
Let's be real for a second.

I don't have a problem with Jews. Jews are pretty cool. I don't like *left-wing* Jews, just like I don't like left-wing ANYBODY. But I have no reason to hate Jews as a whole group.

Jew-hatred is childish and ridiculous and absurd. There is no rational reason for it. And it actively harms the right-wing, of course. Nobody in civilised society is going to take you seriously if you start saying "KILL DA JOOS LMAO".

I want a lot of things Jow Forums wants - the end of mass immigration, the end of a lot of left-wing lunacy, the end of anti-white politics, etc. But Jew-hatred is just absurd and fucking stupid. Wishing to kill people just because they have Jewish ancestry is morally ridiculous. You're embarrassing the right-wing.

Stop the insane anti-Jew conspiracy theories as well, they just make you look like a complete moron.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah normal white people in America like Jews. Antisemitism is self-marginalizing. Maybe it works in Moldova.

Rationality won't help you stop an irrational opinion. Only force will.

I dated a Jewess in my mid 20's. Her dad was really cool. I look Nordic. 6'5" built, blonde / blue eyes etc. He was super cool to me and didn't mind I was banging his super hot 19yr old daughter. We would talk at length about politics, both here and foreign, religion etc. Blue collar guy to, not the typical merchant and or Hasidic etc.

Kike detected. Go eat a bad bagel and die of gas

U are an incel coward scared to say that in public.

jews are playing you from both sides.

Your 'based' right wing jews like netenyahu is using us as bullet stoppers fighting their wars in the mid east, while the leftist jews are killing us with shitskins.

Pol is finished. this board is fucking ruined by the jew shills now.

Teenager detected.

I agree. Especially when you consider that Jews are probably the most westernised religious group there is. Like I said, I don't like left-wing Jews, just like I don't like left-wing anybody. But I'm a fan of right-wing Jews like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager, even if I don't necessarily agree with everything they say (not because they're Jewish, though).

Well thankfully, edgy teenager-tier anti-semitism is not widespread in normal society. It only occurs among weirdo shut-ins that you find here on Jow Forums.

I assume this is a self-deprecating joke.

>Your 'based' right wing jews like netenyahu is using us as bullet stoppers fighting their wars in the mid east, while the leftist jews are killing us with shitskins.
Is America even fighting any wars in the area of Israel at the moment?

Anyway, you're just peddling this conspiracy theory nonsense again - "jews are playing you from both sides". So you're saying that Jews are not individual rational agents who think for themselves? You're saying that they all meet periodically and collude together about how they can destroy the white man?

This is just absurd conspiracy theory garbage.

>internet is serious buisness
Why is it when i call somebody a fag on /b/ its a joke but when i do it here its suddenly a political statement

fuck you jew bastard

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Your generation of antisemites made the classic goy mistake of believing there are only the few million Jews who openly live as such, 14.41 million being the most recent number, but in reality there are hundreds of millions who consider themselves of Hebrew and Jewish heritage. You polarized all of them against you. You already know you're outnumbered, what you don't know is just how outnumbered you are.

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how many shekels did they give you for that post ?

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some nervous energy OP.

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It's not just German humour, it's leftwing German humour folks! I'll be staring blankly for days.


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Agreed. There are many good people who happen to be Jewish, Muslim or Christian. Hateful supremacists are the problem.

I will never be conviced that the jews arent causing a massive divide in black communities.

They would never try to divide and conquer.

Sometimes I wonder, why even be Jewish? At least Ashkenazi's are often not religious. We're basically just Europeans, sometimes no middle eastern admixture can be traced at all. Jewish identity was fading with world war 1. If by world war 2 we were all just Germans, the Holocaust would have never happened.

In end it's just a primitive tribalist game we're playing and neo nazi's as well as other radical identity groups love it. Why play that game at all?

Problem is, even if you don't identify yourself as jewish, neo-nazis would still consider you a jew
I remember when the whole charlottesville rally happened, and figures within the alt-right blamed Jesson Kessler and James Field for being supposedly jewish, and threw them under the bus

Because Jow Forums is a board of peace and inclusivity. We find offensive speech unacceptable.

