I heard some news from someone who works at a large travel agency in North America that an inordiante amout of travel tickets to Israel. Like at least 3 times larget than normal for this time of year. And thats not what struck them as odd, what was odd is that a few of them were 1 way tickets.
I was wondering if anyone has heard the same thing and can confirm this?
I love this plan, get all the Jews to move to the same godforsaken shithole in the desert, surrounded by subhuman sandniggers. Antagonise the entire region, then withdraw funding and watch the whole rotten thing burn.
i dont see why jews would leave. they are winning the propaganda war.
This was the last board that whites and europeans had and now is a jew shill fest.
We whites and europeans have lost. soon our countries will be like brazil and there is nothing we can do about it because they jews have us all divided and conquered by diving us between the christians and pagan larpers.
Dominic Bell
So 5g is ready to go or nearly there. You vipers will know justice someday. Somehow someway... verily.
NuttyYahoo just approved a bunch of additional illegal settlements.
The Jews are flying out to collect their gibs.
Cameron Long
>8 millions in israel Yeah sorry for the confusion but when people say "jew" they mean ashkenazi, the ones that achieved anything. How many north african or yemen jews won nobel prises?
Jaxon Jones
Nah man its much worse then that. Everything going on. Ever reee thaaaang… all of it every story "event" etc ALL of it, is to distract from 5g.
99.999999% sure thats what everything is leading to, this guy saying theres no jews in NA is full of shit. Straight up. They are leaving before its 2 late.
Joshua Rogers
Ow come on america in not all desert. There are some nice lakes and forests in the north. But yeah i agree with the rest
Kayden Lopez
If your plan of teaching us a leson includes voting for more neocons then i have bad news
Jeremiah Brown
vast majority of those are not jews
James Ward
Jews giving Jews prizes. How very.
Alexander Flores
they're not not jews
Liam Foster
I am on Jow Forums since gamergate and all this time you spergs scritch how israel will get destroyed any moment now. Well its still standing while your oun countries are getting enriched out of existance
Dont worry its okey to be jelous. Should work study harder instead of jerking off all day and smoking weed next time
Luis Turner
Don't respond to this shit goys. It's the new derail tactics they employing, baiting easily disprovable facts in order to derail conversations. Just focus on the OP and the topic and ignore Israel flags, don't respond to them.
Angel Green
The aid money won't last forever - economic collapse is coming sooner than later, goodbye aid money - you know, the shit your country wouldn't function without. Oil is a dying resource, when it runs its course the house of Saud is fucked. Regional collapse is inevitable. In the ensuing chaos Israel is going to be reduced to ashes and dust. This isn't opinion, this is your unavoidable future. I'd suggest you get out while you can, but I'd rather you stayed there.
David Wright
>"hello our fellow jew, we go to the synagogue just like you" >"a kipa? Whats that?"
Tyler Adams
feel free to publicly denounce western judaism anytime then besides I thought you still had to recite some hebrew scripture and donate a foreskin what more do you fucking want
Dominic Wood
interesting. have any links i can check out?
Charles Nelson
Evan Evans
Hey guess what island nigger ever heared of money washing? On paper in washington you whrit that its three billion you send to israel while the senators put most of it in thier pockets. If you ever come here instead of believing everything you read on chromosomly incorrect you would see this country is supeisengly poor outside of tel aviv.
Luke Walker
Isn't Tel Aviv the gayest cist on earth?
Evan Jenkins
Jackson Hernandez
>most westernised city in israel >copies amerimutts and eurocucks in everything >sbecomes gay What is it withthe western white countries that you cant copy anything from you without getting infected with homosex?
Evan Stewart
Money washing? Do you mean laundering? Look, your "country" doesn't produce anything. Your military is entirely dependent on foreign aid. You can't bomb what's left of Palestine without getting billions funnelled into your coffers. Do you think you're being propped up because you run the world? You don't run shit, you're a distraction, scapegoats. The people funding you don't give a shit about you. Wake the fuck up man.
