact if you truly know and can trust them until then. Or the fact that people tend to show a different side when living together. If one of you moved for the sole purpose of being together, that factor alone can spell disaster.
No, what's fucked up is that if you do it, I bet you that she will still get preggo and you will be the only man she had sex with so you will have to raise the child, user.
The look on her whore face when you show you are firing blanks will be glorious.
You’re fucked in the head
Meh, saved my ass on more than one occassion.
Soon as the woman finds out you are doing good financially they get pregnant despite swearing they are on pills.
I love this girl, so why would I fuck over her future? I don’t want to break up with her. But if she wants a child and I don’t, I can’t be selfish like that. If that means she goes and marries someone else. Then so be it. It sucks for me, but it would be selfish of me to take a dream from her.
Eventually, of course, you'd have to find a way to get together.
Starting from opposite coasts, that's going to take a tremendous leap of faith from one of you.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh, no idea if they're worth it or not. Seems like a big time waste if it doens't work out in the end.
>t. in a LDR for 6+ years
so if you have relatives you dont know its not a family relationship because you havent met?
They're not usually worth it these days. A lot of them are just outlets for attention for people.
On the other hand, that's really just true of dating in general. So proceed at will.
Can you compromise to at least put it off for a while or are you guys really old? Because if you're young it may just be the modern young person meme of not wanting kids.
He's coming to stay with me for a few days this summer but we talk every day non-stop and use discord to video chat, sometimes for 9+ hours, and we've already talked about moving in with each other, getting married, having kids, adopting pets yadayadayada whole bunch of other lovey dovey stuff :) he is truly a dream come true for me, I feel the happiest knowing him than I ever have before.
Met husband on Jow Forums some 7 years ago. LDR for 3 years and married at 4. Cant have kids because medical issues. Were both really clingy and value monogamy highly so it works. It all depends on you and her personality, OP
an LDR is just a friendship where nudes are swapped. It's not a "relationship"
OP, I did a cross country LDR a few years back. We never met beforehand either so it was a true LDR apparently?
It worked, except we didn't. Like the actual structure worked, we moved in together, but then like a normal relationship could, it fell apart.
They're harder than proximal relationships, but for the right person, I guess it'd be worth trying again. You have to really love the person to even bother trying though.
You're a biological failure for not wanting to pass on your genes.