Jewish humor folks

This is true.

What I find funny though is that far left Jews are really doubling down on their identity and starting to imitate the negative caricatures. This ethnocentric outlook is exactly what their neo Marxist doctrine supposedly opposes. It's because many of them are just larping elitists intellectual wannabes full of resentment. This gives Jews such a bad name and it's exactly what neo nazis as well as muslim extremists need.

So everything on Jow Forums is just flippant and therefore no real substantive discussion can be had?

If that's the case then what the fuck is the point of the website? Just to meme? "Haha funni joke i said kill da joos again haha how funni xD"

Do you genuinely believe this conspiracy theory crap or are you just posting this because "XD it's a funni maymay"?


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Judaism is a racial supremacist religion. They took over your country, the Rothschilds did, via the Milner Group or Round Table Group. They destroyed your empire and engineered the world wars to create Israel.

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>Jew-hatred is childish and ridiculous and absurd. There is no rational reason for it.
Care to elaborate or are you just going to make claims with no evidence to back it up?

>OP is jew
>OP thinks OP is good person
>therefor jews = based and redpilled

OK I get it now, OP actually has no argument, time to nope out of this low energy faggots thread.

So we should just ignore the fact that jews are the main proponents of white genocide, is that what you be sayin'?

Discussing anime?

I love nausica in the valley of winds manga

Benjamin Disraeli, the Prime Minister most associated with preservation and prosperity of the British Empire, was Jewish.

The Rothschilds are no different from modern bankers in New York or Luxembourg. If there's 100 backstabbers, and one is Jewish, you don't say "There's a Jewish backstabber and therefore Jews are backstabbers", you say "Backstabbers are bad, including this Jewish one but also the non-Jewish ones."

Judaism is also not a racial supremacist religion. Their plan for salvation includes non-Jews as well. Jews effectively self-flagellate over their religion by seeing it as a burden placed upon them, but it's not a conversion religion.

You pulled everything out of your ass, good job.

>Judaism is also not a racial supremacist religion.
You're saying Jews don't believe they're Chosen by YHVH? You're saying they don't care, or perhaps obsess would be a better word, about their "bloodlines"? They don't see "Goyim" as inferior? They don't follow the Talmud?

Of course they're chosen, but the mythos behind them is more akin to being tasked by God as if the religion itself was a sort of burden.

It goes this way.

Jews have to follow the Torah and Talmund and live among their communities to reach paradise.

Non-Jews have to follow the Ten laws of Noah to get into paradise.

It's not a hierarchy. And any preference for one's own community is natural, not only seeing as it's common sense, and it's radically emphasized by ethnostatists, but also because of the need for self-preservation seeing as there's only 14 million Jews in the world, and everyone seems to hate the only nation in which they comprise the majority.

>everyone seems to hate the only nation in which they comprise the majority.
A mystery why that is indeed.

gtfo with your christfaggotry

Attached: christfag bait.png (2500x1645, 148K)

Op, you idiot...but listen, if only for a moment.

Hating Jews, hating anybody, truly, is wrong. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The nastiest Jew might makes me look like a saint, yes. Even the average Jew. But in truth, I am imperfect. I have lust. Sloth. Envy. I hate, even my own family members. I am trash. And only Christ redeems and renews me. My pride is crushed...

...but Jews, have always, as a group, sought to infiltrate and takeover nations who in great stupidity allowed them inside. It is a never-ending process and steps must be taken to make that process end.

I'm sorry - but I don't want to be in a nation completely dominated by Jews. Jews should be stripped of their powers and their resources and forcefully managed by the government.

Is this admitting to Jewish superiority? In a way, yes. In the way that, yes, the Jews, actively, and historically, practice absolute and extreme nepotism with *ZERO* exceptions, and use a high degree of teamwork to ensure a nepotist's end for any industry they gain an interest in. They have gained interest in every industry that would let them control the lives of other people.