Ethan Wilson
Based. It's true, the few that rule, don't give a flying fuck about anyone but their immediate crew of satan worshipping degenerates.
At the same time, since the red heifer is born anyway and third temple about to be rebuilt, Jews are at the final stage of their plan, which could be the reasons Jews worldwide must make Aliyah.
Tyler Foster
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (((they))) are going to start a HAPPENING and the (((elites))) are running away before they get pulled in. Brace yourself goys, WW3 is beginning and take note in any increase in propaganda
Good parasites leave when the host is dying and at that point an entirely different bunch of insects move in.
Elijah Johnson
>Good parasites leave when the host is dying
Parasites also leave when the hosts antibodies fight back.
Julian Anderson
Dylan Sanchez
I know at least a few Jews who are currently "stepping down" from their jobs soon. Possibly leaving? Who knows. Protocols of Zion mentions that they would "warn fellow Jews of a planned economic crisis" so could be a possibility.
Adrian Butler
>'american judaism' is 95% LARP Just like their (judeo-)"christianity" is utterly wicked cancer. Not to mention nigger gospel.
Grayson Reyes
In 50 years they are going to be like, "Oy Vey! Remember Tha Great Trump Explusion, Goy! (Just not that it was voluntary)"
Cooper Parker
Eta on when they step down? and line of work?
OP may be on to something.
Jackson Cruz
>Eta on when they step down? and line of work? > >OP may be on to something. Good questions. Everyone stay on topic like this guy so we can get to the bottom of this. If there is a "terrorist attack" coming, or "economic collapse" something tells me the Jews would get a call ahead of time.
t. New Yorker
Jason Adams
Adrian Martinez
They evacuated the World Trade Center, too. Be aware of Jews leaving in mass.
Russian nukes may be in preparation.
Leo Perez
Not as long as the United States continues to give them billions and billions of dollars a year along with cutting edge military equipment.
Justin Russell
A lot of famous non-Jewish celebrities are buying real estate in Israel, too.
Rats jumping ship is a sign that something big is coming.
Carter Bailey
Should have had Obama let them do it just like he did in the USA
Thomas James
A’s many Jews in Australia as Germany. Something fishy is at hand. I heard mostly they live in Tasmania.
Cooper Jackson
maybe something's cooking? remember pick related oh-oh
Chemtrails/ aerosol injections/ cloud seeding that is what’s happening. Anyone on the ‘in’ will take a short trip once the chemicals start falling. Massive weather events soon to come
Joshua Gray
you got it wrong shitskin. We're not surrounded by you, you are all fucked by having us around you. which we keep proving time after time again. all our enemies around us are either ZOG by now or in an eternal proxy civil war until all resources have dwindled. look at Iran, which is ironically at the best situation out of everybody else who was fucking with us. dead economy, just like that. now they gotta live of gibs from Russia, just like Syria, and become a russian vassal.
James Butler
Good riddance.
Thomas Fisher
>They are winning the propaganda war Wrong. You have commies and leftists who are pro-Palestine like Corbyn, Bernie, Ocasia-Cortez, Soros rising in political following. Obama tried making deals with Iran, vetoed Israels motions in UNSEC. There's that muslim woman who got elected calling for BDS. Even China gave the Palestinians a big donation. Climate change is sacred, and anyone that thinks it's fake or exaggerated is villified (such as Peterson, Trump, Shapiro, Bolsanaro, all pro Israel). Completely unrelated to the petrodollar btw hAhAa.
Some left leaning Jews are stepping back (was it anne hathaway or natalie portman distanced themselves in convo with Netanyahu). You have Ben Shapiro getting called out for the "apartheid state of Israel". The Saudis PR is fucking atrocious, why the fuck wouldn't they just shoot Kashoggi? Dissolving him in acid and then coercing his son into a big friendly handshake is almost too cheesy-villian.
Right wingers dont want more Iraqs and Afghanistans. It'll take a lot bigger than 9/11 to whip up the same patriotic fervour. Maybe some white helmet "refugee" militias forming or Stuxnet 2.0s kicking off some meltdowns.
