Mueller Biographer - Robert Mueller and John Kerry Had Sexual Relationship in High School

Apparently it started when they were both on the same Lacrosse Team that Mueller was team captain of. What do you think the significance of this was for their future careers in Washington?

Attached: Mueller and Kerry.jpg (903x852, 515K)

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god the sex must have been like two tortoises falling down a flight of stairs

What did you expect from someone who plays lacrosse?

There was a rumor about them running a rape gang while at this school, the them being fags part just makes it more believable IMO

>no link
quit with your shitty thread if you can’t link you fucking faggot

do you have more on this?

Faggot biographer writes in that mueller is a fag, Faggot historians write in Newtons a fag, DaVinci was a fag, Hitler was a fag, Achilles was a fag... Faggots think that everyone else must also be a fag.

lincoln actually was though

Christopher Hitchens admitted to homosexual relationships with boys, one he fell in love with, while at a boy's school. So I guess it's very possible.

The Illuminati henchmen are all fags. I 100% believe this.