Subtract the soul-rotting hate of the worst sort of racism, if you want. But these people need to be forced onto a level playing field where their tactics for racial takeover don't work.

I agree fully with that. Pol hating Jews is like blacks hating whites.

I do have an argument, I outlined it in the OP.

If you believe "DA JOOS RULE THE WORLD" conspiracy theory crap then you're a fucking idiot.

The Rothschilds are a wealthy Jewish family, yes. And the Walton family, who own Walmart, are also really wealthy. So does that mean Americans really run the world? This is why the "DA JOOS RUN THE WORLD" stuff is total bollocks.

Ben Shapiro is Jewish, does he run the world?

No mate. That's what /a/ is for. Jow Forums is not for that. Go back to /a/. Picture related.

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They are pretty interesting. Too bad they want you dead and your women and children raped.

>The Rothschilds are no different from modern bankers in New York or Luxembourg. If there's 100 backstabbers, and one is Jewish, you don't say "There's a Jewish backstabber and therefore Jews are backstabbers", you say "Backstabbers are bad, including this Jewish one but also the non-Jewish ones."
Indeed, but Jow Forums seemingly can't understand this simple principle.

Attached: jewsmulticulturalism.png (1684x1215, 1.77M)

There is no evidence for why you should hate Jews, you fucking idiot.

Bam, right there, but philosemites can't understand this simple principle.

If Jews stop destroying my country and become nationalistic as fuck, and stop the whole "ETERNAL OTHER" bullshit and just ADOPT our goddamn values already, I will marry a Jewess and raise her goddamn Jewish kids.

I am tired of all the destruction, the betrayal, the lies, the backstabbing..please, understand. It's not that you're JEWISH. It's what you do BECAUSE of being Jewish.

And what you do is's always so, so goddamn sociopathic and awful. Please, please stop.

But I mean, after thousands of years...what am I asking? It will never stop...will it?

>what is Afghanistan
>what is Iraq
>what is Syria
>what is foreign aid to Israel and Saudi Arabia
>what is the ongoing drone bombing campaigns
>what are dozens of military bases surrounding Israel and Iran to serve as tripwires and FOBs

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never understood Jow Forums's jew hate.
Islam and muslims are an existential threat to west imo

jew hatred is juvenile bs. when did this place become stormfront ?

Attached: Usman+Khawaja+Rachel+McLellan+Australia+v+MdWE8Ij7dVhl.jpg (600x425, 88K)

>I do have an argument, I outlined it in the OP.
You have provided no arguments, only bitching and moaning about how 'bad' it makes right wingers look if they don't want to send 40 billion dollars to israel and continue to allow them to subvert our country. I don't want them dead. I want them to convert and be saved. They are the synagogue of satan. I love Jews as I love my enemies.

>when did this place become stormfront ?
when it was /new/

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Show your flag, kike.

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...or you know... some ethnic/religious groups have varying political beliefs.
Some Chinese people are Communists, some are capitalists. Some WASPs are more liberal and some are right-wing.

Some Jews even voted for Hitler. They thought he was going to purge the immigrant Eastern European Jews. Not the good German Jews like themselves.

Jow Forums is seriously retarded, but it can only be blamed on ignorance. I have been to Israel in vacation. Most of the people there don't give a flying fuck about pushing white genocide. They are normies.
The real problem is as always leftists, no matter the race or religion

>left-wing Jews
You mean JEWS who dont support you SHOOTING unarmed people.

>Jew-hatred is childish and ridiculous and absurd.
Actually its BASED on facts & logic.
0.02% serving (((themselves))) while kiking the rest of us will naturally be HATED.
>Nobody in civilised society is going to take you seriously
Jews have been expelled 300+ times
Next Expulsion SOON.
>end of anti-white politics
jew WANT this, even right wing ones, your fooling no one.

Attached: jewish supremacists.png (1389x636, 1.17M)

>Jew-hatred is childish and ridiculous and absurd.
>There is no rational reason for it
> Wishing to kill people just because they have Jewish ancestry is morally ridiculous.