Some Intellectual Dark Web and "muh Judaeo-Christianity" can't counter all of that.
Nathaniel Hernandez
No way. We outnumber them by almost 1000 to 1. Anyone would be a fool to just sit back and let it happen. Besides, if they dumped that much chemical toxin into the atmosphere, enough of it would surely find its way to the “promised land” (jetstreams, ocean currents, subterranean H2O). There’s no conceivable way they can fuck us all without fucking tnemselves.
Elijah Peterson
Looks like the USA is about to get enriched/nuked by the kikes. Its about time! And for every reaction there will be an equal and opposite reaction. Nigger love was sure worth it!
Ethan Walker
Disingenuous fuck this practicing Jews. Only 30% of American Jews are religious at all
Wyatt Hernandez
they have inside knowledge that SWHTF
Jose Green
Holy crap. This is a bald faced lie. you pulled these stats out of your ass and made a fake chart??
Even for a jew, this is a bit too much Chutzpah
Julian Cook
I think it's a green Heiffer no? And Anyone can build a third forth or fifth temple any time they want. I may build one in the back yard for my own amusement.
Seriously, jews are the most retarded, inbred freaks ever. What a genetic tragedy.
Chase Perry
They work at Arby's... Making those delicious roast beef sandwiches. America's loss will be Israel's gain.
Jose Nelson
Indeed, jews have been tricking dumb goiym that all jews will go to Israel and stop leeching of their foreign hosts. Not only the dispora is still everywhere, they have taken full control of every major western country and actively leech of off them to feed the israeli monster. Dumb goyim never learns. There is only one solution to that problem
Ethan Jackson
beef and cheese together is not kosher
Ethan Sullivan
these people want to enslave you.
Jace Johnson
If it was true we would have hear about the newcomers that coming here
that's why we keep an eye on that and i'm pretty sure if we see that an enemy country will get nuke we will attack first. even if it's mean to attack Iran.
Luis Thompson
>i'm pretty sure if we see that an enemy country will get nuke we will attack first. We all know that Israel always attacks first but next time you attack anyone, Israel will be wiped out for good.
>They just built the altar of sacrifice. They need it. God's wrath is growing greater day by day because of the missing millions of the sacrifice God demanded of 6 million before Jews could have Israel back.
Israel probably has a lot of nukes. Some analysts estimate that they probably have around 200 warheads. One analyst at the US Naval War College thinks that if they produced steadily since the late 70s then they could have 800 nuclear bombs! Only a few would be on missiles, the rest would be carried as bombs on jets and as battlefield tactical artillery warheads.
Naturally, a nuclear "first-strike" against a non-nuclear nation would be political suicide. However, nukes against an atomic "aggressor" would be more palatable. Hence the Obama-era "Iran Deal", which did not specify any restrictions against Iran getting a nuke. It just gave the Iranians a pallet full of cash. The Iranians have deep underground (under hard rock mountains) factories getting ready to produce fissionable material.
Why is an Iranian atomic bomb desired by Israel? When Iraq and Iran went to war, the formidable Saddam Hussein Iraqi military could not overwhelm the Iranians. The Iranians sent out enormous numbers of soldiers in suicidal waves against Saddam's modern tanks and weapons. The only way to stop a million troops on a battlefield is tactical nukes. Tactical nukes are ready in Germany as a measure against Soviet military incursions.
So it is official NATO doctrine.
So a possible scenario is: Iran detonates an atomic test blast, tension hysterically ratchets up in the Mid-East, the media will play up fears of a atomic strike by Iran, a "Israel-bound missile" (a dummy fired from a Israeli sub in the Strait of Hormuz?) is detected by the Saudis/Turks/US, the 'atomic' missile is intercepted/malfunctions, Israeli jets scramble to nuke Iranian nuclear facilities, missile sites and military barracks, Iran is no longer a military threat (and no longer a Shia threat to Saudi Arabia). Israel expands its "security zones" into surrounding nations by flexing its atomic muscles.