Some of us are not 'right wing'. And we hate kikes because they deem themselves the chosen people of their imaginary friend, YiamHeWhatHeis. Fuck you kikes and your shitty memes. There is nothing tinfoil about accusing you of your inherent belief in your superiority because of your retarded belief in it is what is, what an asshole 'god' anyway. Imagine your god allowing goyim like us to continuously blow you inbred nasally-enhanced hubris monkeys out over and over and over again throughout your entire history. Well, we're about to btfo you fucking giant rats once again, and it's going to be the last time this time. You are not the only people that have an historical perspective. t. goy prophet

Fpbp, based and redpilled.

Kek... imagine being so naive
We have books by european historians and thinkers predicting how our Jew future will look, written over a hundred years ago. They were right. Another neat prediction? They will run the ruling and opposition parties. Oh, and my favourite book predicted that Jews will use liberalism to tear apart our societies with “rights” and corrupt judges and use a never ending pursuit of more rights to keep the plebs in perpetual confusion. Your first mistake, trusting a Jew.

And this is different from other ethnic/religious groups how?

>scared to say that in public.
I wonder (((WHY))) that is...?

(((WHO))) Controls the Jewdicial system
(((WHO))) Push for BS "Hate Speech" Laws
(((WHO))) will use their media to destroy you
(((WHO))) has brainwashed the public with Hollywood 6 Gorrillian horse shit
(((WHO))) cries out in pain as the strikes you

>Kikes creates an environment where its impossible to criticize (((THEM))) without serious consequences
>Then truants you for not calling them out publicly
Your end is coming kike.
"Anti-semitism" means less and less every day

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Kek, imagine coming to an incel board and pretending to be an Ubermensch banging jews. Kek

They're showing fear :).

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Antisemitic conspiracy theories, what else

And why were they able to fool so many people in the first place?

Imagine using 7 proxies to pretend to be a kraut because all actual krauts are busy cowering in fear when they are not working their asses off to support hordes of niggers in their own nation so that said niggers can fuck their women and delet the German people because that Rothschild kike Hitler took over the German Workers Party and threw them under the bus by invading his ally, Russia. Even fucking Stalin didn't believe he would do that weeks after Operation Barbarossa began. We will not weep for you.


>Antisemitic conspiracy theories

Factual JEWISH conspiracies
Yinon Plan

Attached: yinonplan.png (720x872, 310K)

Oil. Israel is the emotional appeal to Christians.

There are based kikes and based niggers out there, I'm mostly bothered by the ones destroying civilization.

>Jew-hatred is childish
It's childish to hate someone with a genetic urge to control other nations?

Yes. So don't be religious. Then all of this voodoo nonsense loses its power.

China or Russia just says "we want the fucking oil". They don't have to do some puppet show with the Bible to get idiots to support military campaigns.

Oh, I was being sarcastic, I'm not defending the eternal Jude and his kikery

What everyone on Jow Forums secretly wishes they had

You mean like the Germans?
Started two world wars, lost two world wars.

>i don't hate jews but i hate jews
Pathetic. You're pathetic.

>If Jews stop destroying my country
Leftists are destroying your country you fucking idiot.

>become nationalistic as fuck
Some Jews are very conservative and nationalistic. Stephen Miller works in Trump's administration and he is widely regarded as one of the most anti-immigration voices within Trump's team. And of course you've got other conservative Jews like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager.

You're a complete moron who doesn't seem to have the mental capacity to realise that there are lots of different people of Jewish descent who can have wildly different opinions to each other on every single topic.

Ben Shapiro wants me dead? Really? That's not the impression I get from him bro.

>here's one jewish guy's opinion, therefore all jews must be exactly the same
Obviously they are not, because you have conservative Jews like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager.

Is America still involved in those wars? I thought you ended most of them.

>let's take quotes from a highly controversial, extreme orthodox jew who was denounced by the ADL for speaking "hate speech", and pretend that his extreme views represent every single jew in every single part of the world
Do you have a learning disability? I don't see how else you would fail to understand that one crazy nutjob clearly doesn't represent everybody who has Jewish ancestry.

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Fuck off schlomo

>why were they able to fool so many people
Zionists did hijack the scofield bible, turning American evangelicals into their puppets.
This is highly worth watching

But MAINLY because (((Banksters)))
Control the government
Buy up the Media
CFR is basically the DeepState, and founded by a bunch of kike banksters.

Attached: rothschild laws.jpg (850x400, 47K)

im too autistic to detect sarcasm online :P

How do you exactly prove that a trait is genetic? the best we have is heritability studies through MZ twin studies. Which don't actually prove anything about how genetic a trait is

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>being a newfag
Lurk more.

I can't say that I hate all religion, I just refuse to allow dogma and memes to take my mind over. I especially hate abrahamic religions. I hate them so much I want to kill every single one of them. I want to crucify christians, I want to glue muslim tongues to the floor and rape them with robots, I want to reduced the jewish people to ash and store these ashes in their third temple and carve a warning on their new mausoleum. HERE LIES WHAT REMAINS OF THE ENEMY OF MANKIND. MAY THERE NEVER BE ANOTHER TRIBE WITH SUCH HUBRIS. A WARNING

are you seriously using smileys on Jow Forums

Thanks mutt. You know all about niggers since your nation invented the concept of sucking nigger cock for sustenance

>people who are 6’5 feel the need to validate themselves.
I know you are lying because I don’t feel the need to compete with you.

How does israel relate to afghanistan? It's not even located in the middle-east

Blame Zionists for people wanting to attack all Jews. One issue with being part of a large group is that if a majority does something with consequences everyone suffers. By the way the root of Zionism is in mysticism and is no way a guarantee of a world government. That's just bs to not make you paranoid while posting race mixing bs on internet forums

I do have arguments mate, I already made them.

>if they don't want to send 40 billion dollars to israel
That's a legitimate position to have. It's perfectly fine to criticise American policy in regards to Israel. Or even Israel's policies as well. But that's obviously completely different to hating every single Jew on the basis of their ethnicity, like many people on Jow Forums do.

>continue to allow them to subvert our country
That's what leftists do. Most of whom are white gentiles, by the way. What do you think of Stephen Miller, who is Jewish and works in Trump's administration? He's highly anti-immigrant and he designed Trump's travel ban, as well as being responsible for policies reducing the number of refugees allowed into the US and also separating migrant children from their parents. Is he trying to "subvert [your] country"? I bet you'll say he is, solely because he is Jewish, without any regard to his actual actions at all. And this is why Jow Forums's Jew-hatred is irrational. You're not looking at the actions of individual people. Instead you have an irrational prejudice and you hate all Jews because of it, no matter what actions they perform and no matter what beliefs they hold.

>I don't want them dead.
Well that's an improvement from many people on Jow Forums.

>I want them to convert and be saved.
What's wrong with them believing in their own religion? At least Jews don't want to proselytise their religion to the entire world like a lot of Muslims do (not all Muslims, but many Muslims). I see no problems caused by Jews adhering to their religion. They should be free to do so.

>if i don't like you i'll call you a kike!
Lmao, that's not an argument kiddo.

There is no Christian Bible without the Torah.
There is no Islam without either.
Ask a buddhist what they think of all this shit.
The biggest bank in the world is Chinese.

But that's totally polar opposite to your language and culture, it's on a different plane of existence. You can't even perceive it.

But since Jews are part of western culture, the earliest point, really. You blame them.

Same way the Japanese or Chinese Communists want to blame Confucianism for making them backwards. If you can logically deduce the things that make your life better, you only have yourself to blame for any problems or cognitive dissonance you may have.

Your screwing up your terms. Righit wind and conservative are differnt meanings, which occassional overlao. Right wing are the faggots your talking about with hating jews. Usually poor and worthless. Conservatives are much more level headed, while their politicians are self-serving criminals. If you cannot understand these simplr concepts you are exactly where you belong.